The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2251 Military Quality

At this time, a fierce battle is breaking out, and there is more than one battlefield in the headwind plane!

In this general attack, Thane gathered the forces of the Land of Ashes, the Gate of Elements, the Ghost Crow Clan, the Fairy Wizard Tribe, the Blue and Purple Star Territory, and many members of the Wizards Alliance to launch a decisive battle with the intention of directly overthrowing the Gallente Federation. Front, regain the Wild Star Territory.

Especially among the wizard alliance legions, in addition to the Black Bat Star Territory, which sent its own sixth-level powerhouses and world-class secret treasures. Trilis also has two other sixth-level creatures.

They are the King of Mountain Rung and the God of Corruption respectively.

The King of the Mountain Rong comes from the Purple Diamond World, one of the large planes of the Wizards Alliance. He is an elemental king with extremely amazing personal protection capabilities.

The God of Corruption comes from the Corruption Plane. Although this plane is not well-known, the God of Corruption successfully joined the Rose Dynasty civilization during the Civilization War, and has become more powerful in recent years.

These two sixth-level powerhouses had cooperated with the Sai En sect as early as during the ancient desert wasteland world group war.

She has a close relationship with Thain's master Cuilis.

In particular, the latter, the God of Corruption, also has a good relationship with Thane.

This time, when the God of Corruption was invited by Trilis to come to fight in the Wild Star Territory, Thane specially said hello to it.

There are so many level six experts and a huge number of combat legions.

The power shown by Trilis and Thain in the Wild Star Field battlefield this time was more than three times the power of Master Aksu and others who were responsible for the previous battle in this star field!

With such a strong combat power, even if Thain heard the news before the war that the Gallente Federation had added a wave of support to the Wild Star Territory, he would still have great confidence in winning the war.

The army of wizard civilization is approaching fiercely.

And from different directions, they almost launched a comprehensive encirclement and suppression of the Wild Star Territory.

Sitting deep behind the wild star field

Merrick, a five-star general who was in charge of military affairs and was almost a "quasi-marshal", had no good solution to this situation.

Although the last batch of aid from the Gallente Federation, under his urging, successfully arrived at the battlefield of the Wild Star Territory.

However, because the powerful Purple Dragon God coerced another Black Bat Civilization Legion and launched an attack from the other side of the Wild Star Territory, subsequent assistance from the Gallente Federation naturally became even more difficult.

Also as bad news, the Purple Dragon God detached half of the Purple Dragon Beast army to attack the Beast Star Territory.

In fact, after so many years of oppression, the Beast Star Territory no longer has much strategic value.

The star realm is three-dimensional, and the surrounding starry sky is not to the extent that it can be completely blocked by the wizard civilization army.

Therefore, even if the Beast Star Territory finally falls, there is still a way out for the Gallente Federation Legion in the Wild Star Territory battlefield.

However, the fall of the Beast Star Territory will inevitably have a great impact on the morale of the Beast Star Territory creatures in this Star Territory battlefield.

After so many years of development, the number of beast star field combat units in the wild star field battlefield has reached half.

Especially the cannon fodder in the middle and lower levels.

At this time, the beast star field behind was almost undefended.

Facing that half of the Purple Dragon Beast Legion, if the Gallente Federation and the Beast Planet creatures don't divide their forces to rescue them, they may be attacked by the other side.

The Purple Dragon Beast itself is at the top of the evolutionary chain in the surrounding star field.

Among people of the same level, when fighting alone, no matter the wild orangutans of the past or the ferocious beasts of today, they are no match for the Purple Dragon Beast.

Although most of the medium and low-level combat capabilities of the Beast Star have been mechanically transformed by the Federation, their thinking and actions are also vaguely controlled by the Gallente Federation.

But those beast star powerhouses above level 4 have not completely lost their autonomy!

Especially the Decepticon King who is participating in the war in the headwind plane. If it learns that its hometown has been stolen, it will definitely be greatly affected.

These beast star domain creatures fight to the death in the wild orangutan battlefield, and burst out with extremely high fighting enthusiasm, hoping to take the war away from their home star domain.

Now that the mother star field is in crisis, the morale of these beast star field creatures will inevitably be leaked.

"What should we do?" Five-star General Merrick murmured to himself as he punched the LCD screen in front of him.

At this time, General Merrick was a bit like a clever woman trying to make a meal without straw.

Although he had many ideas in his mind to hold on to the front, he did not have many soldiers and generals, and even the resources and supplies were far less than those of the wizard civilization army on the opposite side.

Faced with such a fierce attack encircled by multiple lines, even the five-star general Merrick really had no good solution.

This time, General Merrick finally felt that their Gallente Federation Army might not be able to hold on.

Merrick is not the only "wise man" in the Gallente Federation Legion.

Several federal generals who were also in the Wild Star Field battlefield once again persuaded Merrick to leave the Wild Star Field battlefield first.

The Gallente Federation needs commanding talents like him even more!

As for the Wild Star Field battlefield that will surely fall, let them stay.

Looking at these impassioned old guys in front of him, how could General Merrick betray them and take the lead.

The reason why soldiers are soldiers is indeed the same as that

Some federal politicians are very different!

Politicians and businessmen often prioritize interests and values, and they weigh more things.

And real soldiers have too many temperaments and qualities that outsiders cannot understand.

Even if they knew it was wrong, even if they knew they would eventually die on the battlefield, they still had no regrets.

General Merrick looked at his comrades in front of him and solemnly said, "Let's fight again. I will fight with you until the end!"

Most of the federal generals in front of them were talking to General Merrick using remote holographic projections.

As for their bodies, they are now in different wild star field battlefields.

Facing General Merrick's statement, these federal generals were silent for a moment, and then one by one they saluted each other.

Now that the wizarding civilization army is attacking so fiercely, I really wonder if these colleagues and comrades will meet again one day in the future?

I really hope I can live again.

They want to hold goblets and brandy in the future, shuttle between interstellar dances with these comrades and colleagues, and laugh about the past war.

It’s just that most of these characters will probably disappear in the Wild Star Field battlefield.

The federal generals then hung up the remote projection communication one after another.

There are almost always wars breaking out on the battlefield in the plane where they are, so it is naturally impossible for them to communicate here all the time.

However, the farewell and military salute before departure allowed these soldiers to complete their silent farewell.

"Put me in the military's internal all-army communication channel. I have something to say to every federal soldier stationed on the battlefield in the Wild Star Territory..."

General Merrick turned his head and said to the adjutant standing behind him.

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