The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2511 A gluttonous feast

The Dark Demon Ancestor soon pursued the Mosquito Emperor, and his aura completely disappeared after entering the space-time channel.

Regarding the upcoming battle, Demon Ancestor Yanxia has no intention of getting involved.

Because she believed that the Dark Demon Ancestor was strong enough to hunt down and kill the eighth-level master.

In the case where the three supremes of the entire Demonic Tide Civilization rarely take action, the Dark Demon Ancestor represents the pinnacle of the Demonic Tide Civilization's power.

He was just a severely injured eighth-level master. Even if he escaped from the desperate world, he was just lingering on.

After watching the Dark Demon Ancestor leave, the Yanxia Demon Ancestor looked back at the chaotic and dilapidated battlefield around him.

This battle for dominance has made the surrounding situation a mess.

A large number of dead bodies and fragments of flesh and blood were scattered in every corner of the battlefield.

There are even some blood mosquito clones on the ground that were knocked down by the desolation but have not yet completely died.

A large swath of gray law power was released from the hands of Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​and enveloped all the remaining Blood Mosquito clones.

Not long after, these blood mosquitoes, which were severely damaged by the desolation, were annihilated by the Yanxia Demon Ancestor one after another.

After this melee, many demons survived.

These were them that Yanxia Demon Ancestor casually rescued after arriving at this battlefield in time.

For example, the Demon Giant, whose body shrunk by half and was covered with dense pinholes, survived by relying on his powerful physique and outstanding vitality.

At this time, he was breathing heavily and looked at the Smoke Demon Ancestor in the sky with great admiration and respect.

As the demon giant managed to stand up, he began to recruit other living demons on the battlefield to clean up the battlefield.

But those desperate world wanderers who were attracted by the sky-reaching energy beam were not so lucky.

The wanderers, who were generally weaker and were like a pile of scattered sand, suffered all casualties after this dominator-level conflict.

And because the energy beam across the sky has gradually disappeared, there are no more wanderers coming from other regions at this time.

The most dead bodies and wreckage scattered on the ground are those of wanderers with varying strengths.


Some of the demonic civilization creatures that came down directly used their own power to demonize and absorb the remains of dead corpses on the ground.

Not only did they absorb the remains of the wanderers, they also did not let go of the remains of the fallen demon tide creatures.

The Demon Tide Civilization's understanding of values ​​is more extreme than the creatures of the Hades Empire.

At least those creatures of the Hades Empire rarely use the corpses of their fallen compatriots for secondary use, such as refining them into corpse puppets or something.

Their army of the dead mostly used creatures that had been conquered by hostile civilizations.

But this is not the case with the Demon Tide Civilization. Their extreme utilization of resources and differences in values ​​mean that they do not mind using the corpses of fallen demon creatures to replenish their own magic energy.

Many surviving demons have benefited a lot from this battle.

Especially the magic energy they absorb from other creatures has given many demons new abilities.

There were also some demons who looked at the bloody mosquito corpses scattered on the battlefield with longing and questioning eyes.

Dominate flesh and blood!

This is the flesh and blood of a master that is relatively rare in the Demonic Tide Civilization!

Although the Demonic Tide Civilization also hunted down many rival civilization masters during its foreign wars, and spread the power of the Demonic Tide far beyond the starry sky.

But those foreign masters who were killed by the demon tide civilization, their bodies and flesh were spread out evenly on the entire demon clan, which seemed pitiful.

At least for a demon emperor as high as the Demon Giant, he has only been divided into two extremely small pieces of dominating flesh and blood so far.

And it is still the flesh and blood of an ordinary seventh-level master.

How can it be like now, with the bright red corpses of bloody mosquitoes covering the entire battlefield!

Each of these blood mosquito corpses represents a trace of the flesh and blood essence of an eighth-level master.

Demon Ancestor Yanxia was not interested in the flesh and blood of Emperor Mosquito.

At her current stage, she has long passed the

Devour and absorb the power of other masters to achieve the stage of growth.

Moreover, Demon Ancestor Yanxia is not as good at research as the True Spirit Magicians in the wizarding world, and is extremely curious about everything.

When these blood mosquito corpses are in the hands of the Demon Tide Civilization, there is a high probability that they will be distributed to some capable Demon Tide creatures, even seventh-level Demon Emperors, for devouring them.

He glanced in the direction away from Princess Ziyou's breath, and found that the other party was not in danger for the time being.

The Yanxia Demon Ancestor came back to his senses and collected most of the blood mosquito corpses scattered on the ground, but also left a small part.

"They are yours." Demon Ancestor Yanxia said.

As Demon Ancestor Yanxia finished speaking, all the surviving demons, including the Demon Giant, rushed towards the corpses of the blood mosquitoes.

Although there was only a small part of the blood mosquito corpses left by Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​it was enough to fill the bellies of these demonic tide creatures that were not even at the master level life level.

It is not a good thing for lower creatures to eat too much flesh and blood.

In addition to not being able to absorb the vast energy, there may even be a risk of body explosion.

The strongest demon giant present successfully obtained the largest share of the blood mosquito corpses.

As long as it finally succeeds in breaking away from the world of despair, there is a high probability that the Demon Tide Civilization will have one more person, the Demon Giant Master.

In comparison, the eight-headed devil scorpion, another desperate person at the pinnacle of the demon tide civilization, was much unlucky.

In terms of threat and cunning ability in previous battles, the eight-headed demon scorpion far surpassed the demon giant with only brute strength.

Including when fighting against Cell's test body, the Eight-Headed Demon Scorpion used its own scorpion venom to inflict great damage to Cell.

But in the end, the Eight-Headed Demon Scorpion died sadly after the Mosquito Emperor came to this battlefield.

Its last two scorpion heads were completely shattered by the aftermath of the Lord's Battle.

It can also be seen from this point that on a civilized battlefield, having enough health and thick defense will bring more benefits.

At least the probability of the demon giant surviving is higher than that of the eight-headed demon.

There are too many scorpions.

This is another gluttonous feast for creatures belonging to the demonic civilization.

Although the emergence of this battle exceeded the expectations of the demonic tide creatures.

But judging from the final results, they obviously made a profit!

Demon Ancestor Yanxia didn't say much to these middle and lower level demons who were only at the Demon King level.

Being able to give them some level 8 master flesh and blood is also a reward for the Yanxia Demon Ancestor's good character and his praise of their previous heroic fighting.

At this time, Demon Ancestor Yanxia was considering whether to bring Ziyou back.

"A little setback will help the child grow."

"And if I'm secretly watching over her, what danger will she encounter?"

"Let her have her own adventure, and let me see what gains this child will gain in the end." Demon Ancestor Yanxia thought to himself.

At the same time, she glanced down at her hands.

Then, the halo of law representing the golden lotus of the two grades of merit turned into a golden light and was popped out of the hand of Demon Ancestor Yanxia.

This golden light flew towards Ziyou's direction in an instant.

As for another complete civilization treasure that was desolate and rooted to the ground, Demon Ancestor Yanxia put it away.

Demon Ancestor Yanxia also agreed with Supreme Youhuang's words about Ziyou's cultivation. She wanted to give Ziyou the treasure of civilization before, but she only doted on her too much and acted impulsively.

But when he came back to his senses and thought about it carefully, Ziyou was indeed not suitable to master civilized treasure-level weapons at this stage.

It's not that Zi You is worried about having a jade and attracting people's attention.

What the Demonic Tide Civilization is least afraid of is being missed by others.

Because Demon Tide civilization often cares about others.

What Yanxia Demon Ancestor was thinking at this time was that giving too powerful equipment and sending too much force to protect Ziyou might have restricted her growth.

"This piece of desolation is not in line with Ziyou's attributes."

"As long as she is promoted to master in the future, I will give her a better one." Demon Ancestor Yanxia thought to himself.

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