The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2423 Demonization

The first thing to emerge from these honeycomb-like whirlpools of fine demonic tides is naturally the tidal army of demonic tides.

The creatures of the Demonic Tide Civilization have all kinds of strange shapes.

The skin of most creatures is purple.

A large amount of mucus adheres to the body surface of these demonic tide creatures.

At the same time as these demon tide creatures rushed out of the demon tide vortex, there were also countless energy tides full of absurd and unexplained laws.

These colors are also purple-tinged energy tides, much like the death tide carried by the Mingha Empire's legions.

But compared to the death tide that had just taken shape in the Ming He Empire, the current demon tide had already reached its peak.

The arrival of the army of hundreds of millions of low-level demons is only to act as a vanguard for the demon emperors and demon ancestors standing in the civilized world.

The master-level existence of the Demonic Tide Civilization that was the first to cross over to reach the civilization of the Kingdom of Light was indeed the Demon Ancestor Candila as the commander-in-chief of the Demonic Tide Vanguard Army.

The appearance of this eighth-level peak demon ancestor is a bit like a large maggot.

But his head has more obvious facial features, and his body is a straight insect body with some silver-purple lines.

Although the dominant creatures of the Demonic Tide Civilization are pure-blooded demons, pure-blooded demons are not the only kind of humanoid demons.

Just as the three supreme demon ancestors have different appearances, among the pure-blooded demons of the Demon Tide Civilization, there are also hundreds of millions of other races.

As long as their bloodline is pure enough and they have a heart of demonic tide, they can all be classified as pure-blooded demons.

At this time, the army of demons that first rushed into the outer reaches of the Star Domain of the Kingdom of Light were almost all elite legions composed of pure-blooded demons.

This point also shows the great difference between the Demonic Tide Civilization and the Wizarding Civilization.

During wars, the wizard civilization often likes to use some alliance cannon fodder legions to consume the opponent's strength first.

Then the army will attack the territory, and the most elite knights and magicians will decide the situation.

This is not the case with Demonic Tide Civilization.

The extremely powerful Demon Tide Civilization prefers to use its most elite pure-blooded Demon Tide Legion to overwhelm the enemy when it first faces an opponent.


Only top-level civilizations that have absolute confidence in their own strength and don't care about war damage would do this!

For the Demonic Tide Civilization, although those non-pure-blooded demons also function as cannon fodder, they more often serve as the second echelon to move up.

Immediately after Candila Demon Ancestor, more than ten master-level biological auras of the Demonic Tide Civilization descended on the periphery of the star field of the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, Candila Demon Ancestor does not yet know that the Demon Tide Civilization will invest 300 masters and use this place as the main direction of attack.

However, it had already received the news of the battle from the Immortal Supreme in advance, and it vaguely sensed that a steady stream of demonic civilization armies were arriving here.

Among them, there are many "old friends" and "old enemies" of Demon Ancestor Candila.

There is no doubt that these demonic civilization masters who can be compared with Candila Demon Ancestor must all be eighth-level peak existences!

"Hey, the Supremes seem to attach great importance to the civilization in this star field."

"In addition to Mediran and Seth, even the Demon Slayer guy will arrive soon." Demon Ancestor Candila sneered at the Demon Emperors around him.

Demon Ancestor Medilan and Demon Ancestor Set are both demon ancestors under the command of the Immortal Supreme, and have a good relationship with Demon Ancestor Candila.

The other demon slayer, the Demon Ancestor under the command of the Supreme Demon Slayer, has always been at odds with Demon Ancestor Candila.

The Demonic Tide Civilization is not monolithic.

Although everyone's civilizational ideas and interests are consistent, judging from the general pride and arrogance of the creatures of the Demonic Tide civilization, it is very common for creatures of the same level to look at each other's eyes.

Demon Ancestor Candila didn't want Demon Slayer Ancestor to see his joke, so his vanguard war must be fought beautifully.

I heard that three other demon ancestors had arrived, and the more than ten demon emperors who gradually descended on the star field had different expressions and tones.

The descent of demonic civilization

The speed was very fast. From the time the trillions of demonic waves rushed into the star field of the Kingdom of Light to the arrival of more than ten masters headed by Candila Demon Ancestor, the time was extremely short.

In such a short period of time, it is difficult for the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and Dimension to take any countermeasures, let alone the civilization of the country of light and dimension whose main force has retreated to its home star for defense.

Even the Minghe Empire, which already dominated this star field, didn't understand what was going on at first.

However, the First Pharaoh has already felt something.

The first time those demonic vortexes appeared, the First Pharaoh sent a legion of Hades to explore the star field here.

As a result, the exploration troops of the Minghe Empire soon collided with the vanguard army of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

There is even a Dominator-level Pharaoh in the Pluto Empire's exploration corps assigned by the First Pharaoh.

Candela Demon Ancestor seems eager to express himself in this war.

After sensing that not far away, the Demon Tide Vanguard Legion had collided with the exploration legion sent by the Minghe Empire.

He did not assign the Demon Emperor under his command to fight, but flew towards the battle zone himself.

Candila Demon Ancestor also has another title in the Demon Tide Civilization, "Underworld Demon Ancestor".

This title not only reflects the outstanding achievements of Candila Demon Ancestor in the two fields of darkness and space, but also stems from a cultural treasure held by Candila Demon Ancestor - Infinite Passage!

Yes, because many ninth-level creatures have been born in the history of Demonic Tide Civilization, and they have destroyed so many top-level civilizations so far.

Therefore, within the Demon Tide Civilization, almost everyone who has reached the eighth-level peak Demon Ancestor level has a civilization treasure!

Even a very few late-level eighth-level demon emperors with outstanding abilities may have a civilized treasure close to them.

However, the treasures of civilizations at the Demon Emperor level are almost all the treasures of different civilizations that they captured, and their attributes may not necessarily match their own.

And the Demon Ancestor Candila in front of him, because he is one of the confidants of the Immortal Supreme, is also the vanguard leader of this demonic civilization to open up this battlefield direction.

So this thing in his hand

The treasure of civilization was passed down from the hands of the ninth-level creatures of the previous generation of demon tide civilization.

Moreover, the strength and attributes are also very suitable for Candila Demon Ancestor.

Under the nose of Ozyman Deas, a ninth-level creature, almost in an instant, trillions of demonic tide legions and the rapid arrival of more than a dozen masters were launched.

What Demon Ancestor Candila relies on is the "Infinite Passage" in his hand, a cultural treasure.

"Jie Jie Jie, let us demonize this star field!"

"I can feel that there are many people I am interested in here!" Demon Ancestor Candila sneered, and took the lead to fly towards the hinterland of the Starfield of the Kingdom of Light.

The first thing that Demon Ancestor Candila faced was the seventh-level pharaoh of the Hades Empire who led an exploration army.

Peak level eight versus early level seven?

This is a very unfair battle!

When Demon Ancestor Candila picked his opponent, the dozen Demon Emperors behind him looked at each other and smiled.

Several Demon Emperors followed Demon Ancestor Candila and flew towards the hinterland of the Starry Territory of the Kingdom of Light.

However, the larger number of Demon Ancestors slightly dispersed their forces, and they also moved toward the outer reaches of the Star Domain of the Kingdom of Light to outflank them.

Having experienced fierce civilized wars that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, these demon tide civilization masters who have grown to the level of demon emperors have long been familiar with how to conduct civilized wars that maximize profits.

Behind these demon ancestors, more numerous demonic civilization legions are still pouring out of the demonic vortex.

Also in this very short period of time, the entire Star Territory on the periphery of the Kingdom of Light's Star Territory showed obvious signs of being "infected" and "demonized" due to the fall of a large number of demonic creatures.

At the same time, there have been some subtle changes in the rules of all the planetary planes in the Star Domain of the Kingdom of Light.

And as time goes by, these changes will undoubtedly become more intense!

This is also one of the most terrifying features of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

In addition to demonizing living beings, they can also demonize planes.

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