The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2453: Body Refining

"It is already useless. Our 'Penetrating Gate' settlement does not need to raise a useless person." The toad's mouth did not bulge, but its belly bulged, and a corresponding sound came.

"Penetration Gate?" Thain raised his eyebrows, and he looked at the energy gate that was still gushing out energy, but was almost coming to an end.

It stands to reason that the total amount of energy spurting out from this energy gate is not low.

But perhaps due to the influence of the special rules of this world, after arriving in this gray world, these energy flows quickly overflowed and disappeared at a speed exceeding the star realm.

Thain was still adhering to the law of conservation of energy at this time. Regarding this situation, he judged that it was because of the extremely low concentration of energy elements in this world that any excessively high energy body would be destroyed as quickly as possible after it came to this world. Diluted and evenly distributed by the world.

Even sixth-level creatures like Thane cannot escape the fate of rapid loss of energy.

After just a slight attack, Thain, who was already weak, now felt more hungry in his belly.

However, Thane does not need to compete with the creatures in front of him for the mottled energy spurting out from the energy gate.

Because as long as Thain holds the Rubik's Cube, he can get the energy continuously produced from the Rubik's Cube.

Energy Amethyst is one of them.

This is due to the "law of infinite energy" contained in Thane's Rubik's Cube.

If it weren't for a group of fourth- and fifth-level creatures who didn't know the details around him, Thain might have used the Rubik's Cube to draw power by now.

"Hmph, new guy, you are not welcome in our settlement!"

"Either leave directly, or leave three hundred pints of energy crystals. I can let you stay here temporarily for a while."

"Lest you can't adapt to the bad environment of this world and die like this."

"As you who have just fled here from the material star realm, you should still have a lot of energy crystals on your body, right?" The toad's round eyes looked at the three of Thain with greed.

If it weren't for the strength that Thain showed just now, and that weird ash fire, this toad would also smell a deep danger.

I'm afraid it

Now I am no longer standing here and communicating with Thain and others.

The world of despair will not be too friendly to any new astral creatures that enter here.

The endless life of imprisonment and the suffering from the surrounding harsh environment have turned the creatures here into perverts over a long period of time.

Thain and his party were new here, and there was no better place to inquire about the situation than from the settlement in front of them.

A group of fourth- and fifth-level creatures actually established a so-called settlement area?

This world that looks gray, dilapidated, deserted, and weird brings more interest to Thane.

Suppressing the feeling of hunger in his body, Thain was about to call Fumila beside him to cooperate with him to take down this level five toad.

Someone moves faster than him!

A beautiful afterimage flashed past Thain.

The next moment, the toad, which had just been "full" and had its body swollen up, was actually punched by Gongsun Wudi with a striking dent.

Large-area air waves and cracked ground swept away in all directions from Gongsun Wudi's location.

Because he was severely injured, Thain can now exert only half of his strength.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had to ask Fumila to help me even to capture a late-level fifth-level creature.

But Gongsun Wudi has experienced such a long channel erosion and endless light energy impact, and he still retains so much energy.

Judging from the power of Gongsun Wudi's punch, it is probably enough to severely damage any late-level six creature.

It was also when Gongsun Wudi fired this punch that another late-level fifth-level creature present - a creature with four horns and an elk-like appearance couldn't help but exclaimed, "Desperate?"

At the same time, a painful scream from a level five toad pierced the originally silent gray sky.

Things will be much easier to handle after that.

After Gongsun Wudi exploded the toad's belly, the multi-horned elk, who sensed the power gap between the two sides, very wisely told them all the information that Thain and others wanted to know.

Thain eventually got his loot back.

In the completely shattered belly of the sky-swallowing toad, Thain recovered the digested and bloody corpse of a Level 5 black man.

In addition, Thain also harvested a specimen of a sky-swallowing toad.

The Sky-Swallowing Toad is the name of this big toad. According to the Multi-horned Elk, they met four thousand years ago and jointly occupied this place where the Penetrating Gate rules.

The multi-horned elk has stayed in this gray world for a longer time. It has been wandering here for seven thousand years.

In a world of despair, the simplest way to judge the strength of a creature is to look at how long it survives in this world.

Generally speaking, the longer a creature lives, the more abnormal its own strength and physique will be. 🅆

This was later confirmed by Thain.

In this world, the process of continuous and rapid consumption of energy in living organisms is not only a process of energy loss, but also a process in which living organisms are passively evolving and constantly exerting cell strength.

The efficiency of passive evolution cultivation here is even dozens of times that of the normal star realm.

The multi-horned elk is not good at fighting, so after seven thousand years, it has only been upgraded from the early level five to the late level five.

And the sky-swallowing toad, whose belly had been blasted open, seemed to have more outstanding potential in this regard.

It took it four thousand years to complete the seven-thousand-year journey of the multi-horned elk.

The "friends" who had known each other for many years were killed by Thain and Gongsun Wudi in one fell swoop.

Not only did this multi-horned elk not show any sentimental emotions, it didn't even dare to reveal any hostility.

In a place like the World of Despair, the strong ones at the Desperate level are almost at the top of the food chain.

Because there is a huge lack of energy elements here, when creatures fight with creatures, they will behave more bloody.

with nakedness.

It’s a complete collision of strength and power!

The fifth-level black man whose power was forcibly dismantled by Thain was actually not because he was too late to use his magical power of the Three Eyes Law, but because he had stayed in the world of despair for too long and had already adapted to fighting with physical strength and physical strength in the world of despair. Way.

Elemental energy is too precious here, and without using it for many years, many creatures have gradually lost their power of law.

"It seems that the world is very unfriendly to me." Thain, who was chewing a lion leg, sighed.

On the other side, Gongsun Wudi also rarely maintained his princess demeanor. Instead, he hugged a piece of lion rib that was larger than her body and devoured it.

Beside the two of them, a level 4 lion head that had lost its life luster was quietly placed there.

Because he was so hungry, the boundless hunger coming from every cell in his body even affected Thain's rational mind and normal thinking.

So he decided to fill his stomach first.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the two murderous gods, Thain and Gongsun Wudi, no other creature in the Penetrating Gate settlement dared to move now.

Including the multi-horned elk, they also faced Thain and others with a respectful and surrendered attitude.

Previously, there was a level four pinnacle creature that looked like a rabbit, trying to escape from this place with its extraordinary speed.

But unfortunately, before he could get far, Gongsun Wudi penetrated his body with a lion bone.

"The passive evolution energy level of creatures in this world is generally very high. Although their defense power has been increased, their tenacity is beyond imagination."

"But because of the lack of use of energy elements, it is easier to kill than the normal level four or above creatures in the star realm."

"At least their life-saving abilities are not so weird and changeable."

"All living things are refining their bodies." Thain thought to himself after glancing at Gongsun Wudi's achievements.

"Tomorrow I'm going to visit my girlfriend's house in the next county. Xiaodou asks everyone for a day off in advance~

Will update normally the day after tomorrow”

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