The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2553 Wherever the sword goes, my heart goes

At some point, the Yanxia Demon Ancestor, whose body was shining with a layer of gray laws, appeared in front of Thane and Ziyou.

Even though Thain couldn't catch it using the Phaseless Mask, how did the Misty Demon Ancestor appear in front of him and others.

It was as if, of course, she had always been there.

At this time, Thain was also in Ziyou's black shield.

When she saw this beautiful mature demon ancestor with two horns on her forehead, Ziyou couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly, "Auntie?!"

Demon Ancestor Yanxia looked back at Ziyou in the black shield, gave him a reassuring smile, and then slowly walked towards the sloppy old man in front of him.

"I already let you go when you were in that magical place."

"I didn't expect you to catch up here again." Demon Ancestor Yanxia said to the sloppy old man as he walked forward.

The sloppy old man paused after hearing this, and said in a deep voice, "A land of immortality?"

"You mean you were the one who stopped me from seizing the Immortal Sword last time and made that ray of red light disappear from in front of me?!" The sloppy old man looked at Demon Ancestor Yanxia and said with a focused gaze.

The sloppy old man at this time did not look as sloppy and decadent as before.

Although he was still wearing a tattered robe, there was an extremely aloof temperament that vaguely emerged from the sloppy old man's body.

Faced with the sloppy old man's question, Demon Ancestor Yanxia had no interest in answering.

A dark blue strange crystal diamond appeared next to Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

This is an existence that far exceeds the strength of a sloppy old man.

Faced with such an unmatched strong man, the sloppy old man did not choose to run away at this time, but instead gradually grew a fighting spirit.

In other words, even if you want to run, you have to fight before running.

There is no strong person who can compete with the sloppy old man in the Xuantian world around him.

Although he has also heard some information about top civilizations and has come into contact with some masters from top civilizations.

But because of that

These top civilizations are too far away from the Xuantian world, and there is no substantial conflict of power between the two sides.

Coupled with the rarity of level eight peak creatures, the sloppy old man has not found a satisfactory opponent for many years.

Crisis is both danger and opportunity.

The sloppy old man struggled in the desperate world for tens of thousands of years in order to explore the deeper realms of swordsmanship.

Naturally, he would not hesitate to fight with the opponent in order to get in touch with a higher level of power.

The strong fighting spirit coming from the sloppy old man, and the scene of the sword energy shooting out from his Tianling Gaidu, made the relaxed and smiling face of Demon Ancestor Yanxia when he looked at Ziyou gradually turn into indifference and ruthlessness.

In fact, Demon Ancestor Yanxia didn't want to fight this guy.

As early as in the Land of Immortals, Demon Ancestor Yanxia had no intention of having direct contact with the other party.

It's not that I'm afraid of the other person.

Are you kidding me? As a half-step ninth-level being, the Yanxia Demon Ancestor is two realms beyond the sloppy old man. In addition, he has the most precious treasure of civilization at his side. No matter how you look at it, he will be crushed.

The real reason why the Yanxia Demon Ancestor does not want to have a head-on conflict with the opponent is... The Yanxia Demon Ancestor does not want the enemies of the Demon Tide Civilization to increase.

It seems that under the influence of the will of the star realm, as the demon tide civilization embarks on the road across the void, some chaotic and various enemies also emerge one after another.

When we were at the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization, the mid-level eighth-level ruler of the Immortal Realm, the Mosquito Heavenly Emperor, suddenly appeared, and he was one of them.

Now, a sloppy old man who is stronger than Emperor Mosquito appears.

It's foreshadowing something.

Dominant level experts cannot be wiped out at will.

The last time the Yanxia Demon Ancestor and the Dark Demon Ancestor had joined forces, they still allowed the cunning Emperor Mosquito to escape with all their might.

One life.

Although the Dark Demon Ancestor followed closely, this incident still made the Yanxia Demon Ancestor think more.

Among the many demon ancestors of the Demon Tide Civilization, the philosophy of the Yanxia Demon Ancestor is more inclined to that of the Youhuang Supreme.

Although she was not afraid of making enemies, she was not interested in making them at will.

The external expansion method of the Demonic Tide Civilization should be more orderly conquest and occupation.

Rather than inexplicably provoking more enemies and causing a series of inexplicable wars.

No matter how deep the Demon Tide civilization is, it should still be more cautious when facing the pressure from the entire star realm.

From this point of view, there are also many smart people among the top leaders of Demon Tide Civilization.

Moreover, the Demonic Tide Civilization is not the kind of crazy civilization that blindly goes to war against any enemy in all directions in the star world.

There is reason in the madness, this is the label of the Youhuang Supreme faction of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

The first impression that the wizard civilization brings to the civilizations of the surrounding planes is that of reason mixed with madness.

He didn't want to fight, but when the sloppy old man in front of him showed strong fighting spirit, it didn't mean that Demon Ancestor Yanxia didn't know how to fight.

The dark blue crystal diamond completely froze the surrounding space. Even with the strength of the sloppy old man, it was difficult to break free quickly.

"Is it a treasure stronger than the Immortal Sword?"

"I sensed the source of power from it that is far beyond what I can access now, and it seems to contain some kind of supreme law in the universe." The sloppy old man said.

He has never come into contact with an eighth-level peak creature, and he has never seen a ninth-level power.

But a lot of things can be seen from that civilization-level treasure crystal diamond.

At this moment, the white air sword in the sloppy old man's hand dispersed.

Including the Juexian Sword that was originally held in his right hand and kept buzzing, he also let it go.

Facing a tyrannical existence like Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​not using all your strength, or being distracted, is simply making fun of your own life.

At this moment, between the immortal sword and his own swordsmanship, the sloppy old man chose the latter.

After the Absolute Immortal Sword escaped from the sloppy old man's hand, it flew straight towards Thain.

As for the sloppy old man himself, a seemingly ordinary dark yellow wooden sword replaced the original white air sword and appeared in the sloppy old man's right hand.

This dark yellow wooden sword is clearly the sloppy old man's natal sword.

Judging from the law ripples it emits, this wooden sword is also a high-level world-class secret treasure!

"Crack!" The space around the sloppy old man that was originally frozen finally shattered under the sword energy of the wooden sword in his hand.

However, before the sloppy old man could swing his sword at Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​a touch of the energy from Demon Ancestor Yanxia's Law had already hit the sloppy old man's chest.

How badly the sloppy old man had beaten Thain and others before, and how embarrassed he was now in the attack of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

Even without the help of the Dark Demon Ancestor, the Yanxia Demon Ancestor was enough to completely suppress the old man.

"Hmph, you should be from a large-scale world, right?"

"How dare you confront me like this without mastering the mastering omnipotent soul recovery technique?" Demon Ancestor Yanxia asked in a cold voice.

At this time, the sloppy old man was facing the all-out attack of Demon Ancestor Yanxia in the endlessly frozen time and space. He could only parry and rarely counterattack.

Blood spurted out from the mouth, and even a big hole was penetrated in the chest at some point.

The eternal soul possessed by the eighth-level master continued to repair the sloppy old man's serious injuries.

Facing the cold question from Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​the old man shouted, "Wherever the sword goes, my heart will go!"

A sharp sword light came from the wooden sword in the hand of the sloppy old man and shot towards the face of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

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