The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2235 General Merrick’s Classic Quotes

The war in the Wild Star Territory is very difficult to fight. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

This is true for the wizarding civilization, and even more so for the Gallente Federation.

From the beginning, the Gallente Federation took the initiative to attack the wizard civilization, and later gradually developed into the Gallente Federation acting as a defender, constantly resisting the attacks of the wizard civilization.

The battle situation in the Wild Star Territory can be regarded as a relatively perfect display of the Gallente Federation's offensive and defensive posture transformation during this civilized war.

Merrick, the five-star general of the Federation, led his fleet group to support the arrival of the Wild Star Territory four thousand years ago.

That was almost the time when the war in the Wild Star Territory was the most intense and tense.

Everyone thought that the Wild Star Territory would definitely fall under the fierce attack of the wizard civilization.

At that time, including the top federal officials, they were already considering arrangements for the follow-up front.

It was Merrick who led his fleet group, combined with the Beast Star Territory Legion, to carry out this "impossible garrison mission" that was considered at the time.

And in the Wild Star Territory, it takes four thousand years to take root.

During this period, despite countless confrontations with the wizard civilization, most of the planets in the entire Wild Star Territory kept changing hands.

Even the Wild Orangutan World, one of the medium-sized worlds, was completely destroyed by both sides three thousand years ago and turned into countless plane fragments and meteorite debris.

But until the end, the Wild Star Territory was not lost from the hands of the Gallente Federation.

Even in terms of occupying the plane territory, the Gallente Federation still has power in 54 planes in this star field, and the occupation ratio of 37 planes has reached 60.

However, what this brilliant data represents is the countless lives thrown into this "metal meat grinder" battlefield by the Gallente Federation and the Beast Star Territory.

The Beast Star Territory is now almost in a situation where there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces. In addition to a beast army left as a reserve force at the edge of the Star Territory, there are actually not many qualified people in all planes within the Beast Star Territory. of warriors.

This is even more true for the Gallente Federation!

Three thousand years ago, the Gallente Federation cut back 30% of the supplies to the Wild Star Territory.

Because there are more important dimensional battlefields, resource supplies need to be tilted.

Two thousand years ago, the reduction amount reached 50.

A thousand years ago, the reduction amount even reached 70!

Today, the resource supply in the Wild Star Territory is only 2713 of the normal amount.

No one knows how these Gallente Federation legions have been able to support themselves until now.

On this point, don’t talk about wizarding literature

Ming Ming didn’t expect it, not even the top brass of the Gallente Federation expected it.

The Federation has already attributed the war in this star field to a "miracle".

In the past few thousand years, the Federation has often used it as a propaganda model in the Wild Star Territory and other battlefields where they have a comparative advantage to inspire people's confidence.

But this kind of "fried rice" thing.

Once or twice is fine, but if it happens too often, the people of the Federation will become numb.

They believe more in the reality happening before their eyes.

The actual result is that the wizard civilization advances to the front of the Gallente Federation's home star domain and is getting closer and closer to their hinterland.

Although the Federation has issued effective interstellar transportation management regulations, large-scale refugee flows and war fears are inevitable in many star areas of the Federation.

No one knows how these Gallente Federation garrison legions and Beast Star Domain creatures defend the Wild Star Territory.

It is estimated that only the federal legions actually stationed in this medium-sized star field battlefield know the real reason.

"War is the best place to hone the iron will of soldiers."

"But no matter how hard the steel is, without proper 'motor oil' for maintenance, it will one day rust until it breaks."

General Merrick did not immediately answer the major general's words. Instead, he used an interstellar pen to annotate this sentence on the battle report in front of him.

There are many classic quotes from General Merrick.

During the Wild Star War, these contents he published were regarded as the truth by the Federation soldiers on the battlefield of this star field.

When these soldiers are confused, timid, or struggling, they will watch General Merrick's video speech and eventually continue to persevere.

Yes, without enough resources and support, the Gallente Federation Legion has used its own spirit and will to persevere until now!

General Merrick of the Wild Star Territory has been "deified".

He is believed by hundreds of millions of federal soldiers. If he embarks on the path of belief and becoming a god, he will probably become a god instantly.

Because these believers are all his fanatical followers.

In more than one case, the Gallente Federation soldiers shouted the words of General Merrick and died together with the wizard civilization army opposite them.

Either pull the entire underground

The energy valve of the base was buried by the invading wizard civilization legion.

Either he is driving a combat mecha that has exhausted its ammunition and pounces on the nearest powerful wizard civilization in a suicidal manner.

Knights and magicians from the wizarding world are the priority targets of these federal soldiers.

If there are really no creatures from the wizarding world around, these federal soldiers will do the next best thing and pull the alliance's cannon fodder army, who are the minions of the wizarding civilization, to die together.

In the past few thousand years, several powerful wizards at the sixth level of civilization who had presided over the war in the wild star field were very silent when they led their troops to leave this medium-sized star field.

Perhaps they did defeat the Gallente Federation on the front of the civilized battlefield.

But on the Wild Star Territory side, it really failed.

Even if they are on the offensive side, they are constantly attacking the Gallente Federation's legion positions.

But the steel-hard and unyielding backbone of these federal legions has never been bent.

After General Merrick finished annotating this item, he asked the major general in front of him, "Have our supplies arrived?"

The major general lowered his head and replied, "No, the Wizard Civilized Legion has blocked the transportation channel from the Cheddar Star Territory to the Setles Star Territory. I heard that both of our supply fleets were intercepted and killed."

"The military department is re-examining the new supply routes, but the Wild Star Territory has provided support with about five million gallons of low-energy supplies." the major general replied.

The major general in front of him was formerly a federal mecha pilot.

After his partner died in battle and he was unable to control the giant mecha, he did not choose to return to the Federation's home star domain to recuperate, but continued to stay with General Merrick in a role similar to an adjutant.

When General Merrick heard this, he said without even thinking, "Send all these supplies to the planetary planes at the forefront of fighting the wizard civilization. Our soldiers need them."

In fact, including the battlefield where General Merrick himself is located, the situation is also very difficult.

Including General Merrick himself, his food was even limited and mostly liquid food.

In the words of General Merrick, he ate whatever his soldiers ate.

Just when General Merrick quickly analyzed the battle report in front of him and ordered his reconnaissance plane to quickly find out which wizard civilization the latest enemy legion arriving in the Wild Star Territory belonged to.

A communication light screen suddenly appeared

Lights up in front of General Merrick.

"Dussel, it's time for you to leave this star field!"

"This is not your destination. There is a bigger stage for you in the Federation."

"Let us stay here in this damn 'metal tomb'!" In the light screen, an old federal general with a gray beard said to Merrick.

General Merrick's full name is Merrick Dussel.

As for the old federal general in the light screen in front of him, it can be seen from the badge on his chest that he is a federal four-star general with a rank second only to Merrick.

The supreme commander of the stellar war fortress that Thain killed in the Proxi star field was only a four-star general.

"I heard that the president and the military have made plans for you to replace the deceased Marshal Hyres and command his 'Explorer Orobas-class war fleet' to be responsible for the Hermes star in the heart of our federation. The defense front of the domain." The old general added.

"The offensive momentum of the wizard civilization army there is very high. Those stupid and powerless Titan giant army are about to tear our painstakingly arranged defensive front into pieces."

"You are good at defensive warfare, and everyone in the federal leadership knows that. In particular, several marshals from our military have jointly recommended you."

"That is to say, as long as you return to the Federation, you can have the title of marshal!" the old general emphasized.

In the Gallente Federation, marshal-level figures can already control a Dominator-level fleet.

This is the top level that truly stands at the pinnacle of federal power.

General Merrick has used his own strength and record to get to where he is today step by step.

Thinking back to more than 4,000 years ago, when he first came to the Wild Star Field battlefield, General Merrick was just a two-star general who had recently been promoted.

Who would have thought that he would reach the rank of marshal today?

Facing the persuasion of his colleagues and comrades-in-arms, General Merrick was silent for a moment and replied, "I want to defend again, with my soldiers."

"The radar spectrum transmitted from the interstellar satellite shows that the wizard civilization army arriving in the Wild Star Territory this time is more numerous and stronger." General Merrick said solemnly.

Regarding General Merrick's persistence, the gray-bearded federal four-star general sighed and said nothing more.

He knew that Merrick actually had a stubborn temper, and few people could reverse the things he decided.

"The next chapter is around eight o'clock~"

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