The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2538 Succeed

Thain, who walked out of the purple magic shield, did not attract the attention of the remaining people in the underground space at first.

Facing the curious or concerned looks from Minghua and Ziyou, Thain gave them a look of affirmation.

A starch-red magic potion was poured onto himself by Thane.

Not only that, Thain also took a lot of weird things orally, and scattered some particles-like things around him.

After all this was done, Thane wore the Mask of Formlessness and the Robe of Ashes.

Under the gaze of Ziyou's beautiful eyes, the appearance suddenly changed.

He turned into a monk wearing a black suit.

This is a complete change of appearance. Not only has Thain's appearance changed, but his aura has also completely changed!

If we say that the previous Sean gave Ziyou the impression that he was full of wisdom, erudition and intellectual temperament.

So now, after completely changing his appearance, the feeling that Thain brought to her was only fierce... and the aura of a courageous loner.

Thain is also a little curious about his new image.

He named his transformation at this time, "Huangji Transformation Technique"!

Apart from their different souls, Thane is exactly the same as his adopted brother Duan Po!

Even the data results obtained by the phaseless mask analysis have a similarity of an astonishing 97!

As for why there are 3 differences.

Thain thought for a while, and suddenly realized, he put away the Ash Staff in his hand.

Then a seemingly ordinary and simple hatchet appeared in his hand.

At this time, the similarity of the feedback data given by Phaseless Mask has reached 9987!

Worth a try!

Looking at Thain's new look, especially the way he is holding the hatchet on his waist and moving forward.

Ziyou, who had been staring at him closely, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It is true that this kind of behavior of Thain is too rare.

From his breath, expression, and walking movements, he completely imitated Duan Po's Thane. How could he usually behave like this?

However, the smile that appeared at the corner of Ziyou's mouth soon stopped abruptly.


With Thain holding the hatchet in hand, he continued to advance deeper into the tomb.

Not only did his speed not slow down, but it became faster and faster!

A man like the wind!

No, it is not so much that Thain is actively moving towards the depths of the tomb, but rather that there is a special suction force that is constantly pulling him towards the tomb.

The sharp sword energy that brought great pressure to many desperate people actually slid towards the wings like soft silk after getting close to Thain.

It didn't hurt Thain at all!

Yes, how could the Absolute Immortal Sword hurt its master?

Even Thain himself felt a heartfelt excitement coming from the depths of the tomb as he continued to approach the depths of the tomb.

Now it is no longer Thain who takes the initiative to find the sword, but the crystal sword in the tomb, which is constantly calling Thain.

As Thain continued to approach, all the desperate people who were still in this underground space could not help but stare at this scene with their mouths open.

Thain himself did not have the shock, envy and disbelief of the desperate people around him.

Even at this moment, Thain suddenly felt a little panicked.

Because he knew that he was "cheating" the fairy sword in the tomb.

Although he and Duan Po were good brothers, Thane couldn't guarantee that once his disguise was exposed, the angry sword would kill him directly.

Even dozens of desperate people can be treated submissively.

Thane did not dare to underestimate the power of that fairy sword.

But since we have already set off, we have to go on bravely.

If the magicians in the wizarding world are not crazy, can they still be called magicians?

Thain was very curious about this fairy sword and the origins of his adopted brother Duan Po.

Back then, he had studied Duan Po's hatchet and trapping sword.

The result is that the hatchet is a special secret treasure that has grown up with him, and the Immortal Trap Sword is a sword with a quality beyond

A world-class secret treasure that reaches the limit of Thane's cognition.

The fairy sword in the tomb in front of him obviously has a strong attraction for Thain to study.

Even the various mysteries about Duan Po will be revealed in it.

Therefore, Thain continued to walk towards the depths of the tomb without fear.

When they passed by the Qinglong Swordsman and other desperate people one after another, and arrived at Gongsun Wudi's side.

Faced with Wudi's gaze, Thain gave him a reassuring look.

So, Thane continued to move forward.

The one in the second position is a metal ball creature with rugged and sharp blades all over its body.

Thain couldn't even tell what this was. 🅆

It seems to be an elemental creature?

If you want to investigate, I'm afraid you have to ask Thain to tie it to his experimental table to get the results.

After crossing the metal ball, Thane continued to move forward.

After walking a long distance, he finally arrived at the front row, next to the sloppy old man.

At this time, the sloppy old man looked at Thain with hesitation and shock, but more of it was suppressed uneasiness and anger.

The old man may have noticed that the "peach picker" was right in front of him.

Just when Thain had just passed the old man, the sloppy old man, who was at his physical limit, spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted angrily, "That's mine! What do you want to do?!"

As he spoke, the old man ignored the storm of sword energy that continued to sweep towards him. He condensed a staring golden sword light from his palm and hit Thain's back fiercely.

as expected! This old man already has the dominance level to rival Saru!

I just don’t know why his realm is still stuck at the peak level of a desperate person.

Caught off guard, he was threatened by the old man's dominant power.

Thain didn't even have time to summon his own Union Fortress robot to resist.

Even if it could be summoned, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible, because the tide of sword energy around it would be enough to tear apart Thain's combined fortresses into disarray.

And such a small space is not enough

Support Thane to inspire the power of your own fortress robot.

However, before Thain could think about how to deal with the sudden attack from the old man.

The entire space around him was filled with the power of sword energy, which helped him eliminate the threat.

The infinite sword tide suddenly erupted and increased by more than a few chips the moment the old man took action!

The surging sword energy directly engulfed the old man's hand and his arm, completely engulfing him.

Including the master-level power attack that the old man fired at Thain, all were canceled out and dispersed in the surge of sword energy.

Not only that, as this sloppy old man took action against Thain.

Then, in the entire underground space, the power of infinite sword energy surged towards the old man's location.

Looking at the movements of these powerful sword energy, it is clear that this guy is going to be completely strangled!

The aura of swordsmanship that was similar to that of the Falling Immortal Sword also made Thain breathe a little sigh of relief.

The sloppy old man finally could no longer resist the sword energy sweeping from the depths of the tomb.

After letting out an unwilling roar and roar, he completely flew backwards!

If he doesn't leave, this unparalleled sword energy craze will really completely annihilate him.

At this time, Thain, who had come back to his senses, could not care less about the sloppy old man flying away. When he turned around, he finally saw this powerful fairy sword up close, with its entire body exuding fluorescent light.

Just like Duan Po's Immortal Trapping Sword, on the body of this powerful Immortal Sword, three characters are engraved in the ancient seal of the Immortal Realm - Absolute Immortal Sword!

Taking three steps and two steps at a time, Thain finally reached the front of the Absolute Immortal Sword.

The surrounding air seemed to solidify.

All the desperate people who were still in the underground space couldn't help but hold their breath and look at Thain who was already standing in front of the Immortal Sword.

Finally, Thain slowly stretched out his hand and grasped the hilt of the Immortal Sword, whose blade was still trembling and humming.

At this time, the buzzing sound made by the Juexian Sword was more like a shy little girl welcoming her beloved.

As Thain grasped the hilt of the Immortal Sword, an extremely dazzling white sword light suddenly filled the entire secret space!

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