The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2458 Experimentation and Improvement

After the meeting with Gongsun Wudi, Thain took a look at his joint fortress group.

With the help of many coolies from the Penetrating Gate settlement, most of the useful parts of Thane's big metal lump were gathered together.

In the past, those who assisted Thain in controlling this joint fortress group were the magicians of the Holy Tower of Ashes and the main control power of the Rubik's Cube.

But now, the Rubik's Cube is seriously damaged.

Even the low-level magicians who were originally in the coalition fortress group died in the previous tide of endless light energy.

Facing this metal continent that has gone silent, Thain can only think of other ways to try to make this metal continent move again.

After months of investigation and research, Thain concluded that his joint fortress group could still be salvaged and repaired.

That is, more energy will be consumed by then.

In addition, how to make this behemoth operate normally? After losing the help of the low-level magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane couldn't help but turn his attention to the intelligent robots in his Rubik's Cube.

"The intelligence of the intelligent robot family is not inferior to that of humans."

"Including their ability to learn is also very strong."

"Coupled with the fact that they are both members of the mechanical family, they may have an innate affinity for large metal platforms such as space fortresses and war fortresses."

"Letting these smart robots assist me in exploring the mysteries of machinery, and even cooperate with me in completing the mysteries of mechanical integration in the future, seems to be something that must be set on the schedule." Thain mused.

After determining the general direction, the next step is to complete each experimental task in detail.

Thain is really busy. In addition to the above-mentioned fortress maintenance, intelligent robot training and other experimental projects, Thain also has to repair his badly damaged Rubik's Cube as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the intelligent robot WALL-E is by his side, and it is also the reason why Thain is living in a desperate world this time.

After the world, one of the most powerful experimental assistants.

A series of experiments were put on the agenda one after another.

For those survivors in the Penetrating Gate settlement, Thain, the new leader of this settlement, is an extremely mysterious and strange existence.

He only appeared in front of everyone for a very limited time.

I don't know when, but suddenly disappeared.

No one knows what this being who wears a formless mask all year round is actually doing.

Mystery is Thain's biggest label in this settlement.

In contrast, Gongsun Wudi, who has been practicing physical training and martial arts, often appears in front of the wanderers in these settlements.

Except for the fact that at the beginning, Gongsun Wudi and Thain severely shocked the survivors in the settlement area with their cold-blooded and decisive style.

As Thain and others established a foothold in this settlement, neither Thain nor Gongsun Wudi rarely disturbed the lives of these creatures in the settlement.

Especially the mysterious Master Thain, he does adhere to his principle of equal value transactions.

All the wanderers who cooperated with Thain to complete experimental research eventually received varying degrees of rewards.

Either some energy crystals, or items that are more in line with their physical attributes and legal characteristics.

Master Thane always comes up with the items that catch their attention the most.

As for why Master Thain has so many good things on hand... The creatures in the settlement generally think that Thain and others have just fled here from the material star world, and they still have many rare treasures from the material star world on hand.

Not just Thane, but almost every astral creature who has just come to the desperate world

, can be called "thin assets".

However, the passage of time and the loss of excess elements will eventually leave these creatures with nothing but their own bodies.

Of course, in the world of despair, there are also phenomena where veteran survivors and desperate people plunder and bully newcomers.

In this world where matter and energy are extremely scarce, many organisms cannot receive energy replenishment for a long time, and incidents such as "cannibalism" are common.

Thain and Gongsun Wudi relied on their absolute power to maintain stability in the Penetrating Gate settlement area after experiencing high-level changes.

Especially Gongsun Wudi. When Thain was busy with experiments, Wudi would always find some wanderers from the Penetrating Gate settlement to engage in battles after refining his body.

Unlike Thain, he can complete the exploration of the truth and the advancement of strength in the laboratory.

Every increase in Gongsun Wudi's strength requires hard training and actual combat polishing.

When competing against these desperate world creatures, Gongsun Wudi also adopted the same style as when she competed with Thane - suppressing her own power to the same level as her opponent.

It was this approach that allowed Gongsun Wudi to completely "conquer" all the fourth- and fifth-level creatures in the settlement in the Gate of Despair in just a few hundred years. 🅆

She used her supreme power to declare her authority in this settlement.

Even in the 547th year when Thane and others lived here, Gongsun Wudi severely injured and drove away a sixth-level creature at the level of a pseudo-desperate.

It seemed to be a passing black dragon.

If Thain hadn't been in a critical period of his experiment at that time, Gongsun Wudi would have stayed in the settlement to protect Thain.

I'm afraid after that experiment

, Thane and others can have a feast of dragon meat.

However, even though the cunning black dragon escaped that time, Gongsun Wudi took the opportunity to collect dragon blood and dragon meat, which further enriched Thain's inventory of experimental materials.

After coming out of the mechanical experimental research state, Thain looked at the half-repaired Rubik's Cube crystal, and then looked at the dragon's blood that Invincible handed him.

After a simple test and elemental energy analysis, Thane said to Gongsun Wudi, "The energy contained in these dragon blood far exceeds that of ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures, including those sixth-level astral creatures in my specimen collection room." , can’t compare to it.”

"Perhaps only the sixth-level avatar of Marduk, the main god of gods, contains blood essence that is comparable to the dragon blood in front of you."

"Dragon creatures are indeed a major branch of various species in the star world. Next time we see that black dragon, we'd better capture it alive."

"Let it bleed continuously to provide us with the raw material for blood crystals."

"For a long time in the future, we will not lack this kind of body refining resources." Thain had two blood crystal potions on hand at this time. After handing one to Gongsun Wudi, he also raised his head and drank the other one. .

For Thain and Gongsun Wudi, the blood crystal potion is not only their body refining potion, but also a major energy supplement for them in a desperate world.

Compared with dryly absorbing energy crystals, or absorbing the energy generated in the Rubik's Cube.

Magical potions such as blood crystal potion are the main supplements for Thain and Gongsun Wudi.

For this reason, hundreds of years after arriving in the desperate world, while most creatures were becoming thinner and more rugged, the faces of Thane and Gongsun Wudi became increasingly rosy.

In just a few hundred years, the two people's physical training achievements have reached a level that they may not be able to achieve after thousands of years of normal cultivation in the star realm.

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