The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2408 Gray-White Space

Thain was moving forward in this passage that was beyond his own control. Of course, he was not doing nothing.

Although he was unable to break away from the pull of the traction force in the space channel, Thane could try his best to collect some other things in the space channel.

A few pieces of white law energy with no apparent use for the time being.

A broken stone full of the erosion of time and space.

As well as Thane himself in the space channel, his own flesh and blood experienced varying degrees of law changes in a very short period of time.

These are all things collected by Thane.

Only a magician from the wizarding world like Thain can do this using himself as a specimen material.

Collecting these things is not of much use in solving Thane's current situation.

But it will allow Thane to more clearly understand the characteristics of this straight space passage?

Perhaps later, Thain can also deduce how this passage was formed? What is the nature of its law?

Thain didn't want to be dragged into a dangerous situation without any explanation.

In addition, there is another most intuitive effect, that is, Thain may be able to deduce the specific time flow rate between the space and the gray-white space and the external star realm.

What Thane wants is not just a simple result of a slower flow of time in the outside world.

He needs to figure out the specific ratio between the time in the channel and the time outside!

That’s how truth seekers are.

Of course, it's possible that Thain never had the chance to find all the answers.

If the gray-white space at the end of the passage is a land of death, then there is no point in Thane exploring these things.

"Do you regret living in this unknown space with me?" Thain said to the man who was still holding his hand.

Sun Wudi asked.

Gongsun Wudi didn't answer. She had never been a person who would regret.

Feeling the squeezing of the surrounding laws and the erosion of time and space getting deeper and deeper, Thane approached Gongsun Wudi and said, "You hold me, I can use the Union Fortress Group to slightly alleviate the pain we are suffering."

"No matter what is on the other side of that gray-white space, at least we retain more physical strength and physical condition, so that we can better deal with possible dangers." Thain whispered.

Gongsun Wudi was not shy at this time.

When Thain was treating her injuries before, he looked at everything he could.

After being in a hugging position with Thain, Thain controlled the remaining power of the Rubik's Cube to move the huge group of combined fortresses that were constantly following him to his side.

Thain and Gongsun Wudi quickly entered the deepest part of the fortress group to resist the squeeze of the surrounding space.

Although Thain's combined fortress group has been damaged by the impact, its original tonnage is still a behemoth at this moment, and its own mass is still exaggerated.

After entering the deepest central area of ​​the fortress group, Thane clearly felt that the squeeze of the surrounding laws and the power of time and space erosion had become slightly weaker.

In fact, at this moment, it was not only Gongsun Wudi who was standing with Thain in the center of the fortress group to resist external forces, but also Fumila, who had always maintained a unified posture with him.

Because Thain still lacks a decent defensive equipment, Fumila at this moment is equivalent to giving Thain a secondary defense protection.

It was also at this moment that Thane couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He should have taken the time to refine the "robe of ashes" earlier using the natal spider silk given by the Spider Queen Rose.

Even if Thain was refining his body, the blow and impact his body was experiencing at this moment was still huge!

Gongsun Wudi, on the other hand, had a calm expression on his face from beginning to end.

Isn't this woman afraid of pain?

In the star realm.

The front line of the battlefield in the Asgard Star Territory.

It was not until half a year after the Federation's Endless Light device was launched that the Zerg Blade Queen Lisa learned the truth that her sister had not been injured by the Federation's Endless Light.

The offensive momentum of the Zerg Legion on the front line is still fierce.

The Queen of Blades herself quickly returned to the rear of the Asgar Star Territory to inquire about her sister's situation.

"Is it worth it for you to take such a big risk this time?" After seeing her sister again, Lisa looked at Bev's still pale face and couldn't help but complain.

This time she really thought her sister had died.

Because after being hit by the Federation's endless light, Bev, with the blessing of the light of wisdom, perfectly concealed her aura.

Including herself, she has not shown any trace for more than half a year.

Today, there are still only a few powerful people in the wizarding world who know that Bev is safe and sound.

On the federal side, it is impossible to find any clues for the time being.

Bev's pale complexion at this time was still caused by the subsequent impact of the federal endless light device.

After all, it is a force that can break the balance. This experience is enough to benefit Bev for a lifetime.

"Of course it's worth it. This time I took the initiative to disclose the information. The purpose is to find and lock the accurate coordinates of the Federation's Endless Light transmitting device."

"Judging from the news from the front line, Dragon Mother and the others should have succeeded." Bev said with a long sigh of relief.

Ms. Bev, the leader of civilization, took a personal risk this time, and the benefits she gained were real.

After this battle, the Gallente Federation should no longer have the means to threaten wizard civilization.

The war that was originally expected to take more than a thousand years to end is expected to end within hundreds of years.

Only by completing the Gallente Federation as soon as possible can the wizarding civilization have enough energy to deal with the threat of war in the Hades Empire.

For this reason, the cost of the wizard civilization is not only the safety of the civilization leader Ms. Bev, but also the damage to 13 logistics bases and hundreds of millions of wizard civilization legions in the endless light energy tide!

But then again, no matter where the Federation's endless light hits, there will be a lot of casualties on the wizarding civilization's side.

Looking at the several Infinite Light strike beams released by the Gallente Federation during the Civilization War, this last use of civilization's heritage was actually the smallest benefit for the Federation!

Because they did not essentially hurt Ms. Bev.

As for the casualties among the wizards and civilized legions... it can only be said that they were normal injuries caused by the warring civilizations between the two sides in the context of civilized war.

Maybe it was because she hadn't been with her sister for too long, or maybe Lisa, who had always been the leader of the Zerg, had some differences with Bev on some concepts.

She did not agree with Bev's taking such risks, and the wizarding civilization did not bear any consequences.

Lisa said in a deep voice, "In this tide of endless light energy, there are also many little guys with outstanding potential who have been affected."

"Our sworn sister Gongsun Wudi, the successor of Wuxiang Mask, and several genius monks with special identities in the Immortal Realm all disappeared in this crisis...most likely they died directly!"

"What?" Bev said in surprise.

"The next chapter is about half past one."

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