The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2583 The Last Battlefield

The battle that took place on Thane's side was almost the fastest to end among the three head-to-head confrontations that took place outside the Wizarding Star Territory.

Not all federal creatures fight to the end like Marshal Trim and others.

When more and more wizard civilization troops arrived to support them, they brought surrender messages from many senior federal military officials, including Marshal Rommel.

The resistance of these federal regiments, which were originally in a state of deadly fighting, has become weaker and weaker.

It seems that Marshal Rommel's prestige in the federal military is quite high.

The wizard civilization also enjoyed many benefits after accepting the other party's surrender.

In the end, even the Dominator-level mecha "Eureka Raider" gave up its resistance after one arm and one leg were destroyed.

One of the two Dominator-class mecha pilots took the initiative to break away from the cockpit. 🅆

One of the conditions he conveyed to the wizard civilization to give up resistance was that he hoped that the wizard civilization could revive another mecha pilot who was already unconscious, who was also his brother.

Rogge, as the temporary person in charge of this starry sky battlefield, immediately agreed to the request of this federal master-level mecha pilot.

He was even the main operator responsible for rescuing the mecha pilot.

I wonder if that guy will be directly transformed into an undead creature by Master Rogge.

In addition to the Eureka Raiders giving up their resistance, even the Orobas-class war fleet group led by Marshal Trim was wiped out after the flagship was wiped out, and many main attack ships and frigates were successively destroyed by the Wizard Civilization Legion. .

The only two remaining battleships also voluntarily gave up resistance after proposing a series of not-too-harsh conditions to the wizard civilization.

Master Rogge in this star field battlefield is so easy to talk to, naturally because he is a direct descendant of Ms. Bev, the leader of civilization.

As a true spirit magician from the Mamet Alliance, Rogge has been bored in the past few years.

in the laboratory, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know what the current mainstream trend of the higher-ups of wizard civilization is.

Since Ms. Bev wants to incorporate the Gallente Federation's legions and defeat them as soon as possible and condense them into a force that wizard civilization can utilize, then Rogge will naturally follow Ms. Bev's will.

As for the treaties promised to the Federation... they are indeed agreed to now, but they can be changed in the future.

The Gallente Federation has not officially surrendered to the wizarding civilization.

All peace talks between the two sides were conducted behind the scenes.

As for how the Federation will surrender in the end, how much compensation it will pay to the Wizarding Civilization, and how much rights the Wizarding Civilization will grant to the other party.

This is something that can be discussed carefully and slowly in the next few hundred years.

In short, it is absolutely impossible for the wizard civilization to suffer.

Even while retaining the current power of the Federation, the Wizarding Civilization may end up getting even more.


The battle on the battlefield where Thain was located gradually came to an end.

It does not mean that the war on the other two battlefields will be equally smooth.

The other two battlefields both have Federation Conqueror-class Titan fleets, and the threat level is also higher.

However, after Thain's battlefield, the second place where the battle ended was where Master Douglas was.

Judging from the starry sky coordinates, this war zone is the battlefield closest to the hinterland of wizard civilization.

It is already close to the central area of ​​the Wizarding Star Territory, so it has received the most "key care" from the Wizarding Civilization.

In addition to Master Douglas who holds the light of wisdom, the most precious treasure of civilization, he personally

In addition to arriving, more and more wizard civilization legions also arrived from all directions.

In terms of the size of the wizard civilization army that finally gathered on this starry sky battlefield, it was even several times the size of the battlefield where Thane was!

In addition to the mid-level and low-level combat forces, there are also many master-level powerhouses who finally arrived on this battlefield.

Master Douglas's partner, Mrs. Mei, and Cecilia, the seventh-level peak true spiritual magician of the Ebalut Empire, are here at this time.

Not only the two of them, but also the two angels of destruction who came from the wizarding world later arrived in this starry sky battlefield.

Gegelon, the Bull of Destruction, has level eight strength.

The other blood dragon entrenched on its horns also possesses the seventh level of peak power.

Such an exaggerated strength and lineup made it difficult for Marshal Seedorf and others who led the federal fleet to make any trouble on this starry sky battlefield.

In particular, Master Douglas, who held the Light of Wisdom, immediately intercepted the federal special ship carrying the God Crystal.

And after confiscating this God Crystal.

The battle between Marshal Seedorf and others has basically lost its meaning.

Marshal Seedorf, who once enjoyed great honors but was now despised as a sinner by the humans of the Federation, could not surrender, nor was he willing to surrender.

However, Marshal Seedorf did not mind trying to find a way out for the officers of his fleet.

The disastrous defeat of the civilized war has nothing to do with these middle and lower-level federal officers and ordinary soldiers.

They have tried their best!

Those who should really bear the responsibility should be the decision-makers of the Gallente Federation, including Marshal Seedorf.

In the final battle, Master Douglas after obtaining the God Crystal.

seem to conquer

Marshal Seedorf held a brief conversation in the flagship of the Titan fleet.

No one knows what exactly they talked about.

In short, it didn’t take long when Master Douglas’s elemental domain was withdrawn.

The flagship that Marshal Seedorf was on, as well as most of the command ships on the surrounding battlefield, exploded subsequently, and no living thing among them survived.

The death of Marshal Seedorf and others undoubtedly marked that the Conqueror-class Titan fleet soon fell into a state of command chaos.

Especially before Marshal Seedorf's flagship crashed, there was a special order that was issued from the flagship to the entire army.

This makes this Federation Conqueror-class Titan fleet group not sure how to deal with the current battle situation in the future.

Master Douglas and other wizard civilization masters then asked all the middle and lower-level legions of wizard civilization on this starry sky battlefield to slow down their attacks.

Although some battles continued to occur, judging from the results, the losses on both sides of this war were minimized.

Even the final damage rate of the Conqueror-class Titan fleet led by Marshal Seedorf was only one tenth.

This federal fleet still retains considerable combat power, but has lost its command.

Finally, under the strict monitoring and escort of the wizard civilization army, it flew towards the direction outside the wizard star field.

According to the agreement reached between Master Douglas and Marshal Seedorf, these federal fleets will "go home."

"Then, there is only one last battlefield left." Douglas said, holding the God Crystal in his hand.

Ge Gelong, the bull of destruction, and Xiaohong, the blood dragon, had already left early.

The direction they were heading towards was the battlefield where their young master, Blade Queen Lisa, was.

The fighting there seems to be more intense.

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