The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2479: Attracting attention

Thain and the trio of twin-cannon gorilla are considered acquaintances, but the relationship between the two parties is definitely not good.

Even Thane is looking forward to seeing these three guys unlucky.

After arriving at the edge of the battlefield, Thain did not join the battlefield immediately.

Instead, he just watched from the edge of the battlefield, putting great pressure on the two-gun gorilla and others.

The purple-haired girl who fought against the Twin Cannon Gorillas and the others was incredible.

Her external aura was only at the late level six, but how could a mere late level six creature survive against three enemies with one against three?

And it also contains a sixth-level peak strength dwarf?

While observing this battle, Thane was certain that this purple-haired girl must have a special item similar to the Phaseless Mask in his hand.

Can hide one's own breath.

In addition, Thane, with the eyes of an alchemist, also saw that there were many good things in this purple-haired girl.

Her purple cloak, a purple pearl ring on her finger, and a purple whip in her hand all possess extremely obscure law power fluctuations.

"They can't all be world-class secret treasures, right?" Thain said to himself in a joking tone, shaking his head.

Little did he know that what he said was actually the truth!

Otherwise, the two-gun orangutan trio would not have set their sights on a fat sheep like her.

After all, this battle did not continue to develop.

When Thain originally planned to wait until the two sides were fighting to a similar level, he would get off the field and join in.

But how could the cunning trio of two-gun orangutans leave Thain with the opportunity to reap the benefits.

Especially the last battle made the trio of Twin Cannon Gorillas realize the strength of Thane and his team.

The focus is on Gongsun Wudi's strength.

This made them lose the intention to continue fighting.

"Let's retreat!" The twin-cannon orangutan glared fiercely at Thane in the sky, and then shouted to the other two partners on the battlefield.

As the two-gun gorilla left the battlefield, another dwarf with peak level 6 strength and a leopard with mid-level strength 6 also retreated in unison.

These three

The direction in which this guy retreated was the ruins of the Osdia civilization not far away.

In this dense steel jungle, there are many places where they can stay and hide.

The cunningness of the two orangutans made Thain sigh inwardly.

Level six creatures like them, which are extremely nimble and able to judge the situation, are definitely extremely nourishing existences that can survive in a desperate world.

Especially these three guys still act collectively at every turn.

This makes it difficult for even a desperate person like Gongsun Wudi to kill them by force.

This kind of invincible Xiaoqiang is the most troublesome.

Because you have no idea when they will jump out and cause trouble for you next moment.

When the Twin Cannon Gorillas and others retreated, Thane finally took action.

Since arriving in the Despair World, Thain rarely does anything unless necessary.

In particular, he still uses his best elemental power to attack.

I saw a beautiful Lotus of Flame Law quietly appearing at the head of the huge Staff of Ashes.

The suppressed fluctuations of energy elements allow one to see at a glance how terrifying and violent energy elements it contains.

In a place like the Despair World, using elemental strikes is often the most luxurious thing.

When the Ash Lotus appeared in front of Thain, many creatures lurking in the darkness on the battlefield couldn't help but look over.

The purple-haired girl also glanced at Thain.

The energy element contained in this Ash Lotus is enough to threaten level six peak creatures.

(Magicians in the wizarding world are generally good at leveraging elements. It is normal for Thain to trigger magical strikes that threaten peak-level creatures at the sixth level.

If the combined fortress group was still in a state of saturation, Thain would have been able to exert a threat to peak level six creatures when he was in the early to mid-level six. )

"This damn lunatic!" The twin-cannon orangutan watched as it continued to grow in size.

And the Ash Lotus flying straight towards him and others, his lips could not help but tremble.

In addition to Thain, Minghua Phoenix and Gongsun Wudi also took action.

Minghua whipped out a phoenix rain of fire from between his wings, sweeping towards the third child of the trio.

Ever since I followed Thain and Gongsun Wudi and started to "have a good time".

Minghua indeed never worried that his energy elements were not enough.

Anyway, every time she is hungry, if she donates a tube of blood to Thain, Thain will be able to produce enough energy crystals to make her belly full.

This time it was a rare act of generosity.

Gongsun Wudi, unlike Thane and Minghua, frequently caused such exaggerated fluctuations in energy elements.

She was holding a thin metal rod in her hand, a bit like a javelin.

This thing is a weapon that Thain built for Gongsun Wudi in his spare time in the past period of time.

Its predecessor was the world-class secret treasure thin stick seized from the dwarf.

I saw Gongsun Wudi stretching his right arm back, and then thrust forward fiercely.

When the metal javelin flew out of Invincible's hand, it was affected by the friction around it. Not only did a sonic boom sound emit, but a vortex of flames, with the main body of the javelin as the center, appeared over the battlefield.

This is the peak expression of strength!

When Gongsun Wudi showed his hand, the real masters on the periphery of the ruins couldn't help but shift their gaze from the ash fire lotus released by Thane to the golden javelin that Gongsun Wudi released.

It was also the power unleashed by Thane, Gongsun Wudi and his team that made many strong men who had been watching gradually restrain their thoughts.

Then, far more intense explosions and elemental shock waves than the living cannons activated by the twin-cannon orangutans appeared on the escape path of these three guys.

It may have been too long since there were no battles and elemental shocks at the sixth peak level nearby, so when Thane's Ash Fire Lotus detonated, the elemental air waves it inspired even swept away a large number of Osdian civilization ruins. of ruins.

In the face of this wave of elemental attacks from Thane, Minghua released

Phoenix Fire Rain is more like a costumed character.

Just like the strong wind mixed with the heavy rain, it is not as shocking as Thain's blow.

However, most people's attention was still focused on the javelin thrown by Gongsun Wudi.

In the end, this javelin will pass through the body of a dwarf with peak level six strength!

Last time, this dwarf was no match for Gongsun Wudi.

Not this time!

But this guy's life is really tough.

Gongsun Wudi's javelin penetrated this guy's body from the center.

But despite being so seriously injured, this guy remained silent, covered his head and continued to run forward.

Faced with Gongsun Wudi's questioning gaze.

Does it mean to pursue or not?

Thain sent a message and said, "Forget it, we just came here and we are not familiar with the place."

"If those three guys try their best to escape, it will be difficult for us to capture them in the short term."

"Let's take a look at the situation around this ruins first. If those three guys don't leave, there will always be a chance to deal with them later." Thain snorted coldly.

After repelling these three guys, Thain took the initiative to fly towards the purple-haired girl.

He was very interested in this girl who was full of mystery.

Mainly interested in the equipment used by this woman.

In addition, the purple energy she used was also a power system that Thain had never come into contact with before.

When Thain flew close to the opponent, before Thain could say anything, the purple-haired girl took the initiative and said, "Thank you three for lending me a helping hand."

"I am Zi You from the world of Demonic Abyss. Nice to meet you!" After saying that, the purple-haired girl extended her hand to Thain and greeted him.

She also seemed to notice that among Thain and his group, it was Thain who was in charge, not Gongsun Wudi who seemed to be more powerful.

Faced with the self-introduction of the purple-haired girl, Thain was stunned, then smiled and extended his hand, and replied, "Hello, my name is Thain, from the wizarding world."

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