The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2588: The Masters of Wizard Civilization

At Rogge's invitation, Thain was able to go to the battlefield in the next star field to explore the situation there.

Also going with Thane was Gongsun Wudi, who was wearing golden armor.

Although Rogge didn't know Gongsun Wudi, he didn't say much after hearing that she was the biological sister of Emperor Tianming.

In terms of Gongsun Wudi's status in the Wizards Alliance, it is obvious that it far exceeds that of ordinary alliance members.

Even some alliance masters may not be as noble as Gongsun Wudi in terms of status!

And Thain himself, of course, now wants to find his family.

For Lina and others, it was just a matter of hundreds of years.

A magic experiment sometimes takes more than hundreds of years.

But Thain has not seen them for tens of thousands of years.

However, considering the special nature of the God Crystal detonation, Thain could only suppress his thoughts for the time being, and went with Rogge and others to the battlefield in the next star field to see the situation.

Anyway, he has returned to the material star realm, no less than ten years ago.

Thain comforted himself in his heart.

After arriving at the outskirts of the next star field, Thain had the idea that his trip was worthwhile.

At this time, the star field in front of Thane was a scene of energy tide covering his field of vision.

Just the energy parameters and various elemental rules and phenomena presented in the outer reaches of the star field are enough to excite a level 4 or above magician like Thain.

Thain, Rogge and others are not the only powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization who have arrived here.

Except for the large number of wizard civilization legions, who have set up a blockade on the periphery of this star field, it is strictly forbidden for medium and low-level creatures to get close to it.

Thane was still sensing the aura of more than one master in this chaotic star field.

Thanks to Rogge's guidance and an extremely thick bone shield appearing around him and others.

Thain and Gongsun Wudi can go beyond the limits that other fifth- and sixth-level powerhouses in the wizarding world can reach, and reach deeper into this star field.

After flying for a while, and the surrounding energy elements became more violent and turbulent, Thane and others finally saw the masters of the wizarding civilization gathered here.

At this time, the location of these masters should still be in the outer areas of this star field.

But here, the detonating tide from the God Crystal can no longer threaten these masters with extremely exaggerated life thickness.

There are quite a few masters appearing here.

One, two,!

With so many wizard civilization masters gathered here, they are probably very interested in the ninth-level power raging in the center of this star field.

Almost all fourth- to sixth-level magicians can only observe the regular anomalies happening in this star field closer to the periphery.

And these masters in front of us,

But it is possible to observe this extremely rare scene from a deeper place.

Rogge, Thane and others arrived relatively late.

And Thain didn't expect that he would see an acquaintance here!

At the same time, the masters of the wizarding civilization who gathered here were also extremely surprised and delighted by Thain and Gongsun Wudi who were approaching here.

When passing through the layers of energy element tides, the masters of wizard civilization appeared in front of him. The one that first caught Thain's attention was the Zerg Blade Queen.

A jet-black armor that had been taken off was floating next to the Queen of Blades.

It was obviously still far away from that set of armor, and there was no one wearing it at this time.

But Thane could still sense the astonishing pressure emanating from that terrifying armor.

In addition to the Queen of Blades, Thane also saw the Swift Insect King, the master of the Zerg, whom he had seen during the War of the Gods.

The other flying dragon king, who is somewhat unfamiliar to Thane, should be the new master born of the Zerg tribe in recent years. It is a ferocious insect beast with a dragon head on its upper body and a spider belly on its lower body.

Speaking of which, except for the Blade Warriors and the Queen of Blades, none of the other Zerg combat units seemed to be friendly.

They are all full of ferocious and vicious atmosphere.

In addition to these three Zerg masters, the masters of wizard civilization who appeared here at this time include a cow, a snake, an old magician in black robes, and another old magician in white robes.

Thain should have never seen these masters of wizard civilization.

This shows that the wizard civilization has extremely profound foundation, and there are still so many powerful masters with fighting power.

Each of them far exceeded the threat that Cell's test body posed to Thane in the Despair World.

Even the sloppy old man who tried to snatch the Immortal Sword had the presence of at least three people who could compare with him.

These masters, who were extremely unfamiliar to Thain, also gave Thain a sense of familiarity.

For example, the Bull of Destruction, whose body was burning with dark flames, or the old magician in black robe with a gloomy aura and whose face could not be seen clearly.

Another example is another old magician in white robe who gives people a gentle feeling and also has the most abundant elemental power present.

The law light ball that always appeared around the opponent always reminded Thain of the arcane light of the wizarding world.

This may also be the reason why Thain feels familiar.

Facing the appearance of Thane and others, the one with the greatest emotional reaction was the heroic Queen of Blades.

The other party seems to have suffered a lot of trauma now, but now

When they saw Thain and Gongsun Wudi, they still managed to fly over.

And hugged Thain... Gongsun Wudi beside him!

"It's great that you are okay, sister." The Queen of Blades said, touching Gongsun Wudi's head.

At this time, the Queen of Blades, whose body was still covered with a layer of red insect armor, and Gongsun Wudi, who was wearing a suit of golden armor, were really a pair of sisters who were eye-catching when they came together.

Moreover, Gongsun Wudi did not resist the Queen of Blades' intimate behavior at all, but was a little embarrassed.

Thain looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but said in shock, "Uh, sister?"

When Thane looked at the fat man Rogge next to him, he also spread his hands to express his ignorance.

The Queen of Blades also turned her attention to Thane in front of her.

The Queen of Blades naturally remembers what Thane looks like.

Her Majesty, the Queen, stepped forward very discreetly, pinched Thain's cheek, and said, "Isn't this Thain? We haven't seen him for more than a thousand years. How come he has aged so much?"

"It seems like tens of thousands of years have passed." The Queen of Blades said curiously as she pinched it.

She is worthy of Her Majesty the Queen to be able to deduce Thain's true age through changes in his skin color and aura!

More importantly, Thain was actually wearing a phaseless mask at this time to cover his aura.

In front of this powerful Zerg Queen, Thain really has no secret at all.

"Ahem, this aura of desolation that remains on the body should be..." The white-robed old magician on the other side looked at Thain and Gongsun Wudi in front of him and said to himself.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, needless to say, these two little guys must have just returned from the world of despair." The breath on the other side suppressed the black-robed magician and said with a low smile.

The Queen of Blades didn't mind where Thane and Gongsun Wudi had just returned from.

She touched Wudi's head, patted Thain's shoulder encouragingly, and said, "Just come back!"

"It seems like you've been through a lot."

"You've suffered a lot in a place like the Despair World, right?" Queen of Blades said with a smile.

"Little guy, have you been promoted to the sixth level of peak realm? Not bad, not bad!"

"I didn't take the secret treasure of the ark with me this time that I promised to give you before. Remember to come to my place to get it later."

"Work hard and strive to be promoted to master as soon as possible in the future!" Queen of Blades encouraged Thain and Gongsun Wudi.

This time, Fat Rogge finally spoke up.

I saw him rubbing his fat hands, smiling attentively to the Queen of Blades in front of him, "Ms. Lisa, you probably don't know yet, right?"

"Shan actually has the power to dominate the battle. Just now, before I arrived, he completed the battle against a Gallente Federation force on his own.

The blocking war of the Juggernaut-class fleet group. "Roger smiled.

Rogge's words made the Queen of Blades surprised. She looked at Thane again and said, "Oh?!"

Including the other wizard civilization masters on the other side, they once again set their sights on Thain.

Being surrounded by so many powerful masters at once, Thain was actually a little nervous.

The old magician in white robe couldn't help but nodded to Thain.

The black-robed old magician let out a weird laugh and said, "No wonder that girl Rose values ​​you so much."

"But that girl probably doesn't know yet that you have surpassed her, right?"

"Not bad, not bad!" The black-robed old magician who gave Thain a suppressed and gloomy feeling smiled.

It was the words of the old black-robed magician that finally reminded Thain of his thoughts and made him realize who he was.

"You are the true spirit of the black realm..." Thain couldn't help but say.

The black-robed old magician waved his hand to interrupt Thain's words. He said to the people around him, "Although the power of the explosion of the God Crystal was not fully activated, it did reach the level of ninth level power. "

"It is not suitable to stay in this star field for a long time, and we are not the ones who have the power to control the law of destruction."

"Let's leave like this. Anyway, we have almost collected the data that should be collected."

"There's no point in staying here anymore." The old magician in black robe suggested.

The white-robed old magician nodded to this, and then the group of people gradually flew towards the direction outside this star field.

The Queen of Blades, Lisa, landed on the back of the Flying Dragon King. She also brought Thane and Gongsun Wudi with her.

"Come on, tell me your story in a desperate world."

"This battle really hurts me. Go back to the Zerg base and take a bath."

"You two can come together," the Queen of Blades said, stretching.

Thane did not immediately respond to the Queen of Blades' invitation, but could not help but look back at the Starfield of Destruction where the energy tide was unusually turbulent.

Not all the masters left with Thain and others.

In that scene of destruction, an ox, a dragon, and a piece of armor still stood there quietly, motionless.

It seemed that he was watching Thain and others leave.

"They... don't leave, are you okay?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

The Queen of Blades also looked back after hearing this, then waved her hands relaxedly and replied, "It's okay."

"For them, this star field in a state of destruction and collapse is a rare opportunity for them to grow in power."

"Don't worry, after you advance to the realm of domination, you will have the opportunity to see them again." The Queen of Blades said to Thane.

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