The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2491: Dead or not?

"This seems to be a special life form captured by the source energy civilization. The opponent's cell activity is extremely exaggerated, and it also has...phagocytic properties. Thain held the crystal ball and looked at the giant cylinder in front of him.

Behind Thain, Wall-E and the intelligent robot "No. 7" followed closely, and in their eyes, there was an extremely huge data stream passing through.

Here in Ziyou, Thain can't expose too many of his trump cards.

For example, among other advanced intelligent robots, robots No. 13 and No. 21, which are also good at assisting Thain in his analysis and research, were not released from the Rubik's Cube by Thain.

Everyone wants to keep a hand, and Thain is no exception.

"Master, do we want to open it?" Robot No. 7 asked respectfully.

Robot No. 7 looks like a young girl with pink hair.

When Thain makes these scientific research, treatment, and functional intelligent robots, he prefers to make them have a female appearance that is in line with the human aesthetics of the wizarding world.

The reason for this design is naturally that Thain also wants these auxiliary robots that appear in front of him all year round to be more eye-catching.

If it is a combat-type intelligent robot, there is no such tendency. Thain has also designed many male robots and animal-shaped robots.

Facing the question raised by No. 7, Thain pondered for a moment, then shook his head and replied, "No hurry, let's extract part of its cell tissue first."

"Judging from how the Source Energy Civilization dealt with it, we can see that a few years ago, this test subject named 'Sharu' was forcibly imprisoned here by the Source Energy Civilization."

"Although I don't quite believe it, this guy is still alive after all these years."

"But since its cell characteristics have the power of phagocytosis, and it has been heavily blocked and imprisoned here by the source energy civilization, there is no telling whether even the corpse after death may be a threat."

"Let's study it first and then talk about it," Thain said to No. 7.


good. "No. 7 replied, and then assisted Thain to slowly unlock part of the outer shackles of the No. 3 metal cube containing the cellulite test body.

Although Intelligent Robot No. 7 looks cute, in fact, her power level is comparable to that of a fifth-level creature.

This is also the highest level intelligent robot that Thane can currently create.

The specific combat power of No. 7 is weaker than that of her younger brother No. 8, but it is still enough to assist her master in completing most high-level and complex experiments.

After all, what Thain needs is a dexterous experimental assistant, not a strong and powerful man.

When No. 7 started working, Thain's eyes were still staring at the extremely eye-catching red warning characters on No. 3's metal cube.

It's a pity that the passage of time and erosion have made these warning characters completely blurred and invisible.

Thain couldn't even figure out what kind of creature was imprisoned in this metal column, and where its threat point was.

The few cell characteristics of Cell that have been discovered before were also learned from the brief introductions on the surfaces of some metal pillars.

And the more the other party mentioned the danger and special properties of the creatures, the more Than wanted to open it and take a look.

This is not seeking death, but a normal desire for research that a truth seeker has!

Besides, even if there is any danger... there are Ziyou and about a hundred of her fourth-level and above creatures.

Among them, besides Ziyou, there are two others who are at the peak of despair.

Not to mention there are several ordinary sixth-level creatures.

There's danger, and Thane is going to open it.

If there is no danger, if there is danger, Thane will open it.

If the creatures in it can really pose a threat to Ziyou and the creatures behind her.

It happened to be convenient for Thain to fish in troubled waters.

He had no intention of leaving himself among Ziyou and others as a hostage.

Experiment, keep going.

Not long after, No. 7 reached the final steps of removing the outer shackles of the metal cube.

But when we got here, the cube was unable to be forced open by any external force, even if it was dead or alive.

Thane also tried cutting with his own Ember Flame, but it still didn't work!

Just when Thain was considering whether to let Gongsun Wudi or Ziyou come over to try, Thain suddenly remembered something and took out the reassembled cube from the arms of the magic robe.

Sure enough, the cube as the core of the Source City has the authority to lift the shackles of this metal column.

I saw a tiny light of energy emitting from the cube and not entering the golden column.

Then, "Crack!" A metallic mechanical sound sounded, and the last layer of shackles that had been difficult to untie was released.

Not long after, intelligent robot No. 7 presented a piece of divided flesh to Thain.

This is a piece of flesh with pink inner cells but a layer of green scales on the surface.

The first time he saw this polyp, Thain felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

Because the cells of this unknown piece of flesh and blood are disgusting.

Its cell body is generally long and narrow and white, but its nucleus is depressed and pitch black.

When people look closer, they seem to see countless eyes staring at him densely.


r\u003eAnd this piece of flesh and blood indeed has an impressive devouring ability. Thain placed an energy crystal on the surface of the flesh and blood. In just the blink of an eye, the energy crystal was absorbed and disappeared.

"Even if the main consciousness of this piece of flesh and blood is dead, does it still have such an exaggerated digestion ability?"

"Or is it that the consciousness is dead, but the cells are not?" Thain couldn't help but think about it.

After taking away this piece of flesh and blood, Thain will conduct various tests next.

In addition to this special piece of flesh and blood, Thain found many experimental projects that interested him in this top-level technological civilization ruins.

"Master, do you think the creature in this metal cube was the source energy civilization's war opponent back then?" No. 7 asked curiously.

In terms of robot personality, Number Seven is a lively and curious intelligent robot, which is completely opposite to the steady and taciturn WALL-E.

"Maybe, but we can't make a complete judgment yet." Thain replied.

The research on Cell's test body is just one of the research projects that Thain has been involved in since entering the ruins of the source energy civilization.

Because Thain is more interested in the scientific and technological mysteries mastered by the energy civilization, the research on Cells and Flesh of Cell is far less focused than Thain's investment in other fields.

But Shalu's cells were the first research project that Thain got results from.

This is clearly the remains of a master.

And Thane gradually discovered that as he continued to send energy into Shalu's body.

This body, which had been sealed for countless thousands of years and should have died long ago, actually showed signs of being reactivated!

"Is this guy dead or not?" Thain couldn't help but wonder, looking at Cellul's body, which was still imprisoned in the metal cube in front of him.

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