The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2585: Collision of Level 9 Power

"I didn't expect that Bev would give you this set of equipment to use."

"Jiejiejie, don't worry."

"Old man, I didn't see anything, and I won't tell anyone about it." Nigel stood behind Lisa and said with a smile.

The powerful knight domination suit of the wizarding world is, after all, a ninth-level creature from the previous generation, a treasure left to the wizarding world.

Theoretically, this piece of equipment should belong to the wizard civilization.

Of course Lisa could use it, but it would be best if she kept it to herself.

Because this piece of equipment is the spiritual belief of billions of knights in the wizarding world, inspiring billions of knights to continue to practice and become stronger.

If an "alien creature" uses this treasure, it will definitely break the heart of some low-level knights in the wizarding world who don't know the inside story.

Hey, those in high positions always need to consider all aspects.

Sometimes, high-level creatures also have the helplessness of high-level creatures.

Facing Nigel's words, Lisa, who was wrapped in two layers of armor, snorted coldly and said nothing.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time in nearly 100,000 years that Lisa has used this civilized treasure.

Being wrapped in the armor of destruction, with the fierce dark flames of destruction burning around her, feeling the familiar breath and power fluctuations, Lisa seemed to have returned to her father's arms hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Locke, the last generation ninth-level creature in the wizarding world, has three children in this star realm.

Among them, it is his second daughter Lisa who has the deepest relationship with him.

Just like Locke missed his children and descendants in another time and space.

Lisa, who is in this star realm, also misses her father very much.

Moreover, in order to follow in her father's footsteps, Lisa has never relaxed for a moment in the past two hundred thousand years.

"Father..." He whispered softly, and an unimaginable majestic force suddenly erupted from Lisa in all directions!

On the dominance of the strongest knight suit

The compatibility level with Lisa, the Queen of Blades, who is half Zerg blood, is much higher than that of Roland, a pure knight in the wizarding world!

"This?" Behind Lisa, Nigel also shifted his gaze from the place where the God Crystal erupted to in front of him.

As Lisa fully activated the Supreme Knight Dominance Suit, she felt a deep and suppressed destructive power surge from Lisa in front of her.

Nigel seemed to see the image of the most powerful knight standing in the starry sky hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Yes, this is a full-body armor, with the pitch-black ferocious bone armor covering the user's entire body.

Who can know who is inside?

Scarlet eyes penetrated from the eye sockets of the Destruction Armor's mask.

When he stands here, there are very few astral creatures who can't stand him without fear!

Including the Lord!

"Well, that's really scary."

"With this suit, even Douglas and I should not be Lisa's opponents."

"I just don't know, what level has Lilith reached now?"

"I don't know if I can beat Lisa wearing the powerful knight's master suit?" Nigel touched his chin and said in deep thought.

As Nigel lowered his head and thought, the energy frenzy that followed the detonation of the God Crystal swept here in an instant.

The Queen of Blades took the lead and was at the forefront of this energy frenzy.

In this regard, she also sternly rejected the idea of ​​the two seventh-level Zerg masters, the Swift Insect King and the Flying Dragon King, to come forward to help.

The majestic power of destruction constantly collides with the energy tide generated by the detonation of the God Crystal.

Because Nigel is extremely far away at this time, this man has gone through countless ups and downs.

The eighth-level black magician was not afraid at all because of the special situation around him. Instead, he enjoyed studying the collision of ninth-level forces at close range.

This is definitely an extremely rare and precious experience!

Throughout the civilized war with the Gallente Federation, Nygol would never find another period of prime time worth more than this one.

This is a collision and confrontation between the ninth-level power contained in the God Crystal and the ninth-level power contained in the Destruction Armor.

Nigel believed that even Douglas, another eighth-level old magician who was the most knowledgeable in the wizarding world, could do it.

After knowing the situation here, I will also envy Nigel's situation at this time.

"In addition to the extraordinary protective power of the armor itself, is it also absorbing the power of destruction and replenishing it as a new energy source?"

"As expected of you, you have inherited Locke's style."

"When using this supreme knight master suit, as long as there are factors of battle, death and destruction around, this armor and the user will never lack energy."

"Perhaps this is the real 'perpetual motion machine'." Nigel sighed.

Also looking at the image of the destruction armor in front of him, constantly absorbing the destruction factors that were born in the surrounding stars, Nigel seemed to have returned hundreds of thousands of years ago.

At that time, Locke, the most powerful knight in the wizarding world, relied on the destruction and absorption properties of this hand to stand on the corpse of the destroyed source energy civilization and leap to the ninth level!

Nigel was fortunate to be one of the witnesses at that time.

"It seems that little guy Roland didn't fully develop the full capabilities of this armor when he withstood the Federation's Endless Light attack last time."

"However, I heard that the child is about to be promoted to level eight."

"After being promoted to level eight, the effect should be better." Nigel pondered.

After the God Crystal detonated,

The energy tide generated swallowed up all the creatures on the star field battlefield almost instantly.

Except for a few top powerhouses such as Nigel and Lisa, who withstood the pressure.

Most other creatures, including the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class ships or giant mechas, did not last long and were annihilated into the most basic particles by the explosive power of their own God Crystals. .

The Destruction Factor was born from this process.

Because the ninth-level power exploded so completely, there is no so-called death factor residue here.

After the explosion, everything turned into nothingness.

Lisa and Nigel, taking advantage of the impact of the explosion tide, retreated to the outskirts of the starry sky battlefield.

Although, this explosion caused great impact to both Nigel and Lisa and the loss of the Dominant Universal Soul.

But both have benefited a lot from this process.

Nigel was exposed to the cutting-edge secrets of close collision of ninth-level power, and Lisa felt the aura from her father again.

I wonder if the blood bond and the powerful knight's domination suit are used as a medium. When this ninth-level power breaks out, the God of Destruction in another dimension will feel it.

As they continued to retreat to the outskirts of the starry sky battlefield, a cow roar suddenly appeared in the ears of Lisa and others.

I saw the destruction giant bull Ge Gelong and the blood dragon Xiaohong, carrying a strong power of destruction, coming to support Lisa.

As they continued to arrive here, Nigel keenly observed that Gegelon and Xiaohong also had the ability to absorb the destructive factors from the surrounding stars.

And as they continue to approach here, their momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

He is worthy of being called the God of Destruction.

"Please give me a monthly ticket~

I think it’s time to write a side story about Locke qaq~”

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