The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2482 Target: Desperate Person

Thain's hunch was indeed correct.

The surprise and significance that this top-level technological civilization relic brought to him far exceeded the dangerous places he had passed through before.

We haven't entered the secret realm of mechanical space yet. It's just that in the ruins of this technological cluster, Thain will make new discoveries and gains every once in a while.

For example, when studying those fortress buildings that were in serious damage, Thain discovered many related mysteries in the field of fortress science.

With Thain now promoted to level six, he is gradually moving towards the field of "all-rounder".

The foundation of fortress design and construction that Thain originally mastered was the experience and many drawings he obtained from Master Wharton, the master of space fortress design, when he was customizing the space fortress in Sky City.

Now that there is no way to escape from a ghost place like the Despair World, Thain simply began to explore the truth in the field of fortress manufacturing.

Build your own space fortress!

This idea comes from the extremely rich warship wreckage and fortress ruins in this settlement area.

Moreover, although Thain's combined fortress group had been briefly repaired before, the usable parts were also installed into the Rubik's Cube.

But it is undeniable that Thain has indeed temporarily lost this biggest help.

The combination with Fumila alone is not enough to support Thane to face all the threats in the desperate world.

Just the other three desperate people in this settlement who are as powerful as Gongsun Wudi are enough to make Thain afraid.

Not to mention, there are a lot of other desperate people and half-step peak desperate people.

Thain learned the term "half-step peak despairer" from a level four wanderer.

It was also the acquisition of this information that gave Thain a more systematic and thorough understanding of the realm of peak level six.

A strong person of the level of Master Sain Cuilis should be an ordinary absolute

Those who hope.

Because not much time has passed since the master reached the peak of level six.

And the existence that was promoted earlier than the master and also exerted great strength should be the desperate one who is half-step to the peak.

The Dawn Knight Robb, Death Knight Alex and others that Thane had come into contact with before were at this level for the last time.

The peak despairers should be people like Gongsun Wudi and Piccolo from Namek before breaking through the realm of domination.

The existence of this state is only one step away from breaking through the master.

And to a certain extent, they already have some power that only a master can have.

Thain is not ambitious at the moment.

Under the prerequisite of merging with intelligent robots such as Fumila, what Than is pursuing now is to be promoted to the level of "Desperator".

The sixth level peak realm...perhaps in the star realm, this realm cannot be broken through in a short time.

Trilis spent tens of thousands of years trying to cross this realm.

But now in the face of the ultra-fast passive evolution rate of the desperate world, there is also a top-level technological civilization ruins around it, waiting for Thane to explore and decipher its secrets.

He felt that this time might come sooner than imagined.

"If I can reach the strength of Desperate One or above, after returning to the material star realm, I will play a greater role on the civilized battlefield with the Gallente Federation."

"And with the exaggerated speed of time in the world of despair and the star realm, even if I stay in this world for tens of thousands of years, I will not miss any important battles." Thain mused.

It can be seen that he likes to experiment all year round.

Thain in the room, although it has been almost four thousand years since he came to the world of despair, he is not tired of the boring life of this desolate world.

Building a space fortress yourself is not an easy task.

At least it can't be done in a short time.

The space fortress construction masters in the wizarding world also need the assistance of a large number of low-level magicians.

Thane has no other magicians to assist him. All he has are millions of intelligent robots who believe in themselves.

These smart robots work tirelessly, never tire, and work conscientiously.

Considered to be Thain's best assistant.

However, the intelligent robot family also has its limitations.

That is, even if they possess intelligence and the ability to think for themselves, in the field of "innovation", they are still far inferior to the magicians of the Wizarding World and the scientists of the Gallente Federation.

What these smart robots prefer to do is to constantly copy and follow established rules.

This may have something to do with their nature.

As for the smart robot family, they also have the ability to continuously innovate and think divergently.

At least it can't be done in a short time.

Once even the "innovative" talent is unlocked, it may mean that the moment of true transformation has arrived for the intelligent robot family.

In addition to starting to build a space fortress, Thain also did not neglect the research and experiments on advanced intelligent robots.

Since "Zero" and "No. 1", the research plan of "No. 2" advanced intelligent robot has also been incorporated into Thain's research agenda.

And the development of these advanced intelligent robots and the development of space fortresses are not separate experimental projects.

Instead, they can be combined with each other.

Don’t forget, when Thane used the combined fortress group to launch a transformation battle, high-powered intelligent robots such as Decepticons and Optimus Prime could directly complete the combined battle with the fortress robots.

It was also at that time that Thain touched the boundary of the sixth level of peak strength early.

Thain's own journey as a desperate person is also continuing this path and constantly exploring.

When Thane was nearly halfway through the development of the "No. 2" smart robot, and at the same time, the main body of the new space fortress was being developed, the outline had just been completed.

The secret realm of mechanical space is opened.

Also paying attention to the opening of this secret realm are Sean's neighbor Ziyou and all the wanderers in this settlement.

Mechanical space, this is the secret realm left behind by the Otis sub-civilization.

Perhaps the Osdia civilization didn't name its secret realm this way back then, but as countless years passed, the wanderers who gathered here called it this.

The entrance to the mechanical space is located deep underground in the center of this ruins of technological civilization.

When Thain and others arrived, what was in front of them was a metal valve that looked like a giant turbine.

"It is another subspace created based on the world of despair. It seems that after these top civilizations came to the world of despair, they have set up complete logistics and resource supply centers in this world."

"Only in this way can they support the war in the desperate world." Thain sighed as he looked at the giant turbine metal valve in front of him.

The blurred technological brilliance seeped out from the gaps in the metal turbine in front of him.

With the opening of the secret realm of mechanical space, the impatient group of wanderers in this settlement have entered it immediately.

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