The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2241: Fight between trapped beasts

In addition to the Golden Overflow plane, Thain then released two forbidden spells on the planet of Kells and the Draman battlefield!

The extremely large-scale forbidden spell covering the entire dimensional battlefield has indeed given immediate help to the wizards and civilized legions in these two dimensional battlefields.

There is a plane battlefield among them, which happens to be the battlefield that Thain's master Bogagaru is in charge of.

Watching Thain show his power in the sky, especially those blurred starlights quickly transformed into mechanical puppet combat units after touching the federal metal material.

Gargar couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Sion's mechanical mysteries are not inherited from our master, but a truth and mysteries that he has studied and developed himself."

"My nephew's abilities are really exaggerated. I heard that he has already destroyed a federal stellar war fortress?" Gargaru clicked his tongue in surprise.

In addition to Thain's outstanding personal strength, none of the strong men following Thain at this time are simple characters!

Not to mention the eight-winged mechanical angel, another fairyland monk holding a hatchet also left a deep impression on Gargaru!

Jiagaru, who has good self-control, felt a chill in his eyebrows when he saw Duan Po.

It was as if there was a sharp sword pointed at him at all times.

Sure enough, those who can be friends with perverts are often perverts.

Gargaru unknowingly regarded his nephew not only as a "genius", but as a higher-level "pervert".

"But having this junior is a blessing for our school." Gargaru sighed again.

In the three low-level battlefields, Thain personally took action.

The war situation is naturally one-sided in favor of the wizard civilization.

In the next half year alone, more than 70% of the Gallente Federation garrison positions in these three plane battlefields were bulldozed by the wizard civilization army!

The Golden Overflow Plane, the Planet of Kells, and the Draman Battlefield are all filled with good news.

In contrast to this kind of good news, it was the offensive planes of other wizard civilizations. During this period of war, the situation was corrupt and slow.

The magic cannon that lasted for three months before was not able to completely remove those

The Gallente Federation Legion on the plane battlefield did not bend their backs.

When these federal legions hiding in the deepest part of the ground reappeared, they were given a head-on attack by the advancing army of wizard civilization.

After fighting defensive battles for thousands of years, these Gallente Federation legions have already figured out an effective strategy.

The powerful wizards and civilizations who had participated in the war in this star field before had used forbidden spell-level magic to blast the Gallente Federation's garrison lines.

But time and time again, these federal legions still held on despite the impossibility!

This is a group of opponents that Thain and other powerful attackers from the wizarding civilization cannot help but admire.

And after the forbidden spell that ended the Draman battlefield was released.

After resting for a period of time, Thain was influenced by a certain battle report and returned to the original Golden Overflow plane.

At this time, the Golden Overflow Plane seemed to be much more dilapidated than before Thain left.

The rules of the entire world are also becoming more and more unstable.

There is a trend of imminent collapse.

Another broken world.

At this time, the surface and underground of the plane were filled with a large amount of metal debris and ruins.

Unlike the previous metal ruins, which were obviously mostly from federal warships, most of the metal ruins appearing in the Jinyi plane now came from the mechanical puppet army that Thain had summoned previously.

Countless puppet remains are piled up in every corner of the Jinyi plane.

There are also patches of ruins and deep pits that are obviously the result of explosions, covering many areas of the battlefield in this plane.

"These metal puppet remnants no longer support me in releasing the second 'mechanical natural disaster' magic."

"The activation and deformation of metal elements by magic power has its theoretical threshold."

"Including the 'disaster of the undead' magic released by the undead magicians, I have never heard of anyone using the destroyed magic

Undead creature skeletons can re-summon undead combat units. "Sain picked up the remains of the metal ruins in a corner of the battlefield, examined them for a moment, and then said to the people around him.

Meili, who had been left by Thain to command the Ashes Holy Tower Army on this battlefield, was still surrounding Thain at this time.

What they are about to head to next is the last area where war is still taking place on this dimensional battlefield.

There is an underground pit battlefield in the westernmost part of the Jinyi plane.

I heard that the high-level commander of the Federation in this low-level battlefield is there.

Faced with the wizard civilization's persuasion to surrender, this guy fought to the death.

Also under his leadership, the Gallente Federation's occupation degree of the Jinyi Plane was less than 15, but it was still able to withstand waves of invasions from the wizard civilization army.

They were like a rock in front of the endless waves, so hard it was chilling.

Although the waves will eventually overwhelm them, their will to resist...

"Let's go take a look." Thain said looking to the west.

In the sky, the huge metal shadows of the coalition fortresses have covered most of the world's sky.

Under Thain's instruction, this huge metal continent continuously stimulated firepower to assist the attacking legions of the wizard civilization below.

Because of the ultra-high quality of the combined fortress group, under the influence of gravity, countless metal ruins on the battlefield were actually suspended in mid-air, and some even slowly flew towards the metal continent in the sky.

And against this background, the fierce explosions and energy beams clashed and never stopped.

"We can't blame our Ashes Holy Tower Legion and other friendly combat legions for their ineffective attack. It's really these Gallente Federation Legions that are so capable."

"Including the ferocious star field creatures on this battlefield, they have also been transformed into fighting machines by the Gallente Federation."

"If you are fighting deep underground, even if there are a sufficient number of mechanical puppets as cannon fodder cover, there will still be a high casualty rate." Meili said to Thain.

At the same time, a biological specimen that looked like a black panther was taken from her by Meili.

Released from the storage space of the magic wand head.

According to Meili, this black panther is an indigenous creature in the Beast Star Territory and is called "Jaguar".

What is obviously different from ordinary flesh and blood creatures is that this beast star creature is equipped with an extremely large number of technological devices.

Whether it is the energy chain armor worn on the skin or the power drivers stuck in the joints, this Jaguar can exert far more power than it should normally have.

"Its normal life level is only Level 2, but during underground combat, it relied on sneak attacks and that equipment to injure a Level 3 great magician from our Ashes Holy Tower and successfully escape."

"I later assigned it a holy tower hunting mission, and with the cooperation of several magicians, I captured it." Meili introduced.

At this time, the Jaguar had been restrained by Meili with the power of law.

Therefore, Thain and others can observe each other in more detail.

In this regard, Thane said, "The strongest person in the Beast Star Territory, according to the information we have collected, is a late-level sixth-level creature named the Decepticon King."

"In past wars, it revealed a pair of turbine metal wings that reached the level of world-class secret treasures. That should have been the help the Gallente Federation gave it in order to win over it."

"That guy is not easy to deal with either!" Thain said solemnly.

The battlefield where the Decepticon King is currently facing is the Decepticon, the leader of the sixth-level intelligent robot on the planet Cybertron.

The two have similar names and similar strengths, and they both have world-class secret treasures to help them.

In the past wars, there were more than one head-to-head confrontations.

But no one showed obvious signs of decline.

Not far away, there was another fierce explosion and battle turmoil.

The remaining federal legions in the Jinyi plane are still fighting against the trapped beasts!

Faced with this situation, Meili couldn't help but wonder again, "What is it that supports these federal legions and fights until now?!"

Thain also looked up at the place where the explosion occurred.

He said nothing.

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