The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2406 Straight Passage

However, before Thane could take out the dominating eye with "universal characteristics". Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

Immediately afterwards, the sudden surge of law pulling power suddenly dragged Thain's figure towards the center of the law vortex.

At this moment, there was no time for Thane to take out the dominating eye.

Including how to stimulate the domination energy contained in this eyeball, it is not something that Thain can figure out in an instant.

At the critical moment, Thain instinctively stretched his right hand upward.

At this moment, the huge joint fortress group once again reached some kind of bond with Thain.

Thain actually tried to use the huge mass of the combined fortress group to resist the attraction of this pulling force on him.

But it's a pity... Even if there is a group of combined fortresses with astonishing size and tonnage, which have reached a certain resonance with Thane, they still can't stop this powerful tractor beam from the alien space from attracting him.

Not only is Thain being quickly sucked away towards the center of the vortex of laws, but even the huge combined fortress group composed of ten specially-made space fortresses with an astonishing tonnage is also slowly moving towards this vortex of laws. The central place was pulled away. 🅆

And in the process of getting closer to the center of the vortex, the huge coalition fortress group is also suffering ravage and destruction far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Large areas of the metal frame began to be dismembered, and the large energy shield originally inspired by the fortress group also flickered on and off at this time.

Faced with the powerful suction force that suddenly rose from the center of the vortex, the only person present who could stabilize his figure slightly was Gongsun Wudi, who was only a hair away from the master.

However, Invincible cannot stay here for too long.

Because as time goes by and the vortex of this law continues to strengthen, it won't be long before it reaches a point where even Gongsun Wudi cannot escape.

At this critical moment, Gongsun Wudi's most sensible approach is to abandon Thain and quickly leave this place.

As Thane said - danger can only be faced by him personally.

But in this moment of decision-making, Gongsun Wudi did not escape from this moment. Instead, he accelerated violently and flew quickly towards Thain's location.

Perhaps at this moment, she thought of some scenes when Thain scraped her bones to heal her wounds, or thought of Thain helping her tame the white jade dragon mount, or something else...

In short, Gongsun Wudi did not abandon Thain and leave this place alone.

When he felt Gongsun Wudi's strong arm suddenly pulling him, Thain, who was unable to resist the pull, only had time to glance at Gongsun Wudi.

This eye contains a lot of information.

Gongsun Wudi also opened his eyes wide and looked straight at Thain.

It comes from the cross combination of the law of balance in the astral realm and the special tractor beam in the alien space.

This caused the pair of Thane, Gongsun Wudi, and the coalition fortress group to quickly move towards the center of the vortex.

When he arrived at the most central place, Thain was shocked to find that this was not a place of death.

Instead, it is connected to a passage.

A bottomless straight passage.

"Is this a vision caused by the unique rules of the star realm?" At this moment, Thain didn't even care about sensing the dangers around him. Instead, his curiosity about the truth and the vision of special laws gradually came to his mind.

Magicians are full of curiosity and exploration about everything.

Different from the pessimism and despair that ordinary creatures would have towards such dangerous situations, Thain felt more about such regulations at this moment.

The curiosity about the vision and the desire to solve it!

Thain even wants to unlock all the mysteries of the star realm in his lifetime.

Including the nature of the composition of the astral realm, what is it like?

How does it operate?

What are the masters that exist in the star world, and even the rumored ninth-level creatures!

The endless exploration spirit of facts and truth is the biggest difference between knights and magicians.

While observing this straight passage that was getting closer and closer, Thain did not forget to look back.

As expected, this law vortex and the so-called special straight channel also have the characteristics of distorting space!

Although Thain's combined fortress group was torn to pieces by the oscillating force and energy tides that were constantly emanating from the surrounding space, its size and quality were still beyond imagination. big.

This straight passage gave Thain the feeling that its diameter would not exceed one thousand meters.

But the final result was that the combined fortress group with a diameter of more than 100,000 meters in Thain was forcibly squeezed and brought into this special passage.

In this special passage, Thain discovered the secret of the special law of space folding.

"Not only the power of space folding, but also the power of time will be greatly affected here."

"Just like in the cross-star space-time channel, the passage of time we feel is different from the speed of time flowing in the astral realm."

"In this passage, compared with the speed of time in the astral world, it should be...slower." Thain looked at the various scenes in front of him and quickly made his own judgment.

This is also a benefit of the extremely broad scope of the mysteries of truth.

If Thain only studies the mysteries of the fire element or the mysteries of mechanics, he will never be able to do so in a short time.

Within time, you can see this thing.

The strength of Gongsun Wudi's hold on Thain's hand increased unknowingly.

No matter how powerful Gongsun Wudi appears on the outside, he can't help but show some nervousness and discomfort when faced with a road ahead that he doesn't understand at all and is also unknown at the same time.

In fact, there was more than one Gongsun Wudi following him into this straight passage at this moment.

In addition to the combined fortress group, the twelve-winged mechanical angel Fumila, who has always maintained a combined posture with Thain, undoubtedly also suffered from this unreasonable disaster.

However, Fumila must have no regrets about this, and she would rather stay by Thain's side, regardless of life or death.

And in a situation like Fumila's, it's not too late for others to envy you.

For example, Yuli, Thain's personal construct maid in the past, gradually couldn't keep up with Thain because of her increasing strength, so she hasn't assisted Thain in fighting for a long time.

Fumila replaced the original Yuri and became Thane's true confidant now.

"Don't worry, if this passage is never interfered by the power of the alien law, we should be in no danger for the time being."

"In fact, maybe this place is safer than the star realm where the energy storm is becoming more and more raging outside." Thain also held Gongsun Wudi's hand and said.

Invincible nodded at Thain, and then the two of them continued to fall uncontrollably deeper into this straight passage.

After flying for a while, Thain was surprised to see two acquaintances at the end of the passage.

It was brother and sister Duan Po and Duan Ning!

They didn't know why, but they were dragged here.

"Today is the last day of the month. If you still have a free monthly ticket, please vote for Xiaodou, otherwise it will expire qaq~"

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