The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2404 Actually, I like you

The surrounding endless light energy tide is getting stronger and stronger.

Every second longer here means one more second of danger.

From the dozen or so powerful men from the Tianming Empire who escaped from trouble, Thane also learned how his mentor ended up in such a dangerous situation.

There are fundamental differences in personality between Lu Lianman and magicians like Sean and Lina.

Faced with such a crisis, Thain and others must think first of all to save their own lives and the lives of those close to them.

But Lu Lianman, as a mild-mannered plant magician in the wizarding world, would never sit idly by when she noticed that the powerful men of the friendly civilization were in trouble.

Before, Thain was the first to notify Lu Lianman to evacuate, but Lu Lianman fell behind in the end and was still in such danger because she wanted to help these powerful people from the Tianming Empire who were trapped.

Including the law tractor beam that has been entangled with Lu Lianman, it was also Lu Lianman who somehow got involved when he rescued these powerful people from the Tianming Empire.

It was also because of the whole story that these rescued powerful men from the Tianming Empire did not leave the scope of this still dangerous law vortex for the first time.

Instead, he continued to stay here, hoping to help Thain and Gongsun Wudi.

"You guys should get out of here quickly. With the strength of this law vortex, even ordinary sixth-level creatures are of no use!"

"And this place is becoming more and more dangerous. If you stay for one more minute, it will be more dangerous!" Among the fortress robots, Thane frowned slightly and said to the strong men of the Tianming Empire.

Among these powerful people from the Tianming Empire, there is actually an old acquaintance of Thain - General Ximen Feixiao.

After all, these powerful people from the Tianming Empire were almost saved by their mentor, and Thain didn't want these people to die in the end.

Faced with Thain's request, none of the powerful people in the Tianming Empire listened.

Because they attach great importance to virtues such as loyalty, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and filial piety, the powerful people in the Tianming Empire rarely do anything treacherous.

Lu Lianman is in trouble because of them. Only by using their lives as a bet can Lu Lianman's hope of rescue be restored.

I believe that none of these men in the Tianming Empire will frown!

However, Thain was telling the truth. There is really no use for these people staying here.

In the end, Gongsun Wudi coughed lightly and ordered, "General Li, please leave here quickly!"

"General Zhang and General Ximen can stay and assist us." Gongsun Wudi said.

The princess's orders cannot be disobeyed.

In the Tianming Empire, loyalty to the emperor is ranked first!

General Li and others are generally at the fourth level of strength. They can only "help" Thain and others by leaving here as soon as possible.

The other General Zhang and Ximen Feixiao are both level 5 experts with good strength.

Maybe staying here would be of some use.

In response to this situation, many powerful people from the Tianming Empire, led by General Li, solemnly replied to Thain and Lu Lianman, who were still trapped, "We owe our two wizards and civilized friends a life today, and we will definitely repay it in the future!" "

Although these generals of the Tianming Empire did not establish any written documents or legal contracts for Thain.

But Thain could feel that what these Tianming Empire warriors said was true.

If Thane needs them to assist him in some life-threatening tasks in the future, these warriors of the Tianming Empire may not frown.

The strong men of the Tianming Empire headed by General Li quickly left, and Thain also gave them an evacuation route.

If they are fast enough, they have a chance to catch up with Lina and others.

Thain did not leave at the request of his mentor at this time. Feeling the increasingly dangerous and broken power of the vortex law around him, Thain sighed softly, flew out of the space fortress group, and came to the place closest to his mentor. Location.

The twelve-winged angel Fumila, at this time, maintained a close fit with Thane.

A layer of armor with a very metallic texture and the azure wings behind him shared the impact of the power of law from all directions around him.


Why don't you go? "

"I feel like it's hard for me to get out of here..." Lu Lianman looked at Thain who was "so close" and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

A white tractor beam grabbed Lu Lianman tightly.

This kind of tractor beam locked Lu Lianman's entire body, making it difficult for even his soul to escape.

So it doesn't mean that you can escape danger by taking measures such as "breaking off a strong man's wrist".

And this pulling force and the deep and desolate law characteristics contained in the surroundings... Thain had never heard of it before, and had never seen it before!

In the star realm, there are really too many truths and mysteries that are elusive to wizards and civilized magicians such as Thain.

"How could I just leave?"

"If I leave this time, I will regret it for the rest of my life." Thain said looking into Lu Lianman's eyes.

At this time, more tears were flowing in Lu Lianman's eyes.

The energy tide around them is still impacting the people around them all the time.

Since Thain left the fortress robot, even though there was Fumila Fusion protection, the area near the center of the vortex still put him under great pressure.

Others, such as Gongsun Wudi, Ximen Feixiao and others who were still here, did not get so close.

Because it would be useless even if they came closer. The reason why Thain appeared next to Lu Lianman was not to say something sincere, but because he had to break the entanglement of this tractor beam on her in the shortest possible time.

Use the truth to solve problems!

Taking a deep breath, not caring to express his worries about Lu Lianman and the increasingly dangerous situation around him, Thain immediately entered an emergency research state to analyze how the tractor beam in front of him was formed.

The intelligent robot Wall-E was later called out of the Rubik's Cube by Thain.

With Wall-E assisting Thane, his efficiency in conducting experimental research can be increased by at least 30%.

Lu Lianman also knew at this time that she could not persuade this disciple who had already made up his mind. She no longer disturbed Sean's thoughts with words. Instead, she looked quietly with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Looked at Sean quietly.

Speaking of which, it has been more than 10,000 years since the master-disciple pair became friends.

But this was the first time Lu Lianman looked at Thain who was in the state of experimental research at such a close distance.

Looking at Sean's extremely serious and calm eyes, Lu Lianman's eyes couldn't help but become crazy.

Time passes minute by minute.

When the intensity of the surrounding energy pressure gradually increased to a level that even peak level five powerhouses like Ximen Feixiao could no longer bear.

The opportunity finally appeared.

"Yes!" Thain said in surprise.

But then, the expression on Thain's face instantly turned complicated.

In the star realm, the law of balance runs throughout.

This law beam that pulls Lulianman, somehow, actually involves the level that can only be solved by the law of balance.

Thain can save Lu Lianman at this time, but the price is-he needs to replace Lu Lianman, be pulled by this law beam, and is very likely to be taken to some unknown alien space.

The complexity in his eyes just flashed past, and Thain's eyes gradually turned firm.

Thain suddenly stepped forward and held Lu Lianman's hand. The power of the special law continued to erode Thain's arm, but he showed no signs of abnormality at this time.

Facing the surprised face of his mentor, Thain said in a deep voice, "Teacher, there is something I have wanted to say to you for a long time."

"What are you talking about?" Lu Lianman asked with a slightly trembling tone.

She felt the unusual atmosphere around her, so much so that Lu Lianman's heart couldn't help but lift.

Thain looked at the gentle and beautiful face of his mentor in front of him, as if he wanted to keep this face in his heart.

Thain smiled and said, "Teacher, I actually like you..."

After saying that, a blue-white light of law suddenly erupted in Thane's hand.

At the same time, the figures of Thain and Lu Lianman slowly changed.

"The next chapter is about half past one~"

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