The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2431 Complete Chaos

After all, the King of Guangwei still did not persuade this stubborn son.

At least not for the time being.

After completely clearing out the Death Legion of the Hades Empire that invaded the Light Dimension Star, most of the remaining dominant light giants, including the King of Light Dimension, turned their attention to the direction of the Demonic Tide Civilization. Outer star field.

"What do you think?" the King of Light Dimension asked Diersga who was approaching him. 🅆

Hundreds of years have passed, and Diersga is in a very bad state at this time.

Especially after Ozman sealed it into an alien space, Dilsga also suffered a lot of damage.

At this time, Dilsga's state was no longer what it was when he was at his peak.

However, Dierska is still the strongest person in the Kingdom of Light, including his ability to restrain the masters of the Mingha Empire and the Demonic Tide Civilization on the battlefield in front of him, and he is also the strongest!

The eighth-level light-dimensional warrior Remjiu has led a group of light giant legions to the outer star field battlefield.

These giant armies of light, after fighting the Mingha Empire army, also fought against the Demonic Tide Civilization Army.

Anyway, for these giants of light, whether they are demon tide creatures or underworld creatures, they are the objects they strongly reject, and they are all intruders.

These giants of light will never show mercy to intruders.

"I think your decision is correct."

"It is indeed difficult to hold on to the Star of Light Dimension. The newly emerged demonic forces seem to be more turbulent than the Minghe Empire."

"In the past period of time, we have focused too much attention on the Minghe Empire."

"I don't even know when another such evil civilization appeared in the star world." Dierska sighed.

The closer to the source of light, the more Dierska can feel the turbulent crisis engulfed by the demonic civilization in the distance.

Don't look at the fact that the Demonic Tide Civilization is currently fighting fiercely with the Ming He Empire.

But looking at the surging momentum of the Demonic Tide Civilization, as well as the many seventh- and eighth-level masters that the opponent has displayed in a short period of time, this foreign civilization that suddenly invaded the light-dimensional star field is probably more terrifying than the Pluto Empire!

This is undoubtedly a disaster for the Kingdom of Light and Wei.

It's just a Hades empire that these giants of light can't support.

Not to mention, there is another more powerful top civilization.

So Dierska turned to look at the King of Light Dimension and said seriously, "I will lead a group of Light Dimension warriors to hold back these alien forces that invade our home star domain."

"You take the other tribesmen and retreat." Dierska demanded.

This is the first time in nearly 100,000 years that he has spoken to the King of Light in such a formal tone.

However, the King of Light Dimension shook his head and replied, "I am the King of Light Dimension, how can I give up my mother plane and escape?"

"Senagaro and Teptero are both good young people. The future of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light lies on their shoulders."

"In addition, many outstanding young people have emerged in our country of Guangwei during this civilization crisis."

"Let them leave here with hope."

"As for us old guys, sticking to the mother plane and fighting until the last moment is our destination." The King of Light and Dimension said calmly.

Dierska stared at the King of Light for a long time, then nodded and replied, "Okay."

"However, I still want to take another look at the front line."

"Maybe the glimmer of hope for our civilization in the Kingdom of Light is right there." Dierska said in a deep voice, looking in the direction of the star field where the Demonic Tide Civilization appeared.

The King of Light Dimension nodded and added, "The remaining light

You can also take the Wei Legion with you. "

"Actually, we are not the key factor that determines the success of Taptro and others' breakout." The King of Lightweigh said with some emotion.


The light-dimensional giant army headed by Remjiyo was the first batch of light giants to rush towards the coordinates of the demonic civilization.

But soon afterwards, the second batch of light-dimensional giant legions headed by Dierska represented the last elite troops of the Kingdom of Light!

Taptro, the son of the King of Light, was also among this expedition.

In the end, he still refused the order to break out and escape, but wanted to spread his blood of light in the home star field.

For this stubborn son, the King of Light and Wei had no good solution for a while.

As he said before, the Guangwei clan can really preserve their essence, but the initiative does not actually lie with them.

"I hope this child can grow up." The King of Light, who stayed in his mother plane, said with emotion as he watched Diersga, Taptro and others set out to leave the Star of Light.

Queen Guangwei, who was standing next to King Guangwei at this time, stepped forward and hugged her husband's arm.

There was obvious worry in her eyes as she looked at Taptro gradually moving away.


After the two groups of light-dimensional legions left their home planet, their destinations were the directions where the demonic civilization emerged.

As they continued to advance, the targets of these giants of light were not only the Mingha Empire Legion that occupied a large area of ​​their star field, but also the Demon Tide Legion that began to demonize the light dimension star field.

In the same way, the Minghe Empire Legion and the Demon Tide Civilization Legion also divided their hostile targets into two groups.

This caused the light dimension star field to gradually fall into a scene of war between each other.

On war

The situation is obviously more chaotic than in the past few hundred years!

Of course, in the context of such a completely chaotic star field battlefield, the two sides leading this war are still the Hades Empire and the Demonic Tide Civilization.

The strength of the Kingdom of Light and Wei is absolutely weak among them.

Just because the giants of light generally restrained the demonic tide creatures and the underworld creatures, the main armies of the two sides that were fighting could never ignore the weakest third-party army.

Especially when the eighth-level peak creature Dilsga joins the battlefield holding a civilization treasure.

Because of its dazzling characteristics and restraint against demonic tide creatures, Dilsga's threat level in the eyes of demonic tide creatures is even greater than that of the third pharaoh who has turned on the second unsealing state and holds a sealing chain. Magic Karst!

It’s a mess, it’s a complete mess!

Among the small group of elite knights and magicians sent by the wizard civilization to the light dimension star field to perform special infiltration missions, the main persons in charge were three sixth-level peak experts.

Two of them are knights and one is a magician.

The two knights are Robb, the Knight of Dawn, and Alex, the Death Knight.

The sixth-level peak magician's name is Alex, and he is also called a "demon warlock". He is also a melee madman who is good at magic.

These three sixth-level peak experts are all the younger generation of powerful people in the wizarding civilization who are very likely to enter the realm of dominance.

By sending them to the Light Dimension Star Territory this time, it can be seen that the high-level wizard civilization attaches great importance to them.

And after finally sneaking into the hinterland of the light-dimensional star field, I felt that in this extremely vast star field, the mixed forces of light, darkness, death, demonic tides, etc. that were taking place were immediately released, and scenes of continuous explosions were released.

Several young and powerful wizards and civilizations couldn't help but be stunned. They looked at each other and couldn't figure out what was going on.

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