The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2571 Battle and Surrender

The Gallente Federation's definition of "shipbreaker" level creatures is those with combat power of level four or above.

Because creatures of this level can already match the ability of a single person to match a complete fleet of the Gallente Federation.

Although the federal fleet group currently commanded by Marshal Thorim is known as a dominance-level war fleet group.

But because of the long period of war losses since the civilized wars.

And for the past two thousand years, the Gallente Federation's logistics and military industry has been unable to complete normal supplies to the frontline legions.

Therefore, Marshal Thorim's Dominator-class war fleet group not only consists of Dominant ships, but they are also extremely scarce and generally suffer a lot of wear and tear.

Even the secondary fleets attached to this Dominator fleet group are all extremely damaged and have many problems.

It can be said that in the entire fleet group under Marshal Thorim, there is currently no fleet that is "full".

Some fleets were even split from one fleet into two.

Even the Dominator-class fleet group is no exception!

It is precisely because of this that the Federation has been able to maintain false prosperity and strength in front of ordinary middle- and lower-class people in the past thousands of years.

When broken down into specific combat units, there are only 256 fleets under Thorim's command with combat capabilities above level four!

Fortunately, in addition to these fleet groups, Marshal Thorim also has 89 mechas of level four or above!

Despite such strength, compared with the huge combat power demonstrated by Thain at the moment, Marshal Thorim's available power is still only one-third of Thain's level four combat power!

No wonder Marshal Thorim feels that he is the one "surrounded"!

Such an embarrassing situation also marks the humble status of the Gallente Federation in the current context of civilized war.

There are approximately 256 combat fleets and 89 advanced mechas.

Marshal Thorim is actually the team with the third highest overall success rate in the Federation's "Doomsday Plan" against wizard civilization.

This success rate is calculated by the federal super quantum computer.

The top two ranks of Marshal Thorim's fleet group are the two oldest marshals in the Federation, commanding two eighth-level Conqueror-class Titan fleet groups to complete the mission.

Marshal Thorim is ranked third probably because in addition to his own Dominator-class fleet, he also has a Dominator-class mecha.

This is the last force that the federation can squeeze out.

And they are said to have level seven combat power, but the current strength of these federal legions must not be comparable to that of their heyday.

However, Marshal Thorim is willing to sacrifice everything for his mother civilization!

I just don't know...whether other federal fleets that are also executing the "Doomsday Plan" have similar ideas.

In fact, what Marshal Thorim didn't know was that when the federal supercomputer calculated the success rate of the six fleet groups, it not only included the comprehensive strength of the six fleet groups.

The war mentality of the marshals, generals, and middle- and lower-level soldiers of these fleet groups was also taken into consideration.

"Marshal, with such a short distance, we can no longer activate the space jump and rush out in time from the encirclement of these wizard civilization legions."

"Even if we can rush out, there are such a large number of wizard civilization legions ambushing here, our 'doomsday plan'..."

An adjutant with the rank of lieutenant general lowered his head and spoke to Marshal Thorim in a low voice.

civilized by wizards

The Legion intercepted here, and even this star field was still at the junction of the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation star field, and did not enter the hinterland of the wizard civilization.

No matter which way you look at it, their "doomsday plan" has failed.

"Is it another traitor who snitched?"

"Why is it that our fleet group has been in a state of silent stealth and denied the military's several routes of advancement for us, but it was still blocked here by the wizard civilization army in advance!" Another federal general in the flagship was unwilling to accept it. growled.

A feeling of despair began to spread in the flagship command room.

Even the generals were so frustrated, which made other ordinary non-commissioned officers in the flagship command room a little at a loss.

At this moment, Marshal Thorim slammed the star map light screen in front of him and ordered, "Get ready to fight!"

"Fight?" I saw many generals raising their heads and looking at where they were.

Marshal Thorim said in a firm voice, "We are soldiers of the Federation!"

"Of course a soldier must die on the battlefield!"

"Do you want to surrender?" Marshal Thorim looked around the flagship command room and looked at every federal general and junior non-commissioned officer.

The marshal is the leader of the entire war fleet group in the Federation.

When Marshal Thorim looked at each of his subordinates with fighting intent and firm eyes.

These federal soldiers who were in a state of confusion, decadence, and helplessness finally regained their spirit.

In fact, these federal soldiers may not have no fighting spirit, they just lack a leader.

Moreover, the six federal fleet clusters that can execute the "Doomsday Plan" are trying to collect veterans as much as possible.

The fighting will of these veterans is stronger and they have more

of stress resistance.

As for those legions currently remaining in the Federation's frontline star field, most of them are currently composed of new recruits.

If the "Doomsday Plan" fails, those legions in the federal frontline star field will either collapse under the invasion of the wizard civilization's army.

Or, you can consider surrender.

The term "surrender" is not a new term among the current senior leadership of the Gallente Federation.

If it were 500 years ago, the federal leaders might have considered that even if they surrendered, they would not be forgiven by the wizarding civilization.

Absolute suppression and enslavement will soon become the fate of the Federation for the next tens of thousands of years.

But hundreds of years ago, specifically, 271 years ago, the Gallente Federation was keenly aware of something.

With the current strength of the Federation, it can no longer extend its vision and penetration tentacles to places other than the native star field.

The wizard civilization completely surrounded the Gallente Federation, and also began to systematically liquidate those who escaped from the federal star field early.

However, with the help of super quantum computers and the contributions made by federal intelligence agencies in recent years.

Some knowledgeable people in the Gallente Federation were keenly aware that something had happened in a direction outside the star field where the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation were located.

This direction of the star field is most likely the direction of the Minghe Empire.

Moreover, the Gallente Federation has indeed never received any information from the Hades Empire since more than five hundred years ago.

Did something change happen in the direction of the Minghe Empire?

Perhaps it is precisely because of these "changes" that the high-level wizard civilization's attitude towards the defeated Gallente Federation has slightly changed.

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