The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2263 World-class Secret Treasure Refining Experiment

The building of Kelman's Purple Flame Knight's Hall is not far from Ulysses' Wild Lion Knight's Hall, and there are several unusually vast magical beast forests sandwiched in between.

The Niyu Lion King, who has been promoted to level four and enjoys the title of "King of Warcraft", is the well-deserved king of the Warcraft Forest.

The forces in the Land of Ashes, with Kelman's promotion to the fourth level, have more signs of concentrating power in Thane's hands.

All holy towers and knight halls obey Thain's orders.

In terms of cohesion, the forces of the Land of Ashes are even more powerful than the looser Elemental Gate organization established by Trilis.

Of course, another important factor causing this situation is also related to the shortage of level five strong men in the Land of Ashes. đź…†

No, it should be said that there is no level 5 knight or magician in the Land of Ashes!

The one at the top is Thain, who has level six strength, and the guys below are all newcomers who have just been promoted to level four.

If they don't listen to Thane's orders, how can they make profits on the civilized battlefield?

This situation may have advantages and disadvantages.

However, Thane is still quite satisfied with the current situation in the Land of Ashes.

He is also confident that he can lead the Land of Ashes to a more prosperous and powerful tomorrow.


After sending many potions and pills to Kelman, Thane pondered for a moment and did not immediately start refining the soul gathering ring. Instead, he called Bumblebee in front of him.

Currently, Bumblebee is Thane's primary medium of communication with the intelligent robots on Cybertron.

Before leaving the battlefield of the Wild Star Territory, Thain had already used the Rubik's Cube to help the intelligent robots increase the number of tribesmen.

Including those advanced intelligent robots, at the request of Thain, in the next few hundred years, they will go to Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes in batches to conduct Rubik's Cube certification and experimental research.

The mechanical combination that Thane attaches great importance to

Mysteries will have to be completed in the future by these smart robots!

And the new people that Thane added to the intelligent robot family are not just low-level intelligent robots.

During the battle in the Wild Star Territory, a total of four high-level intelligent robots from the intelligent robot family perished.

Although their black boxes were later recovered one after another, one of the black boxes was seriously damaged and it was no longer possible to repair it, but the other three had a chance to be resurrected.

Thain used the power of the Rubik's Cube at that time to speed up the data recovery progress of the three black clips, and personally allocated resources, including the captured remains of federal level four mechas as raw materials to help those advanced intelligent robots reshape their bodies.

It is only a matter of time before they return to the battlefield in the future.

In addition, also during the Wild Star War, the intelligent robot family added three more high-level people.

Two of them are intelligent robots that were already at the peak level of demigod strength. With the support of the Endless War and the trophies from the federal technology side, they are at a critical point.

It was Thain who used the power of the Rubik's Cube to help them take that step faster!

Therefore, despite the fact that the intelligent robot family lost four advanced intelligent robots in the Wild Star Field battlefield, judging from the final result, as long as those three advanced robots are resurrected, their strength will not decrease but increase!

This is also in the context of civilized war. When fighting against the Gallente Federation Legion, in addition to the mechanic profession in the wizarding world, it will be of great benefit.

These intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron will naturally enjoy the greatest benefits when facing technological civilization.

As for the three new high-level clan members of the intelligent robot clan, in addition to the two original "

In addition to the "old man", another "newcomer" is a robot transformed into the "Phantom Chariot" that Thane helped Bruce Wayne develop and upgrade after the War of the Beast.

The phantom chariot of Bruce Wayne, the strong man of the Black Bat civilization, is indeed a good space chariot.

I heard that it also brings together the essence of the Black Bat civilization, as well as a lot of input from Bruce Wayne.

——Bruce Wayne is not only the heir appointed by the sixth-level powerhouse of the Black Bat Civilization, he is also the richest man in the Black Bat Civilization.

He is also the richest among the Justice League organization formed by him, Arthur, Gal Gadot, Barry, Carl and others.

The Phantom Chariot was originally just an extremely luxurious and outstanding space chariot, but after being transformed by Thane's Rubik's Cube, it immediately transformed and gained level four strength, comparable to that of the Bumblebee.

And it was also during Thane's transformation that Phantom Chariot and Bumblebee formed a good friendship.

After changing their forms, they all look like luxury motorcycles.

However, one is a black phantom chariot and the other is a golden luxury chariot.

The only one who has a sense of "mud cannot support the wall" is Hot Wheels, who claims to be the "third figure" of the intelligent robot family.

After this guy became Naxi Xiu's mount, he attracted many members of the opposite sex for Na Xixiu with his attractive body and special shape.

But its own strength has not improved much.

However, it works well with Narcissus.

After an experiment, Thain learned about it from Wall-E.

It was the electronic cockroach Hal who told it that Hot Wheels has a unique trick called "Nine Heavens Thunder Double Kick".

With this ability, Hot Wheels also took Narcissus to escape the pursuit of a federal level four giant mecha on the battlefield.


If you, the intelligent robot family, have any other needs, you can always go to Meili to discuss it. With my prior authorization, Meili will try its best to meet your requirements. ” Thane said to Bumblebee.

"Thank you, Master Thain, for your help to our intelligent robot family." Bumblebee replied respectfully.

Thain nodded and continued, "Next, I will conduct an alchemy experiment, and the process may take a little longer."

"If other advanced intelligent robots come to the Holy Tower of Ashes as agreed, please ask them to wait for me for a while," Thain ordered.

"Yes," Bumblebee replied.

After arranging everything for the Holy Tower of Ashes and the intelligent robot family, Thain finally started the refining experiment of the world-class secret treasure soul-gathering ring.


The top death and soul-based materials that the King of Ghost Crows brought to Thane were about three times the real materials needed for the soul-gathering ring.

In addition, this guy later supplied Thain with some other materials many times, making Thain's refining raw materials more abundant.

In this way, the King of Ghost Crows also regarded Thain as a "good guy", which really made Thain feel ashamed.

Of course, Thain is not the king of ghost crows.

In addition to the raw materials given to Thain by the King of Ghost Crows, Thain also used his own money to replenish some new materials.

Many of these new materials are things that the Ghost Crow King himself cannot obtain, such as fairyland spiritual materials.

This alchemy experiment was the second world-class secret treasure refining experiment conducted by Thain after he successfully refined the Ash Staff.

Thain should go all out!

And in addition to the soul-gathering ring, if there are still materials left after the experiment, Thain plans to give it to Lina, Meikali, or other people around her, and also refine some magic weapons for self-defense.

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