The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2574 Reserve Master

Fat Rogge was successfully promoted to level eight not long ago.

Speaking of which, this fat man's promotion process spanned almost the entire nearly ten thousand years of war history between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Although in the early stages of the war, he also took action and performed several times.

But when he reached the middle and late stages of the war, the fat man returned to the wizarding world and was in a state of seclusion and experimentation all year round.

Now he appears on the front line of the civilized battlefield again, and he even said that he could let the fat man show off.

Unexpectedly, in Rogge's first battle after being promoted to level eight, he couldn't even find an enemy.

At the same time as Rogge was promoted, something seemed to have changed in the dominant white jade skeleton behind this guy.

In addition, Rogge has also made great progress in the fields of summoning the undead and refining corpses to form beasts.

After all, the top dark summoner in the wizarding world is equivalent to half of his master. 🅆

Rogge's achievements in related fields are naturally not too bad.

"Roger should be in charge of the Dominator-class fleet commanded by Federal Marshal Thorim."

"According to the intelligence we collected, this fleet group also has a damaged Dominator-class mecha accompanying it." Ms. Bev quickly found the relevant information.

Facing this federal fleet that had slipped away from the encirclement of wizard civilization, Bev asked Rogge and the wizard civilization legion he led to immediately launch a search in the surrounding star field to trace their general location.

In this regard, Ms. Bev also asked Rogge to get in touch with the seventh-level true spirit astrologer Shennou Nordin.

With Sinnoh Nordin's astrology method, it is possible to find the coordinates of the other party again.

"It hasn't been long since the Dominator-class fleet left the federal star field."

"Master Rogge, you still have enough time to find their traces."

"Don't let me down." Bev said looking at Rogge on the other side of the magic light screen.

Following Bev's cold gaze, Rogge immediately straightened up.

He replied "Okay,

I will find them as soon as possible! "

"It's not about trying your best, it's about having to!"

"You should know how powerful the God Crystal explosion is." Bev asked Rogge.

"Yes, I will definitely find them!" Rogge promised.

At the same time, one after another death shadows appeared from the gray magic circle behind Rogge.

These undead "little cuties" will help their contract owner Rogge find his prey.

Finally, after the communication with Bev ended.

Rogge breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his chubby face.

I don’t know when Roger started to feel more and more stressed when talking to Bev.

This kind of pressure does not mean that there is a significant difference in the status of the two parties.

But when Ms. Bev got serious, it really made Roger a little bit overwhelmed.

"Okay, Yue'er."

"It's time for us to get to work."

Rogge said to the white jade skeleton standing behind him.

It has to be said that the magicians in the wizarding world are all perverts.

Necromancers, on the other hand, seem to be the most perverted of perverts.

Being able to name a skeleton "Yue'er" really makes one's skin tremble.

However, Rogge himself did not feel anything, including the white jade skeleton that exuded a faint fluorescent light of the law, and followed Rogge very obediently.

"Where on earth will it be?" Rogge had a headache and scratched his scalp.


In addition to the "missing" of the Federation Master-class fleet that Rogge was responsible for, Bev received two more not-so-good news.

Two Conqueror-class federal fleets with level eight combat capabilities,

After entering the wizarding star domain, there was a situation where one disappeared and the other exchanged fire.

The missing Conqueror-class fleet, like the situation encountered by Rogge, did not follow the route originally prescribed by the federal military.

Douglas, who has returned to the Wizarding Star Territory, is chasing this missing eighth-level fleet group.

Bev believed in the ability of Master Douglas, and it was only a matter of time before this Conqueror-class fleet was found.

Of course, in order to prevent the worst case scenario from happening, Bev also contacted the mother plane of the wizarding world.

The four guardians of spring, summer, autumn and winter are all on standby in the mother plane!

The thickness of the dimensional barrier opened by their cooperation has definitely exceeded the imagination of ordinary masters.

The wizarding world is not the Silent Bones civilization that was blown up by the Gallente Federation!

In addition to the four guardians, other hidden powerhouses in the wizarding world also appeared at this critical moment at the end of the civilized war.

The ancient giant turtle, which was as majestic as a vast continent, woke up from its deep sleep at the call of the guardians.

This is a size that is comparable to the terrifying giant turtle under Ba Xia.

It doesn't have any dragon elements in its body, but its defensive power is not inferior to Ba Xia's.

What's more, it's the purest native creature to the wizarding world.

It is also the oldest sea monster in the wizarding world!

It is worth mentioning that Bixi and her eldest and second brothers possess some of the blood genes of the descendants of the ancient giant turtles.

This is also the reason why the three brothers and sisters look quite similar, and they are all in the form of dragon turtles, right?

In addition to the ancient giant turtle, there is also the secret realm of Knight Continent located in the Western Islands.

A cow and a dragon also raised their heads at this time.

Unlike the Guardian of the Seasons who cannot leave the wizarding world, this pair of bull dragons can leave here.

Moreover, it may be that after staying in the Knight Continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he is getting a little bored.

The huge Bull of Destruction dug its hooves into the ground.

Although it was only a small movement for it, it also caused a scene of valleys invading and forests destroying in the center of the Knight Continent.

Many Warcraft creatures in the secret realm of Knight Continent were trembling as they looked at the scene happening in the distance.

Including those level 4 and 5 Warcraft Lords!

The Bull of Destruction's overstepping movement caused the blood dragon entrenched on its horns to stretch its body, as if to protest against this guy.

"Moo~" A long and wild roar came from the mouth of this giant bull of destruction.

The blood dragon then spat out his tongue, seeming to agree with some of the meaning expressed by the giant bull.

So, a cow and a dragon left the secret realm of Knight Continent and flew outside the wizarding world.

This is the first time in nearly 200,000 years that they have left the secret realm of Knight Continent!

When the dominator-level giant bull and blood dragon, carrying strong destructive power, left the wizarding world, only the guardians of the seasons were watching them.

Including Che Guevara and the black and white penguins beside him in the star port outside the wizarding world, they also saw this scene.

Just now, Ms. Bev also said hello to Che Guevara and others.

Except for the wizarding world, all star ports and space fortresses have entered a state of readiness for war.

Including the penguin next to Che Guevara, he is also ready to prevent all emergencies!

What people didn't expect was that the penguin who was constantly playing tarot cards in his hands turned out to be a seventh-level master.

And it seems that its power of law is very special!

“The keyboard broke while I was typing in the afternoon. It took me a long time to fix it but it was finally fixed, so it was delayed a lot of time.

Try to update the next chapter before eight o'clock~"

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