The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2416 Fierce battle between light and darkness

As for the future that the second Pharaoh saw before his death, and what exactly he wanted to express.

The First Pharaoh had a vague feeling, but he was not sure.

Because he couldn't figure out why the second pharaoh made such a statement.

Although there were only two words, Ozman could clearly sense that what the Second Pharaoh wanted to express before his death was that he wanted him to withdraw his troops from the light dimension star field.

Target the wizarding civilization?


But no matter how you look at it, retreating from the light dimension star field cannot be decided by an ambiguous prophecy.

The second Pharaoh knew this, so he did not leave any mandatory requirements, just sighed.

Order the army of the Minghe Empire to withdraw from the star field of the Kingdom of Light. Not to mention that the deceased second pharaoh could not do this, not even Ozman, who had been promoted to the ninth level, could not do it!

Because the annexation of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is a decision made by all the top leaders and the collective will of the Mingha Empire.

If Ozyman Deas is still the authoritarian dark emperor of the past, he may be able to single-handedly reverse the national policy and civilization development direction of the Mingha Empire.

But not anymore.

Because even though Ozman has reached the ninth level, he has only been able to stay in this star realm for about a thousand years.

What can you do with a thousand years?

Nothing can be done!

Ozyman Deas cannot do it alone to destroy the civilization of the surrounding world.

But during this period, the entire Ming He Empire was in operation!

At best, Ozman can only limit the enemy's top strength.

As for the killings at the bottom, which involve the fate of billions of intelligent beings, they are those bottom creatures of the Hades Empire fulfilling their war obligations.

At this time, if the brakes are suddenly applied, the vehicle will stop.

What Ozman will face is the confrontation between all the masters of the Hades Empire and the entire civilized war machine.

No normal person would do this.

Even if this war decision is wrong, we have reached the doorstep of the hinterland of the civilization's home star region of the Kingdom of Light. The next step is to break into the 77 Nebula.

The Minghe Empire has to bite the bullet and go on!

Not to mention, there is no problem at all now.

With the war going so smoothly, the tide of death in the Minghe Empire has increased several times compared to a hundred years ago.

All the creatures in the Hades Empire have seen the civilized war

Huge benefits to yourself.

From the domination to the low-level death creatures, they are all the beneficiaries of this war.

As for the prophecy of the second Pharaoh...if he were still alive, he might have attracted the attention of some other Pluto masters.

But the second pharaoh was dead.

Death is like a lamp going out, and the influence of the Second Pharaoh is rapidly declining among the powerful elite of the Hades Empire.

Civilization is constantly moving forward, and the star realm is also undergoing constant changes.

The future belongs to young people.

When old antiques such as the First Pharaoh and the Second Pharaoh disappear or leave one after another, the development of the Hades Empire will eventually be handed over to the Third Pharaoh, the Fourth Pharaoh, and even the Tenth Pharaoh and others. on the shoulders.

In fact, even the third pharaoh was not small.

Ozman knew that his old friend originally regarded the fourth pharaoh as the successor to the leader of civilization.

Looking at the fourth pharaoh who was also wrapped in a very thick white bandage in front of him, Ozman suddenly said with emotion, "Actually, my contribution and dedication to the Hades Empire are far inferior to that of Mokoku."

Faced with such words from the first pharaoh, the fourth pharaoh bowed his body respectfully and did not make any reply.

Most of the current Minghe Empire's assets were acquired by sweeping across the surrounding star fields when Ozman was Emperor Minghe.

At present, with the rank of ninth level, he led the Minghe Empire to start a war to destroy the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Later, he will lead the Hades Empire and gradually extend its tentacles of power to the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation.

The Fourth Pharaoh really didn’t know why the First Pharaoh spoke this time.

If his contribution is not great enough, which pharaoh of the Hades Empire has a worthy contribution? !

The first pharaoh looked deeply at the fourth child and did not explain anything.

Only he knows the truth.

In fact, Ozyman Deas had deeply felt that he would not be able to win the dimensional war under the leadership of the Hades Empire many years ago.

The winning rate is only between 30 and 50.

On the contrary, the possibility of Ozman reaching the ninth level by himself, after coming into contact with the powerful knight master of the wizard civilization, the success rate reached about 70!

For these two roads

The road and how to choose it is naturally clear at a glance.

In the end, Ozman chose his own detachment instead of leading the entire civilization to dimensionality.

With a slight sigh, Ozman put away the bag of tips handed over by the fourth child, and ordered, "Notify Mokarst to attack!"

"My sealing power cannot limit Dierska for much longer."

"Launch a comprehensive attack on the star field of the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible!" Ozman demanded.

"Yes!" The fourth Pharaoh, who had just arrived from the mother plane of the Hades Empire, replied respectfully.

There was the personal order of the First Pharaoh, and the Hades Empire had suppressed its desire to destroy the civilization of the Kingdom of Light for countless thousands of years.

When launching a general attack on Nebula 77, the Minghe Empire unleashed an unimaginable death spree on its opponents as soon as it came up!

Of course, the resistance from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is also fierce.

These two top civilized feuds took the 77 Nebula border as the main battlefield, and once again the most intense battle broke out during this civilized war.

In terms of the number of masters involved and the strength of the attack, the battle that broke out here in Nebula 77 was more grand than the major battles that took place between the masters of the wizarding civilization and the federal fleet group on the Gallente Federation battlefield!

The war directly destroyed one-third of the star field plane of 77 Nebula.

Countless civilized creatures from the Kingdom of Light died here.

The "light" represented by this top civilization itself has been reduced by more than half.

Naturally, the Minghe Empire Legion also suffered a lot of losses due to this, but these damages were within the tolerance of the Minghe Empire.

As long as they occupy and digest the foundation of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, this vast territory will be used as the death gathering place of the Hades Empire in the future.

What the Minghe Empire will gain in the future will be ten times, or even dozens of times, what they paid for this war!

Blaspheming the light and engulfing the light are the most primitive desires suppressed in the hearts of all creatures in the Hades Empire.

At the same time, the war between the Mingha Empire and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light was in its 187th year.

Diersga, who had been forcefully sealed by the First Pharaoh at the beginning of the war, broke out earlier.

Ozman didn't care much about Dierska breaking through the seal early.

If his old rival is really that vulnerable, he is no longer worthy of being Ozman's opponent.


After Dierska broke through the seal, Ozman personally restrained him.

Facing the increasingly difficult civilization of the Kingdom of Light, which is in an endless tide of decay and death, Diersga is also helpless.

However, Dierska did do some things after breaking out of the seal.

For example, a large number of light-dimensional giant legions, with the help of Dierska, broke through the heavy blockade of the Hades Empire legion and broke out to places outside the civilized battlefield.

No one knows whether these light-dimensional legions can completely break through the death tide of the Mingha Empire, and whether they can find a place to live in the more distant star fields.

Even Diersga and the King of Lightweigh themselves don’t know.

But they have to do it!

At least the seeds of civilization inheritance cannot be cut off by one's own hands.

At the same time, a small group of elite experts from level four to level six in the wizarding world who were specially assigned by the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization also came to the battlefield of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

After going through all kinds of hardships, he finally achieved secret communication with the high-level civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

A large part of the giant army of light that broke out went towards the wizard civilization.

After all, the wizard civilization has stationed a large number of troops on the star field battlefield of the world, and there are also fairyland legions to support them.

If these giant armies of light break out in the direction of the wizard civilization, it is better than their aimless charge.

And the fact that these small groups of elite warriors from the wizarding civilization can successfully reach the light-dimensional star field shows that they have opened up some small passages for passage.

Even if it is a little candlelight, the King of Light Dimension and Dierska hope to pass on the legacy.

The only pity is that with the current aggressive offensive posture of the Minghe Empire.

It is unlikely that they have master-level light giants or other cutting-edge powers that have escaped from under the eyes of the Hades Empire.

However... during the fierce battle between the Minghe Empire and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

A sudden change, but silently, came from the periphery of the home star field of the Kingdom of Light.

The war between the Mingha Empire and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has continued in the 351st year.

That is when the Star of Light, the home planet of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, was broken through the dimensional barrier by the army of the Hades Empire and carried out an intrusive war.

A purple twisted vortex appears here!

"The next chapter is about half past one~"

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