The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2489 Source Energy Ruins

After confirming the departure details, Ziyou quickly left Thain.

In her words, she herself had to prepare a few things in advance.

After Ziyou left, Gongsun Wudi came to Thain and couldn't help but ask, "Are you really going to cooperate with her to explore that ancient civilization ruins?"

Gongsun Wudi's tone was full of distrust towards Ziyou.

She and Thain are both quick-thinking people, and they can naturally feel that the other person is not a "good person" from their daily interactions.

Several times before, Ziyou tried to "cheat" Thain and his party out of the settlement.

Although it was unclear what kind of trap Zi Youhui had designed outside the settlement area, neither Thain nor Gongsun Wudi had any intention of getting into each other's trap.

But this time...

Facing Gongsun Wudi's inquiry, Thane pondered, nodded, and replied, "The cube crystal she just handed me should be the core energy of some kind of super-large war platform of the so-called source energy civilization."

"Due to the passage of time, the energy in that cube is running low, and many rules and energy lines have also suffered severe wear and tear."

"However, the properties it contains happen to be one of the key problems that I need to focus on in recent research."

"Especially the collection and decomposition characteristics contained in this cube itself... Maybe my secrets of the transformation of the United Fortress Group and the secrets of the integration of intelligent robots will be answered in this civilization ruins." Thain opened his own The right hand said.

The more than ten divided cubic crystals scattered among them still exude the beautiful light of law.

"Okay, I respect your decision." Gongsun Wudi then frowned and said.

She looked at Thain's face and added, "I will protect you."

Thane nodded.

Because the research materials just obtained from Ziyou also disrupted Thain's subsequent research plans, Sai

En's face looked a little solemn at this time, and his thoughts were also a little confused.

But when he thought that the truth he was pursuing was not far away, Thain couldn't help but feel a strange excitement.

"This time we packed everything up and took it away."

"I also feel that this journey may not be too smooth." Thain said about this.

The endless continent of bones appeared in the field of vision of Thain and his party.

It has been 15 years since Thane and others left the Osdia rules ruins.

Ziyou was right. The ruins of the ancient civilization called "Original Energy Civilization" were really far away from the dangerous place where they were originally located.

They have been traveling for more than ten years. According to Ziyou, they have only completed one-third of the journey.

Such a long distance made Thain couldn't help but lament the incomparable vastness of the despairing world, and also couldn't help but ask how Ziyou discovered the ruins of that civilization before?

Since the ruins of the Osdia civilization are so far away, Ziyou's previous exploration of them must not have been easy.

Faced with Thain's question, Ziyou did not answer directly.

Just like Thain hid many secrets from her, including the Rubik's Cube, Ziyou revealed very little to Thain.

However, she mentioned that she would meet two more "friends" when she arrived at the ruins of the Source Energy Civilization later.

At the end of the field of vision, another energy storm swept from far to near.

Thain and his party, who discovered the storm in advance, hurriedly hid in a gap in the ground to avoid it.

Gongsun Wudi is still tight at this time

Sticking to Thain, she kept her promise - she would always protect Thain!

Thain suddenly felt that he owed Gongsun Wudi a lot.

This was the same even during these years in the Despair World. He was so busy experimenting that he neglected invincibility.

On the contrary, Invincible Thane became more and more familiar with him.

She can even understand many of Thain's experimental topics and high-tech research projects now.

Just like the knights in the wizarding world, they can also acquire good experimental qualities after cooperating with magicians for a long time in magic experiments.

Gongsun Wudi's performance and progress in this area far exceeded those of those powerful and powerful knights.

After a long time, the storm finally passed.

Minghua let out a phoenix cry, reminding Thain and others that they could continue on their way.

Ziyou, who was the first to fly out of the gap in the ground, looked at Thain and Gongsun Wudi who were very close to each other with interest.

She said to the two people below, "It seems that your relationship is really good."

After traveling for another twenty years, Thain and his party had two new "travelers".

These two guys should be Ziyou's companions.

However, judging from the other party's attitude, these two creatures also have purple skin color, and they have a more submissive relationship with Ziyou.

For example, these two guys have never had anything like an equal conversation with Ziyou.

No matter what requests and suggestions Ziyou makes, they will obey them unconditionally.

It is even more impossible to be like Thain, who sometimes refutes or even slanders Ziyou in words.

The reminder from Gongsun Wudi and the analytical data provided by Wuxiang Mask told Thain that the two men in front of him

The guys who joined their team all had the strength of peak despairers.

One of them is a creature with eight heads and looks a bit like a scorpion.

The other one was a giant man about a hundred meters away, holding a world-class secret treasure butcher knife.

After these two guys joined their team, Thain discovered that the two of them and Ziyou were always in a vague "pin" shape, sandwiching Thain and others.

At this point, even if Thain wanted to quit, it would not be so easy.

However, Ziyou and the others never made any threatening moves towards them, and Thain just pretended not to see them.

This source energy civilization relic is really important to Thane.

He felt that his path to the peak of Level 6 might be there.

After a total of 45 years, Thain and his team finally arrived at their destination.

This is an endless gray plain, a bit like the area that Thain came to when he first came to the world of despair.

However, the lower layer of the earth is still covered with countless white bones, which shows that Thain and others are still in the continent of bones.

It's just that this battlefield has existed for much longer than the ones that Thain and others passed through before, so even the bones on the surface have been greatly eroded by weathering.

Including the source energy civilization ruins discovered by Ziyou and others, they are not on the surface, but at a depth of at least more than five thousand meters underground.

"The existence of this ruins in the world of despair far exceeds the ruins of the Osdia civilization we excavated before."

"I want you to help us figure out how this source energy civilization was destroyed, and who is their opponent?" When entering the ruins of the source energy civilization deep underground, Ziyou pointed to a tall building behind her. The ruins building said.

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