The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2476 Robe of Ashes

There is no rush to recommend Bailing Bird World to join the Wizards Alliance.

This is something that I will only consider when I go out to a desperate world in the future.

And according to Minghua's introduction and Thane's own judgment, this lark world is probably extremely far away from the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization.

Neither party has even heard of each other's names.

Whether or not Bailing Bird World can be brought into the Wizards Alliance is not an easy task in Thain's opinion, and it is not something he and Minghua Phoenix can decide.

However, with this relationship between the two of them, at least when the wizarding civilization starts to come into contact with this large-scale world civilization in the future, the two sides will be able to talk more easily.

Over the years that Thain has been conducting experiments, the development of the Luanfeng Mountain settlement has become increasingly stable.

But Thain knew that stability was just a facade.

As the lifespan of the most powerful person in the settlement, the Phaseless One, gradually comes to an end, great chaos will surely ensue here.

The phaseless man who is at the limit of his lifespan knows without thinking that he will try his best to give it another try at the last moment of his life.

What will such an extremely powerful but increasingly crazy creature do in the end?

Thane didn't know and had no interest in knowing.

But it is certain that the madness and hysteria of the Phaseless Man at the last minute will interfere with Thain.

Because this guy also needs to rely on Gongsun Wudi's power, and he wooed Gongsun Wudi last time.

At that time, Invincible rejected the suggestion of the Phaseless Ones to cooperate in attacking the "Aurora Eye".

Although the phaseless person didn't say anything for the time being, as this guy becomes more and more desperate, who knows what he will do.

The sixth-level peak creature in the world of despair is called "Desperate", which is even too appropriate.

These guys have stood at the pinnacle of power in the desperate world, but they cannot escape from this world. It is conceivable that in the long period of suffering, they have endured

What a lot of pressure.

In addition to the chaos that the phaseless person itself may bring, when the phaseless person's lifespan is exhausted, or he hysterically enters the energy channel of the blue light arc civilization, and is eliminated into the most basic elemental particles.

With its death, this long-peaceful Luanfeng Mountain settlement will inevitably experience turmoil again.

After all, the peace in this settlement is currently enacted by the authority of the Faceless One.

There may be shadows of compromise among other level six or peak level six experts, but Thain has no interest in exploring and clarifying the complicated relationship.

"Perhaps, after a while, we can leave here." Thain said to Gongsun Wudi after an experiment.

"There is no escape from this desperate world. We need to look elsewhere."

"We may be able to explore the coordinates of the top technological civilization ruins we obtained from the Twin Cannon Orangutans and others last time," Thain said.

Naturally, Gongsun Wudi had no objection to Thain's proposal, and she nodded.

However, she then asked, "Can you take Minghua with you?"

Thain replied "Of course, as long as she is willing to leave with us."

"I don't mind bringing another phoenix that can be used as a substitute." Thane shrugged.

After getting along for a while, it seemed that Gongsun Wudi and Minghua had really formed a good friendship.

She even represented the Tianming Empire and wanted to establish diplomatic cooperation with the Bailing Bird World behind Minghua.

According to Gongsun Wudi's joke once, their Tianming Empire has a Dragon Army, an elite dragon cavalry army.

She wants to negotiate with the Bailing Bird World behind Minghua

Forge friendships and build a Phoenix Legion.

Gongsun Wudi's approach is exactly the same as Thain's previous attempt to win over the Bailing Bird World behind Minghua to join the Wizards Alliance.

But now, they are just three unlucky guys living in a desperate world amusing themselves. No one knows when the things they casually agreed on will come true in the future.

Gongsun Wudi obviously wanted to take Minghua with him.

I just don’t know if this phoenix is ​​willing to leave with them.

Since living in a world of despair, this naturally restless phoenix has become much more homely than she used to be.

"No problem, as long as you can take care of the food, I don't mind following you around." Minghua said, blinking his big eyes.

All of Minghua's current wealth is contained in Thane's space conch.

If she didn't go with Thain, where else could she go?

It has to be said that Minghua Phoenix, who came from the distant Bailing Bird World Group and was very active in his early years, has a lot of good things in his hands.

Mainly because they are extremely rare.

There are some rules and regulations that Thain has never seen before.

When these good things were in Thain's hands, it was naturally impossible for him to pretend that he had not seen them.

However, every time when using these rare rules objects for research, Thain would always say hello to Minghua.

And I rarely use Minghua’s stuff in vain.

Minghua's reserves have basically not been consumed, and Thain will compensate the other party in other aspects.

After establishing the intention to leave next, Thain was not in a hurry to leave.

Anyway, according to Xiangzhe, he still has three chances.

At least in the last thousand years, there shouldn't be any big changes.

The Chaos Peak Mountain settlement is one of the few areas in the world of Despair with a relatively stable environment, and the wanderers here have also established a small trading market. Thain can purchase and exchange some resources that are useful to him in a limited amount.

Before leaving Chaos Peak Mountain, Thain must at least complete some of the experiments at hand.

In the next period of time, Thain took the lead in completing the production of the "Robe of Ashes".

The Robe of Ashes is made of Rose's natal spider silk as the main material, with phoenix feathers and other top-quality raw materials that Thane has on hand.

The preliminary preparation process for refining is more complicated than when the Ash Staff was made, and the materials are high-grade.

In addition, Thain's alchemy level is much higher than when he first refined a world-class secret treasure such as the Staff of Ashes.

Thain had great confidence in this magical experiment of refining the Robe of Ashes.

This alchemical experiment lasted for a total of seven hundred years.

Of course, they didn't spend seven hundred years refining magic robes.

Alchemy experiments are also divided into many steps, especially if they involve high-precision magic equipment, the time span will naturally be longer.

In between these experiments, Thain can also conduct some other experiments and even delve into some new academic mysteries.

Moreover, unlike when Thain refined the Soul Gathering Ring for the King of Ghost Crows, he didn't put much thought into it, so the refining speed was extremely fast.

This time, Thain built "exclusive equipment" for himself, so it naturally required more time and effort.

Seven hundred years later.

The main color on the surface is gray, but the inner lines and more details show the power of the strange laws of gold and silver. It was born in front of Thain's alchemy experiment table.

Judging from the power of elemental laws contained in this magic robe, this is clearly a low-grade, high-grade world-class secret treasure!

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