The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2540 Past and Present Life

At this time, Duan Po in the boundless bloody space obviously sensed something.

His blood-filled eyes looked toward the sky.

A streak of blood light followed with Duan Po as the center, and a "Whoosh!" shot straight into the sky.

It quickly submerged into the sky of the surrounding blood-colored space until it disappeared.

The direction of this bloody light is exactly where the desperate world Thann is.

At this time, Duan Po, whose murderous aura was obvious and covered in blood, obviously did not sink completely in this bloody space.

In the depths of his eyes that contained murderous intent, there was actually still a trace of clarity and a faint concern about Thain's current situation.

Because of some special experiences in the bloody space, Duan Po's power and pressure at this time has increased by more than ten times compared to when he separated from Thane many years ago!

Except for his hatchet, which was still tightly held in his hand.

The Immortal Trapping Sword and another... terrifying snow-white fairy sword with "Immortal Killing Sword" engraved on the sword appeared behind Duan Po!

Duan Po's sudden increase in strength at this time is closely related to his entering the bloody space and then finding this "immortal-killing sword".

Even, in addition to the improvement of strength and the acquisition of equipment that was lost in the previous life.

What Duan Po recovered this time seemed to include some of his own memories.

His evil spirit and boundless killing intent are inseparable from the small part of memory he has recovered.

The Immortal Killing Sword he just acquired has become the best tool for Duan Po to express his murderous intention wantonly.

In terms of killing characteristics, the Immortal Killing Sword is indeed the most murderous sword among the Four Immortal Killing Swords.

Fortunately, in this bloody space, everything is lacking, but there is no shortage of targets for Duan Po to kill.

Those scattered corpses and meat scattered around Duan Po's body, almost piled up into a mountain of corpses, are the "sinkers" unique to this bloody space.

In this bloody space, there is a special rule that is extremely exciting but also terrifying.

——That is, by constantly killing the Sinkers among them, you can get a kind of abnormal emotional pleasure, and at the same time, you can also gain strength in the process of killing your opponents!

Duan Po's exaggerated strength at this time may be inseparable from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood piled at his feet.

His will was not swallowed up by the boundless killing intent, including Duan Po's mind. It seemed that he still retained his original intention and did not become the unfamiliar "Tongtian Cult Master" in his memory.

He is still him.

Watching the bloody light leave, Duan Po

He murmured to himself, "Brother, I hope you will be fine. I hope we can get together again in the future."

As Duan Po finished saying this, more and more fallen people peeked at Duan Po from further away in the boundless blood-colored space where he was.

In this bloody space, the more powerful the Sinker is killed, the greater the power bonus will be.

In fact, their power may one day be so great that they can escape from this place.

Obviously, Duan Po is the target of more sinking people beyond the boundless mountain of corpses.

In addition to his great appeal, his hatchet, Immortal Trapping Sword, Immortal Killing Sword and other weapons are also the targets of many fallen people around him who are competing to snatch them.

Similar to the dangers of the "Land of Immortals" rules in the world of despair, in this bloody space, the Immortal Killing Sword also stayed here for a long time.

While they are absorbing the power of the special laws of these special times and spaces, repairing their own damage, they are quietly waiting for the arrival of their masters.

At least more than half of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood at Duan Po's feet were attracted by the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand.

But it is obvious that the Immortal Killing Sword did not choose those fallen people whose sanity was almost blurred, but chose its former master.

The Immortal Killing Sword and the Immortal Trapping Sword behind him each exuded a chilling chill.

Following the sinking people in the surrounding blood-colored space, they swooped up again from all directions.

The killing ceremony belonging to Duan Po will begin again!

A world of despair, beyond the land of immortality.

The Yanxia Demon Ancestor has been hiding under the surface rules of the desperate world, secretly observing and protecting Ziyou.

When he saw that silly girl in the Immortal Land rushing towards the center of the explosion of the Immortal Sword at all costs, he couldn't help but secretly shook his head.

That immortal sword is indeed a good thing beyond the imagination of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

Although it has not yet reached the level of a civilized treasure, its killing attributes are really eye-catching.

In the Demonic Tide Civilization, there are also many top-notch world-class secret treasures of similar levels.

However, those top-quality world-class secret treasures rarely have such fierce killing power.

A treasure of this level is enough for the Yanxia Demon Ancestor to take action once.

At once

While Demon Ancestor Yanxia was deep in thought, he was about to help Ziyou and help him obtain this extraordinary sword.

The appearance of a bloody light interrupted the movements of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

This bloody light came from the depths of time and space far away.

The power of this blood light itself did not make Demon Ancestor Yanxia care much.

But the blood-colored space it came from made the Yanxia Demon Ancestor's eyes narrow. 🅆

Just like Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​she is not the only one who is eyeing this dangerous place with rules and regulations.

A sloppy old man with a late-eighth level of strength also turned his attention over.

However, this old man was obviously not good enough, and he did not find the Yanxia Demon Ancestor who was under the rules of appearance and had a layer of gray-colored demonic energy on his body.

The old man's main focus is the immortal land below.

Seeing that Thain was about to be killed by the Juexian Sword, the old man was relieved.

However, the sudden appearance of bloody light made the old man feel worried again.

What made the old man even more happy and surprised was that in that bloody light, he actually discovered the breath of two other peerless swords that were similar to the breath of the Absolute Immortal Sword.

Sure enough, there are other treasures in this star realm that have properties similar to the Absolute Immortal Sword!

The old man who was in the late eighth level had his eye on this fairy sword tens of thousands of years ago.

Because this guy, from the Absolute Immortal Sword, vaguely realized his path to becoming stronger.

It's a pity that the existence of some kind of special confinement power prevents this old guy, who clearly possesses late-eighth level strength, from directly entering the world of despair and taking the Absolute Immortal Sword away.

Coming from a large-scale world civilization, he didn't know that this power of confinement was left behind by a certain ninth-level creature before leaving the star realm.

However, for being able to reach the late eighth level with his large-scale world knowledge, this old man can be regarded as an extremely rare talent in the star world, and he is also a pioneer.

Demon Ancestor Yanxia had already discovered the old man's traces.

The sloppy old man who appeared in the Immortal Land before was the clone created by the old man in front of him using the art of external incarnation.

In this way, he attempted to gain recognition from the Immortal Sword.

But unfortunately, it still fell short.

Facing the sword light coming from the bloody space, the old man instinctively reached forward and grabbed it.

"Eh? Where's the stuff?" The old man grabbed an empty hand and looked at his right hand in surprise.

At the same time, Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​who captured the blood light in his hand, glanced at the blood light in his hand and the direction of the blood space.

With a slightly solemn expression, she released the bloody light and allowed it to continue flying on its original trajectory.

The paradise below.

Thain, who was already in a life-and-death situation, even had vague images of his wife Lina and the daughter he had never met in his mind.

But the appearance of a bloody light brought a new turning point for Thain.

The original anger that the Immortal Sword vowed to cut into pieces turned into surprise and suppressed excitement again.

Finally, under the command of its master in the bloody light, the Immortal Sword accepted the fate that was temporarily controlled by Thane.

Originally like a "little hot girl", the sword exploded when touched.

This time, he finally reluctantly flew back to Thain's hands and regained his composure.

Thain, who was covered in blood, was a little confused about what was happening in front of him.

Even for the Juexian Sword, which had returned to peace again, he was filled with fear and caution at the moment.

However, the white light that then penetrated from the Immortal Sword completely engulfed Thain, and also included several other people in this Immortal Land.

A scene of a battle of the century that far exceeded what Thain could touch now, gradually appeared in front of Thain in this white light.

In the picture, the battle taking place seems to be a battle between several eighth-level masters.

The focus of Thain's attention at this time was all attracted by the figure of a monk wearing a monk's robe and with four fairy swords floating around him.

This picture records many classic scenes from the war of the century.

In addition, the picture also describes how after the war that year, the monk in the robe died and disappeared, and a ray of true spirit was taken away by a powerful being burning with the flame of destruction.

Including the four fairy swords, each of them was seriously damaged.

One of them, the Immortal Sword, drifted in the boundless space and time for a long time, and finally settled in the world of despair.

"That immortal domain master-level monk... is Duan Po?" Thain hesitated.

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