The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2396: Repel and Healing

"You're here." Gongsun Wudi said.

This was the first thing the Princess of Tianming said to Thane after he arrived at the center of the storm.

At this time, Thain was still in the fortress group and had no time to have face-to-face contact with this old friend.

The huge space fortress cluster relieved Gongsun Wudi's great pressure.

At least now she doesn't need to be by her side all the time to build up a strong defensive force.

Although there were not many words exchanged, the tacit cooperation between Thain and Gongsun Wudi was still the same as before.

At the beginning, Thain controlled the fortress group to deal with the surrounding Gallente Federation fleet.

But as the war progressed and the offensive and defensive postures of both sides changed, Thane was able to suddenly launch a surprise attack on the giant federal mecha that had been targeting Gongsun Wudi.

Gongsun Wudi can also perfectly cooperate with Thain to complete the blasting of several main attack ships and many frigates in the federal fleet.

Thane had obtained more than half of the wreckage of the Gallente Federation's Orobas-class space battleship in previous wars. (Given by S Twelve Wings of Light Angel)

Moreover, during the ten thousand-year civilized war, the study of the wreckage and trophies of various federal fleets also gave Thane a deep understanding of these federal war fleets.

The more you know about your enemy, the more calm you will be on the battlefield.

Today, Thain can rely on his own mechanical secrets, together with the ten space fortresses at his feet, to deal with opponents at the sixth level.

"Let me test the quality of this Federation mecha!" Thain said to Gongsun Wudi via voice transmission.

Gongsun Wudi understood instantly.

A huge Gang Qi arm shield appeared in the starry sky with Gongsun Wudi's hands as the center.

Sain blocked most of the covering fire from the federal fleet.

Including Gongsun Wudi himself, he also took the initiative to fly towards several of the firepower units.

The most heavily armed federal battleship.

In fact, there was no need for Gongsun Wudi to cover his back. The "Planet Shield" contained in Thane's Cube was enough to withstand the concentrated fire from the Federation fleet for a period of time.

However, Thain naturally appreciated Princess Tianming's kindness.

Taking advantage of Gongsun Wudi's opportunity to block the Federation fleet, Thain quickly completed the transformation process of the Federation fortress group almost in an instant!

From the slow transformation back then to the instant transformation today.

Thain's secrets of the combined fortresses have undoubtedly become more mature.

A towering metal giant with a height of more than 100,000 meters suddenly appeared in this cosmic storm.

The surrounding storm became more intense due to the turbulence of huge amounts of energy.

Against the background of this cosmic storm, Thane's giant fortress robot looks even more powerful!

Compared with Thain's fortress robot, the federal level six pinnacle mecha on the battlefield in front of him, although it was also huge, looked like a pumpkin with a potato standing next to Thain.

Under normal circumstances, the peak level six mecha developed by the Gallente Federation is actually only about two thousand meters tall.

However, in wartime mode, the mecha's size can be increased to 20,000 meters by activating the energy arm and extending the memory metal.

But the 20,000-meter giant mecha is still a pea compared to Thane's fortress robot!

I saw Thain in the fortress group, first stretching his right arm back, and then slamming forward.

The intuitive picture presented in the star realm is that the fist alone is half the size of the Federation mecha, the Fortress Iron Fist.

, blasting downwards violently.

For a time, the space had the residual power of violent vibrations.

The battle that took place in the Tianming Empire theater lasted for several months.

Months later, fighting was still taking place in this star field, but it was not as fierce as when Thane first arrived.

The sixth-level peak federal fleet and the sixth-level peak giant mecha that surrounded Gongsun Wudi left the battlefield in a hurry after leaving behind a large number of shipwrecks and half-cut mecha arms.

They can't run away.

Thain's Rubik's Cube has marked the whereabouts of these two federal level six pinnacle war units.

As the army under his command continues to advance, it is also in the process of pursuing them.

It was only at this time that the intensity of the war slowed down a bit, that Thain and Gongsun Wudi had time to meet in person, and Gongsun Wudi once again expressed his gratitude to Thain in person.

"This is as it should be. Didn't you support and save me many times before?" Thain said to Gongsun Wudi with a smile.

Facing Thain, Gongsun Wudi's always cold face seemed to have thawed a lot.

What she is really grateful to is that Thain's arrival has reduced the damage to the Tianming Empire Legion.

On the contrary, Gongsun Wudi herself didn't care much about the injury she just suffered on her right arm.

"This appears to be a form of radiation damage, I can help you take a look."

"However, there is a more suitable person to treat your injury today, my mentor, Lu Lianman." Thain said as he looked at Gongsun Wudi's arm that was filled with special chaotic laws.

Gongsun Wudi's arm was injured by the Gallente Federation's sixth-level pinnacle fleet.

It is a kind of radiation-type doomsday weapon. The immediate impact of the opponent's attack is average, but the power of this radiation is like the power of tarsal bones.

Maggots are very annoying.

But Gongsun Wudi didn't seem to be affected by the injury to her arm at all. After repelling the Gallente Federation main fleet, she issued a pursuit order while asking about the losses of the Tianming Empire Legion under her command in this war. .

What she cared about more than herself was her soldiers.

Looking at Gongsun Wudi's injured arm, Thain suddenly thought that he had dealt with a similar injury to Gongsun Wudi's arm back then.

At that time, Gongsun Wudi's strong will and indifference to serious injuries left a deep impression on Thain.

When Gongsun Wudi saw Thain staring at her arm, she couldn't help but glance down, and then her expression changed slightly.

Maybe Gongsun Wudi also thought of some things that happened on the battlefield of the Divine Star Territory that year, so that the atmosphere between both parties suddenly became quite silent.

It is still the seamless cooperation of one mind that they had in the battle before, which is more suitable for the two people to get along with each other.

If they come into contact for other reasons, the atmosphere will always be slightly awkward because of each other's personalities and other factors.

Thain has never been a familiar character who can melt the iceberg of Gongsun Wudi.

There were some things that neither Thain nor Gongsun Wudi took the initiative to mention, and they didn't know why.

Fortunately, Lu Lianman's timely arrival resolved the embarrassment.

At this time, Lu Lianman appeared in front of Thain, stepping on the first-grade karma red lotus.

Lu Lianman, who was wearing a blue magical dress, looked even more intellectual and beautiful under the power of the rolling flames emitted by the red lotus.

Looking at Thain and Gongsun Wudi in front of him, Lu Lianman seemed to feel an unusual atmosphere.

She then coughed softly.

"The next chapter will be around one o'clock~"

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