The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2225: My fate is up to me.

The war in the Proxi Star Territory is gradually coming to an end, and the Gallente Federation Legion is beginning to withdraw its troops across the board. ơɱ

Thain was finally able to take some time to deal with Duan Po's sister's physical problems.

To be honest, this experiment is quite difficult.

Because the difficulty not only includes solving the problem of Duan Ning's physical illness, but also includes the difference in traditional concepts between the fairyland civilization and the wizard civilization.

In the fairyland, men and women often pay attention to giving and receiving without being intimate.

In the wizarding civilization, kissing hands, forehead kissing, etc. are really normal.

If Thain wants to study Duan Ning's physical problems, he must give her several rounds of in-depth physical tests, right?

It's hard to even touch the other person's hands, let alone take off their clothes.

How to "cure" her?

In the end, the solution that Thain came up with was to use a machine to collect some basic samples instead of himself.

The results can be imagined.

Although some findings have been made, the efficiency is extremely poor.

In this regard, Thain said, "According to existing data, your sister's physical development will not have any impact. All indicators are normal, so you don't need to worry too much."

"As for why she hasn't grown up, maybe it has something to do with her soul."

"Her clone technique should be a special secret in the field of soul science."

"Look, after she transformed into three, each of her clones is an extremely mature female cultivator."

"If we really want to solve her height development problem, we may have to work on her soul in the future," Thain said.

Because of the previous incident between Natalya and Lina, Thane also has a great say in the field of soul science.

In the fairyland civilization, regarding the definition of soul, lower creatures are called "souls", while higher creatures are condensed into "primordial spirits".

Regarding Thain's statement, Duan Ning couldn't help but look up at him.

Although Thain explained Duan Ning's condition from the perspective of wizard civilization and used magician's professional terminology.

But what he said was essentially not much different from what Duan Ning understood from his master, senior brother and others. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"This is a magician with real talent and knowledge." Duan Ning couldn't help but define Thain in her heart.

After Duan Po learned this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In response, Thane continued, "If you are still worried, I will go back and help your sister refine some potions."

"These medicines mainly stimulate the growth of amplified cells. In addition, they can also be used to warm and nourish the soul." Thain said.

"Then thank you very much." Duan Po smiled.

He has used the life potion that Thain once gave him, and he knows that Thain belongs to the class of famous teachers and disciples.

Refined by his own hands

The medicine may really help Duan Ning.

Duan Ning didn't say anything about this.

As a high disciple of Lao Tzu, Duan Ning basically learned a little bit of everything when he was in Bajing Palace.

Although his understanding in the field of swordsmanship is not high, he has achieved good results in alchemy, divination and other fields.

The elixir refined by Duan Ning is probably better than the magic potion refined by Thain.

With such a premise, Duan Ning, who knew what his body was like, couldn't give him the right medicine?

However, Duan Ning still did not reject her brother's kindness.

And Duan Ning, who was well aware of the impermanence of fate and the road, did not tell Duan Po about the reincarnation of his brother and sister.

It's not that Duan Ning doesn't want to say it, it's that she can't.

Duan Po's growth path has actually been planned for him by the great path.

Even eighth-level beings like Yuanshi Tianzun and Sage Laozi had trouble finding Duan Po, let alone Duan Ning.

And telling the other party the truth in advance is very likely to cause the hearts of immortal monks such as Duan Ning and Duan Po to be broken, and then they will have doubts about their self-knowledge.

It has been several years since Duan Ning was promoted to the fourth level of Celestial Immortal. He even stayed at the peak level of Celestial Immortal for a long time.

The reason why she has not been able to go further is that the equipment she has on hand is too luxurious, making it difficult for her to realize the effectiveness of sharpening.

On the other hand, Duan Ning learned about her "life experience" early, which had a great impact on her Taoist heart!

Although Laozi, Xuandu and others did not elaborate on her situation in Sanxiao back then, or some past historical details.

But the word "Sanxiao" still put great psychological pressure on Duan Ning.

In her heart, she actually preferred to be the carefree Duan Ning who accepted her brother's protection.

Rather than the famous Sanxiao Empress in the ancient times of the Immortal Realm.

The fairyland civilization's understanding of the star world and the path of self-cultivation and evolution they have embarked on are indeed very different from the wizarding civilization!

Even if you were to tell a sixth-level magician like Thain about Tao Xin, you would probably be completely confused.

Isn't this a mental illness?

Moreover, the "great path" tabooed by Duan Ning and his master Lao Tzu, in Thain's view, is nothing more than the "power of fate" at work.

The power of destiny is indeed a mysterious and mysterious law of the astral world.

This is what the astrologers in the wizarding world are best at.

It’s just that Thain’s approach to fate and divination,

I have always had some exposure and understanding, but I have never been too involved.

Because from the bottom of his heart, Thain is a person who does not believe in fate!

I control my own life!

It's a label for people like Thain.

If everything develops according to the trajectory of destiny, what's the point of needing to work hard on your own and others?

Regarding Duan Ning's concealment of the siblings' life experiences, if Thain had known about it in advance, he would definitely have done something completely different from Duan Ning.

He will tell Duan Po the truth directly and let him make the decision.

Because Thain knew that Duan Po was the same type of person as him and did not believe in fate.

Any talk about reincarnation is all nonsense.

This life is true!

Not only him, but also friends such as Green and Angelet whom Thain knew. In fact, everyone's temperament is very similar, so they got together.

Destiny and divination can, at best, be used as a tool for Thain and others to explore the avenue of truth.

I will never turn against the guest and become a pawn of fate.

For this reason, when Thain helped Duan Ning test her body again that day, Thain couldn't help but asked curiously, "Are you worried about something?"

At this time, Ning was wearing a white fairy dress.

Because her breath-containing ability of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes was so outstanding, Thain specially asked her to change into an ordinary dress before conducting the test experiment.

Duan Ning, who has a lot on his mind, is usually very polite to Thain.

Because Thane is Duan Po's eldest brother, he is naturally Duan Ning's brother.

"It's nothing. This experiment has caused you to worry about Master Thain again." Duan Ning smiled at Thain. He was a very polite monk.

Although she is no longer young, she still looks like a girl, even smaller than Tourmaline.

So after coming to Thain's Ashes Army, he was cared for by many people around Thain.

Bi Xi, who has grown into a girl, is clamoring to take Duan Ning as her sister.

Duan Ning had only felt the care of her master Lao Tzu and her senior brother Xuandu when she was in the Bajing Palace.

It's just that those two eighth-level saints have always been very peaceful in dealing with things. Even if they take care of Duan Ning, they will not be as direct as the strong men in the Ash Legion.

So after coming to the wizarding civilization battlefield, Duan Ning finally gradually understood why her brother said he wanted to settle here in the future.

At least the atmosphere here in the Land of Ashes is indeed much warmer than the extremely cruel world of casual cultivators in the Immortal Realm.

Including the Bajing Palace, there are usually only two old men who understand the avenue, but there is no excitement here in the Ashes Legion.

\u003eIn terms of nature, the original Duan Ning was also a lively and lovely girl.

It's not as heavy as it is now. There always seems to be a lot of things weighing on my mind.

Seeing that Duan Ning was not very interested, Thain said nothing more. After handing her two more cell growth potions, Thain mentioned, "I have a friend who wants to meet you. Like you, it also has the ability to grow." That special ability to transform one into three and clone yourself."

"Oh?" After hearing what Thain said, Duan Ning's emotions obviously fluctuated greatly.

After taking Duan Ning outside the laboratory, Thain pointed at the level five panda following Bixi and said, "Here, that's it!"

Duan Ning also looked at this naive giant panda.

I saw the panda Jiuxian taking off his bamboo hat at some point. He put his hands together and bowed to Duan Ning, "Hello, senior sister."

Duan Ning was stunned when he heard this.

Even Thain didn't expect that the two would have this kind of relationship, although he had already guessed it before.

Looking at the panda in front of her, Duan Ning frowned and said, "When I left the Immortal Realm, my senior brother told me that I only have two outer disciples."

"It's not you?" Duan Ning asked.

"Ah?" Panda Jiuxian also touched his head naively and said in surprise, "Really?"

"But I did receive teachings from my master when I was traveling in the Immortal Realm, and I mastered the magical power of 'one Qi transforming three pure beings'." The giant panda answered honestly.

Duan Ning already believed most of it after hearing that Panda Jiuxian accurately stated the name of his sect's magical power.

She looked at the junior brother who suddenly appeared in front of her and said, "It may be that senior brother missed you."

"Where did you learn how to transform three pure things into one qi?" Duan Ning asked.

Panda Jiuxian answered honestly, "In a medium-sized immortal cultivation world called the Spring and Autumn Realm, when I met the Master, he was still riding a green bull."

As he spoke, in order to prove his identity, Panda Jiuxian split on the spot into a red cat, a blue cat, and a yellow cat, three level five giant pandas with different colors and different abilities to master laws.

Thain glanced at the khaki panda among them. The brick in the other person's hand had left a deep impression on Thain.

Moreover, Panda Brewmaster seems to have the ability to "raise swords". The weapons it has on hand are much more powerful than those at the fourth level back then.

Duan Ning looked at the situation in front of her and said, "That may be you who the master accepted when he incarnated into millions and traveled to various planes in the fairyland."

"My name is Duan Ning." Duan Ning extended her hand to the Panda Brewmaster.

The Panda Brewmaster scratched his head, handed over his paw, and said respectfully, "Hello, senior sister!"

"Next chapter around two o'clock"

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