The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2493: Accept Demonization

The remains discovered in the orc world made Thain wonder whether the wizarding civilization was also involved in the war that took place in the desperate world.

And in terms of the power used by this orc remains during his lifetime, Thain did not find any similarity in the wizarding world.

Instead, looking at the black hair and studying its specimen materials, Thane discovered that the master of the Fountain of Destruction he had come into contact with in the Wanquan World Group in his early years was very similar to this orc corpse in terms of power and attributes. picture.

As Ziyou mentioned, the attributes possessed by the other party were very extreme, and she hated them.

It is also because of the "power of destruction" possessed by these mutant orcs that they are relatively restrained against her.

Of course, Thain did not mention to Ziyou that he knew this orc and the orc world behind it.

It is extremely unlikely to find the remains of the orcs belonging to the Wizards Alliance in a place like the World of Despair.

Thain plans to summarize and record these experiences and things, and then report them when he has the opportunity to return to the wizarding civilization in the future.

In addition, the "power of destruction" possessed by the orcs and other corpses in front of him is also an object of great interest to Thane.

When he came into contact with the master of the Fountain of Destruction in the Wanquan World Group, Thain was certainly not qualified to study the power of the original law possessed by the other party.

Even when the opponent's eleventh-grade Destruction Black Lotus was used, Thain could only watch it from a distance.

Thain is not qualified to study the mysteries of the Dominator level of power.

But if it were just some remains of paleontological creatures that were around Level 4 during their lifetime, would he still have any concerns?

The mystery of Thane's Ember Flame has not been transformed and improved for a long time since it was last integrated with part of the power of the law of the Red Lotus of Karma.

What Thain originally wanted to do was to combine the mysteries of Ember Fire with the mysteries of Mechanical Fusion to obtain a stronger increase in power.

But now it seems that before combining with the secret of mechanical integration, Thane may first try to integrate the destructive power he has explored into the fire of ashes.

Of course, the laws of destruction mastered by level four orcs must be vastly different from those of masters at the level of the Fountain of Destruction.

Thain never thought about becoming a fat man in one bite.

The power of destruction that is too extreme may not be something he can control.

On the contrary, the experimental body with a relatively low level of law in front of him is more suitable for Thain to explore.

Thain is still busy.

The newly discovered research materials aroused Thain's great research enthusiasm.

And the knowledge of technological laws contained in the ruins of this source energy civilization plays a great role in Thain's mechanical mysteries.

If he didn't still need the help of these creatures in the Moyuan world, and was frightened by the power possessed by Ziyou and others, he wouldn't have had the time to have much social contact with them.

Now I have long continued to invest in my own experimental research.

Including this time, Thain actually fell into a state of distraction when faced with some questions and requests.

In his mind, he was thinking about the fusion of the power of destruction and some details of the next fortress integration experiment.

So much so that Ziyou asked Thain several questions in succession, but he didn't agree to come up.

"Ah? What did you say?" Thain came back to his senses and looked at Ziyou in front of him.

I have to say that from the perspective of human aesthetics in the wizarding world, Ziyou is definitely a beauty.

Although long purple hair is relatively rare in the wizarding world, coupled with Ziyou's cool and sassy face, it adds a bit of mysterious temperament.

Faced with the confusion that Sean had just come back from, Ziyou pinched his eyebrows speechlessly.

Of all the creatures she had come into contact with, only the one in front of her dared to ignore her like this.

But Ziyou was not angry either. She tapped her finger on the experimental table in front of Thain and repeated what she just said.

"I said, I ask you to join our world of Demonic Abyss!"

"Don't worry, I will not restrict your personal freedom, let alone exert any mental control on you."

"In fact, you will not be affected in any way. Instead, you will receive full support from our Demonic Abyss World."

"All you need to do is change your strength attribute."

Ziyou snapped her fingers, and then a flash of purple flame appeared on her fingertips.

Looking at this purple flame exuding coquettish power, Thain couldn't help but enter a lost state again.

Noticing that Thain was standing there in a daze again, Ziyou couldn't help but pinched her eyebrows again with a headache.

It seems that most capable people have some quirks to one degree or another?

Thain's quirk is that he always devotes himself wholeheartedly to a certain aspect, so much so that he ignores some people around him, such as Ziyou in front of him.

But this time, before Ziyou could bring back Thain's thoughts, Thain said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid it's not just as simple as changing the strength attribute, right?"

"Let me guess, not only my strength attributes have been changed, but also part of my bloodline genes, as well as my appearance?" Thane looked at Ziyou with a wise and calm gaze.

Under the formless mask, Thain's gaze seemed to be very penetrating.

Faced with Sean's calm rhetorical question, Ziyou looked away and replied, "It will indeed change a little bit, but it won't hinder you too much, right?"

"If you want to get something, you have to pay a price."

"This is what you mentioned to me last time...the law of balance." Ziyou said.

Her memory is really good. Ziyou can remember some things that Sean may have mentioned casually.

Of course, what Ziyou remembers are all things she thinks are valuable.

When Thain is in front of Ziyou, he rarely talks meaningless nonsense.

The purple magic flames on Ziyou's fingertips represent one of the core strengths of the Demon Tide civilization - demonizing opponents.

As long as Thane accepts demonization, his temperament, appearance, and source of power will undergo certain changes.

And Thain's strength will most likely usher in a wave of growth.

Perhaps he does not need to wait until his next stage of truth and mystery undergoes transformation, and his life realm will break through to the peak level six.

This is because Ziyou didn’t follow suit.

En mentioned that as long as he accepts the demonization given by her personally, Thain's status, resource enjoyment, etc. in the world of Demon Abyss and Demon Tide Civilization will be greatly improved.

In short, there are many benefits!

It’s just that it’s not appropriate to tell Thain this information for the time being.

Anyway, as long as Thain accepts demonization, the foundation and true power of the Demonic Tide Civilization will naturally be revealed in front of Thain.

"Believe me, accept this ray of magic flame and join us."

"It's only good for you, no harm." Ziyou said to Thain in front of him.

Faced with Ziyou's efforts to win over him, Thain muttered, "I still need to think about it again."

"Your time is running out, and I don't want our relationship to turn into an unpleasant and forced relationship." Ziyou said after a moment of silence.

Through this period of contact, Ziyou felt that Thain should have found out a lot about the secrets of their Demonic Tide Civilization.

Ziyou and the Demonic Tide Civilization behind her will not allow "outsiders" like Thain to know too many secrets about their family.

If you want to solve this problem and make Thain one of your own, that's easy to say.

Of course, Thain understood the hidden threat in Ziyou's words.

However, he did not force the confrontation, but said, "Accepting your original energy will take a long time to change my physique, right?"

"In the meantime, what will happen to the exploration of this ruins?"

"In fact, the decryption process of many ruins has reached a more critical period."

"After this period of time has passed, how about I complete the tasks you requested before joining you?" Thain asked, opening his arms.

Ziyou heard this and glanced hesitantly at the paleontological specimens lying on the experimental table behind Thain.

Thinking that a talent like Thain was really not suitable for coercion, she nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll give you some time to think about it."

"I hope that when we meet next time, you have made your own decision." Ziyou looked at Thain with deep meaning and said.

"The next chapter is about half past two~"

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