The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2393: Local Counterattack by the Gallente Federation

When discussing cooperation matters with Spider Queen Rose, unknowingly, a large resource transfer and distribution center arranged by the wizard civilization on the front line of the Asgar star field battlefield had arrived.

Thane is here today to receive his tenth space fortress.

Spider Queen Rose also stopped by to collect a batch of special resources produced in the Titan world.

This Spider Queen, who has great power and status in the Black Realm, seems to be able to occupy many planes in the Wizards Alliance.

Many rare materials from the Civilization War era were difficult to obtain in large quantities even for Thane, who had joined the "Reserve Potential Master Training Program".

But for the Spider Queen, there was no problem.

The Spider Queen was also amazed by Thain's achievements in the mysteries of the Union Fortress Group.

She witnessed with her own eyes the transformation of Thane from a third-level magician to where he is today.

Regarding the many magical genealogies that Thane has mastered, the Spider Queen did not say anything about it, but she was actually quite impressed in her heart.

The operation center looks very busy at this time. The total amount of war resources and the number of space fortresses passing through here are much higher than when Thain came last time.

After agreeing with the Spider Queen to find time to exchange truth and knowledge.

Thain then controlled his space fortress and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Spider Queen Rose looked at the increasingly busy and congested operation center and suddenly said, "A more intense war attack should be coming soon."

"What?" Thain asked in surprise.

It seems that the Spider Queen is really accurate in what she says.

Thain had just controlled his space fortress and returned to the Ashes Army's garrison area when he quickly received combat instructions from the upper levels of the wizard civilization.

In the past few years, the situation on the battlefield in the Asgar Star Territory has cooled down a lot.

Now the temperature is suddenly rising again, with no sign at all!

This time, the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization canceled the rest and recuperation holidays of all the participating legions.

On the Asgar Starfield battlefield, in addition to the Western Islands Legion, "supernumerary legions" like Thane also have a series of mandatory tasks for him to perform.

In terms of the distribution of theaters, the Western Islands seems to be following the previous distribution and deployment.

Anyway, the left and right wings of Thane's Ashes Legion are the Tianming Empire Legion led by Gongsun Wudi, and the God's Servant Legion led by Spider Queen Rose.

After the high-level wizard civilization gave the task order to Thain, Thain immediately contacted all the knights and magicians of level four or above in the Ash Legion to have a meeting in front of him.

Including those alliance combat legions attached to the Land of Ashes, all alliance creatures above level four have also received instructions from Thane to prepare for combat.

While the legion was being raised, Thane looked at the large ball of pure white natal spider silk in his hand and couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that the production of the 'Ashes Magic Robe' will have to be delayed for a while."

The general attack launched by the wizard civilization against the Gallente Federation was very powerful.

The extremely elite Elf Legion and Titan Legion took the lead, followed closely by the main knights and magician legions of the Western Islands.

Just when the wizarding civilization launched a fierce attack, in just three months, it tore apart many of the Gallente Federation's defense fronts.

Although the Ash Legion led by Thane is nominally a "second-line army", the wizard civilization army has done too much to tear open the federal front.

Including the Titan Legion and the Elf Legion that were the first to break through the Federation's front, they continued to approach deeper into the Federation without looking back, with no intention of operating or conquering the occupied star territory.

Therefore, the Ash Legion led by Thane, while constantly pressing forward, soon clashed with the remaining garrison troops of the Gallente Federation.

The fierce battle is about to break out again!

What the wizard civilization did not expect was that in the face of the fierce attack of its own army, the Gallente Federation's defensive actions were also quite fierce?

Especially on the Asgar Starfield battlefield, the Gallente Federation actually launched several waves of counterattacks beautifully.

Because the Wizard Civilization Legion did not expect in advance that these federal legions, which were in a state of constant defeat, would dare to break out of the steel defense barriers they relied on and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Wizard Civilization.

So much so that many wizard civilization combat legions were caught off guard.

On the Asgar Starfield battlefield, for a moment, the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation seemed to have returned to seven thousand years ago.

At that time, the Gallente Federation had not yet shown its obvious decline, and was fighting back and forth with the wizarding civilization armies in various star fields.

However, after all, today is not the situation it was seven thousand years ago.

The Gallente Federation has only shown its counterattack momentum in the Asgar star field.

In other star field battlefields that have been surrounded by the wizard civilization army, the Gallente Federation Army is still in an absolutely passive defensive position.

The reason why this "beyond common sense" situation occurs in the Asgard Star Territory is not because the Gallente Federation is crazy.

Instead, after discussions among the top leaders of the Federation, they quickly decided to locate the battlefield where the counterattack will prove itself on the battlefield of the Asgar Star Territory.


Perhaps it's because the Western Islands power group of the Wizarding Civilization is responsible for the battlefield in the Asgar Star Territory?

The Gallente Federation has been at war with the wizarding civilization for such a long time, and naturally it has long been known that the senior wizarding civilization leader in charge of the Western Islands Legion in the Asgar Star Territory is none other than Ms. Bev, the leader of civilization!

The fierce counterattack of the federal army put a lot of pressure on all the participating armies in the Asgar star field.

This also includes Thane, who leads the Ashes.

After all, the Gallente Federation is a technological civilization, even if it has been surrounded by wizard civilization from four sides and beaten hard.

But they were still able to gather an elite force, at least in one of the civilized battlefields, and show their own prestige.

"If I had known, I would have accepted the invitation from Master and others and went to the battlefield of the star field where Master and her old man are located."

"I heard that the intensity of the war over there was much lower than here, and not long ago, Master and the others raided and conquered a planet with medium-sized logistics resources of the Federation?" In the space fortress, Thain smiled bitterly at Lu in front of him. Lianman said.

Because the war on the frontier battlefield is too urgent, the wizard civilization has mobilized all available forces.

Even magicians like Lu Lianman, who specializes in potion making, have to go to the frontline battlefields to participate in battles in the near future.

Facing Thain's wry smile, Lu Lianman rolled her eyes at him and said, "Your master is not old."

"Be careful, I will tell your master what you said next time." Lu Lianman covered her mouth and smiled.

"Well, I believe that you, mentor, will never do this to me." Thain said seriously.

On the front line of the extremely fierce civilized battlefield, a few jokes with Lu Lianman can also relax the originally tense atmosphere.

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