The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2248 The Undead in the Immortal Realm

The support requested from Klopp's knights had not yet arrived, but Thain received another wave of reinforcements first.

In Thane's 35th year on the battlefield in the Wild Star Territory.

A large number of Immortal Domain Witch Clan monks arrived at the border of the Wild Star Domain.

They are here to help themselves and others.

The strength of these Immortal Domain Witch Clan legions varies greatly.

The strongest among them is none other than the sixth-level peak powerhouse Zhong Kui, who holds a world-class secret treasure, the Soul-Educing Soul Cord.

The fairyland civilization calls the powerful people in this realm Quasi Saints.

Although he possesses the sixth level of peak strength, Zhong Kui does not have the arrogance that is common among the strong men of the Immortal Domain Sect.

When meeting with Thain and Trilis, two powerful wizards in the civilization, including when facing Thain who was far lower than himself, he also behaved extremely respectfully and modestly.

He even called Thain "famous for a long time" and wanted to know Thain for a long time.

Including also immediately praised Thain's joint fortress, which is indeed a magical method that is unimaginable to people in their fairyland.

Finally, Zhong Kui tactfully expressed the hope that Thain could forgive the offenses they had committed against him by members of the Wu clan.

"Oh? Taoist Master Zhong Kui, it seems that I have never come into contact with members of your Wu Clan before." Thain said in surprise.

His first impression of Taoist Master Zhong Kui was very good.

Although the other person looks like he has a thick beard and hair, which gives him an extremely vicious look, once you actually get in touch with him, you will find that Zhong Kui is very easy to deal with.

"One of our Wu Clan members has indeed offended you, Master. I hope you don't mind, Master."

"This is the 'living flower' I brought from the netherworld. I hope it can resolve this cause and effect." Zhong Kui said as he offered a strange white flower.

"Of course, Master Cuillis, you and I also have other gifts for you." Zhong Kui nodded to Cuillis who was standing next to Thain.

Zhong Kui said it all for this reason, and Cuillis also echoed it at the right time, advising Thain not to argue.

Due to some minor conflicts in the past.

Thain frowned slightly and pondered for a moment. After vaguely guessing what it was about, he finally nodded slowly and agreed to Zhong Kui's peace proposal.

As Thain snapped his fingers, the half-undead girl Erluo, who had recently taken over some of the little fox girl's work, flew over and took the living flower handed to him by Zhong Kui for Thain.

This strange fairyland flower seems to be of great benefit to the half-undead girl Erluo.

When she held this strange flower in her hand, the power of death in her body continued to roll, and the power of life faintly emerged.

It just fits the power of Luo's law.

This undead girl, who had been in the demigod stage for a long time, carefully held the living flower, glanced at Thain, and then left with the flower after Thain nodded.

After being together for so long, Luo could understand a lot of meaning from just one look from Thain, and also knew exactly which laboratory to send this strange flower to.

Zhong Kui couldn't help but admire the sudden appearance of the half-undead girl, "What a strange spirit, half alive and half dead, somewhere between yin and yang. It's really rare."

Triris also laughed and said, "Yes, such a strange life form, I have only seen some similar species in the Forgotten Land of the Titan World."

"I don't know, this spirit belongs to you, Master Thain..." Zhong Kui asked further.

Looking at the direction Luo was about to leave, Thain replied, "She is my sister."

"So that's it..." Zhong Kui showed a look of astonishment, and then handed over another white elixir and said, "I think your sister is in the period of qualitative transformation before going through the tribulation. This bone elixir can help her condense the essence of the netherworld." , to increase the success rate of some tribulations.”

Every time the fairyland civilization advances to a level, it has to overcome tribulations.

This can be considered

Thain has also heard about the unique cultivation characteristics of the fairyland civilization.

Luo is indeed at the peak of demigods and is about to enter the qualitative transformation period of level four.

Faced with such kindness from Zhong Kui, a peak level 6 expert, Thain sighed and said, "Then I will take Luo's place. Thank you very much, Taoist Master Zhong Kui."

This time, it was a real reconciliation between the two parties.

Sure enough, after being scolded by Taoist Master Zhong Kui, Taoist Banshan, who was wearing a wide Taoist robe, appeared in front of Thain with a somewhat depressed expression, and respectfully apologized to him.

The place where these people were at this time was within Thain's coalition fortress group.

I don’t know how Taoist Banshan feels about being inside such a huge object.

He had already tasted the power of Thane's Combined Fortress back then.

It's just that at that time, Thain had not yet been promoted to level six, and he was no match for Thain.

Obviously, it is much worse than Thain now.

Taoist Banshan didn't know at this time that the group of devils and demons he always repaired when he was in the torture chamber of Atlanta Interstellar Prison were actually instructed by Thain.

If you knew, Taoist Banshan's expression at this time would be even more exciting.

Unlike the mountain-moving Taoist who was like an eggplant beaten by frost, Thain behaved very calmly and politely when faced with the apology from this sixth-level powerhouse.

He also called Duan Po, another client involved at the time, over.

Even Thain forgave him, so Duan Po naturally had nothing to say.

But when he saw Duan Po and Duan Ning, the sixth-level peak powerhouse Zhong Kui, who had been staying in the underworld of the prehistoric world all year round, his eyes couldn't help but change a little.

As one of the Four Great Judges, Zhong Kui was keenly aware that there was a hint of reincarnation in these brothers and sisters.

In the fairyland civilization, there are many people who have been reincarnated and re-cultivated.

In fact, "resurrection"

The means, in Thain's view, are already the ability to break the balance of the star realm, but for fairyland civilizations and some top civilizations, it is not impossible to complete resurrection in the star realm.

The most civilized treasure of the fairyland - the underworld of reincarnation - is a treasure that can bring people back to life.

In the past ten thousand years, due to participation in the civilized wars of the wizard civilization, more and more dead souls were produced in the fairyland due to wars.

The result of the direct feedback is that the Netherworld has become more crowded than it has been in the past tens of thousands of years!

Zhong Kui and others have even contacted the Wu Clan in the prehistoric world and are preparing to call more members of the Wu Clan to come over and form a large formation to guide and help these dead souls in the fairyland return to their hometowns.

Zhong Kui did not see the true details of Duan Po and Duan Ning.

He just thought that these should be two immortal monks who returned to the underworld after their death and achieved the current level of cultivation.

However, generally people who are reincarnated and rebuild may not be able to achieve the achievements of the previous life. They may even be affected by the cause and effect of the previous life, and their strength may not increase but decrease.

The two people in front of him were not weak in the realms of heavenly immortals and mysterious immortals, so Zhong Kui looked slightly sideways.

In this friendly meeting, Thain discussed their upcoming war arrangements with Zhong Kui and others on the spot.

The Immortal Realm Legion brought by Zhong Kui is quite powerful.

In addition to level six powerhouses like Zhong Kui and Taoist Banshan, there are also many powerhouses from the witch clan and ghosts and immortals at the level four and five levels.

Including those low-level legions, they are also very distinctive. They are the undead in the fairyland with bull heads and horse faces, and black and white impermanent masters.

The various undead creatures in the fairyland have opened the eyes of many wizards, civilized knights, and magicians.

With the emergence of this group of strong new forces, Thain and others have a better chance of winning the Wild Star Territory.

"There will be more at seven o'clock in the evening~

Try to resume the fifth update today! "

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