The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2439 Civilization Baton

When the Fourth Pharaoh appeared in front of Xiao Shi, two extremely eye-catching props appeared beside him.

The first is the most precious treasure of civilization - the Holy Book of Minghe.

This holy book, which records the secret of supreme death and certain rules of the astral world, was brought from the world of Hades by the fourth pharaoh.

Its previous holder was the second pharaoh who had passed away.

Secondly, it is also a cultural treasure - the divine sealing ring.

Before the second pharaoh died, he didn't have time to talk to the first pharaoh.

But during the period before and after the First Pharaoh was promoted to the ninth level, these two former civilization leaders of the Hades Empire had many interactions with each other.

In his heart, Ozyman Deas supported the Second Pharaoh's designation of the Fourth Pharaoh as the leader of the next generation of civilization.

Therefore, Ozman personally handed over the two civilized treasures that Ozman left to the Hades Empire, one of which was the Sealing Divine Ring, to the Fourth Pharaoh.

The Holy Book of Mingha, which exudes the strong power of death, and the sealing ring, which exudes infinite sealing power, really attract people's attention.

Fortunately, it was the Minghe Empire that took the initiative to attack the demonic civilization army.

Otherwise, those sharp-eyed rulers of the Demonic Tide Civilization must have long since set their sights on the "fat" of the Fourth Pharaoh.

In the extremely large Demonic Tide Civilization, there are also countless civilized treasures.

Except for those demon ancestor-level beings who can each have one.

How many other Demon Emperor-level experts can possess such a treasure?

It is unbelievable that this fourth pharaoh will be besieged by many envious late-level eighth-level masters of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

At this time, the fourth pharaoh came to Xiao Shi not to show off his wealth.

Under Xiao Shi's surprised gaze, the Fourth Pharaoh slowly pushed the Holy Book of Minghe, the most important cultural treasure, toward him.


Although the Second Pharaoh didn't say anything to me when he was dying, he had revealed to me earlier that he wanted to pass on the Holy Book of Hades to you. "The fourth pharaoh said in a deep voice.

"What...what do you mean?" the tenth Pharaoh said, caught off guard.

In the Hades Empire, there were many people with higher status, qualifications, and strength than the Tenth Pharaoh.

Just like her ranking in the high-level meeting of the Minghe Empire, she was ranked tenth. In any case, it was not her turn to master this civilized treasure.

Who dares to say that the fifth and sixth pharaohs and others in front of her did not take a peek at this civilized treasure.

Moreover, this kind of handover and transmission of civilization's treasures also heralds the handover of power and the selection of the successor leader of the civilization in many top civilizations.

In other words, after the Fourth Pharaoh, the person who is most likely to lead the Pluto Empire to create a new era is Xiao Shi, who has made great profits in the star field of the Kingdom of Light and has absorbed a massive amount of death power!

Even if something happens to the First Pharaoh, the Third Pharaoh, the Fourth Pharaoh and others now.

The tenth pharaoh holding the sacred book of Mingha, the most precious treasure of civilization, will suddenly become the true leader of civilization in the Mingha Empire.

Considering that the divine power of the Hades Empire has been greater than the imperial power in recent years, the will of the Pharaoh's temple often overrides the imperial royal family.

One can imagine what kind of transformation the power of the Tenth Pharaoh will undergo after this moment.

The Tenth Pharaoh also looked confused at this time. She glanced at the First Pharaoh and others who were still in a fierce battle, and then looked at the Holy Book of Hades in front of her that exuded the infinite power of friendly death.

In his eyes, there was both longing and surprise and the accompanying heavy pressure of responsibility.

"The Second Pharaoh trusts you, and the First Pharaoh is also optimistic about your future, and I also recognize your achievements over the years." The Fourth Pharaoh said in a deep voice.

His words really made the Tenth Pharaoh blush.

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Xiao Shi seems to have been fighting and losing over the past few years.

Ever since he took the initiative to receive the combat mission to the wizarding civilization, Xiao Shi began to have bad luck.

It once made people chase him from the Wizard Star Territory to the battlefield of the Minghe Empire.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it is worth mentioning that Xiao Shi only lost those middle and low-level combat legions.

Although she herself was bullied by the Immortal Dragon Clan, Buddhism, Chan Sect and other forces, she had no fundamental losses after all.

Including the two monster kings under her, they have not died, but they have been in a miserable state in recent years.

But from another perspective, Xiao Shi died miserably, but the strategic goals that the Minghe Empire wanted to achieve after her expedition were generally successful.

Judging from how much the wizarding civilization, the Immortal Dragon Clan, and the Chan Sect have turned their backs on her, we can see how great a contribution Xiao Shi has made.

If she was really the master of Hades who couldn't do anything well, the wizarding civilization wouldn't have dealt such a heavy blow to her.

All I can say is... Xiao Shi himself was born at the wrong time.

After arriving at the battlefield of the Kingdom of Light, Xiao Shi began to get lucky, and now even the most precious treasures of civilization were placed in front of him.

I couldn't help but step forward and touch the gentle laws of the Holy Book of Ming He.

With Xiao Shi's current strength, if she has this Holy Book of Ming He as a blessing, she has the confidence to face any late-level eighth-level creature.

"What do you think of the order given by the First Pharaoh just now?" The fourth

Pharaoh asked.

Xiao Shi heard this, pondered for a moment, and replied, "Although I don't know the details of these demon tide civilizations, but just the dominance level combat power and the huge demon tide army displayed on the star field battlefield in front of me, it is not Lost to our Minghe Empire."

"It can even be said that it surpasses our Ming He Empire!" Xiao Shi paused and added.

"Now, the First Pharaoh and the Third Pharaoh have withstood the pressure, and there is no sign of any decline for the time being."

"But if after those demon tide whirlpools, a new demon tide army arrives..." Xiao Shi didn't say anything else. The fourth pharaoh in front of him certainly understood what she meant.

The lack of clarity on the opponent's strength and situation is the biggest hidden danger in this current war.

More importantly, as powerful men of the Minghe Empire who generally practiced self-sealing techniques, Xiao Shi and others knew that there was a time limit for the outbreak of the Third Pharaoh King, the Fifth Pharaoh King and others.

Including the First Pharaoh, even if he can stay in the star realm for a long time, he will eventually leave.

And through the meaning revealed in the words of the first pharaoh just now... Xiao Shi suddenly felt that the army of the Hades Empire, which was still in a state of fierce fighting and was extremely enthusiastic about war, actually still had huge shortcomings. with crisis!

When the tenth pharaoh holding the Holy Book of Hades raised his head and looked at the fourth pharaoh again.

The fourth pharaoh nodded heavily and said, "So, we need to prepare early."

"I'm going to meet Emperor Minghe now!" said the Fourth Pharaoh. "You can serve as a representative and try to contact those light-dimensional giants."

It is not an easy task to negotiate with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, which was still in a desperate state of war just now.

However, Xiao Shi still gritted his teeth and took over this burden.

Xiao Shi bit his silver teeth lightly and replied, "I'll try it."

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