The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2219 True Self

Duan Po's sister is named Duan Ning.

Judging from the aura he revealed, he was a powerful fourth-level immortal.

Duan Po had mentioned to Sean before that his sister had a "strange disease" that never grew up.

It's true that he doesn't grow up.

Women who can look smaller than Tourmaline, except for young children, it is difficult to find similar creatures in the astral world.

But unlike Tourmaline's cute temperament, Duan Ning, who is obviously a lolita, has a very mature and calm temperament.

When Duan Ning met Thain and other powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization for the first time, Duan Ning bowed to them in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

Only when Naxi Xiu saw this female nun who was much younger than him, he reluctantly called "Auntie".

Duan Ning's mature aura was broken.

His little face turned red immediately.

I am afraid that before she came to the battlefield of wizard civilization, she would not have thought that she would suddenly have a nephew.

"Duan Po and I are brothers, and Naxi Xiu is Duan Po's adopted son. You will also be my sister from now on."

"I have heard Duan Po mention this strange disease in your body before. Once the war in the Puxi Star Territory has been suspended for a while, I will take the time to help you take a look." Thain said to Duan Ning.

Thain is older than Duan Po and is now at level six. He even saved Duan Po back then.

So Thane deserves to be the eldest brother.

Since Duan Ning is Duan Po's sister, she is naturally also Thain's sister.

Faced with the strange disease in Duan Ning's body, Thain should help him solve it both emotionally and rationally.

Facing what Sean mentioned, Duan Ning glanced at her brother and then nodded.

In fact, Duan Ning's physical growth is not a big problem. Laozi and Xuandu gave the answer as early as the fairyland civilization.

Can Thain, with the wisdom of a sixth-level magician, surpass two eighth-level saints?

The real factor that caused Duan Ning's slow development was that she had three souls in her body.

Therefore, when Duan Ning practices the magical power of "one Qi transforming three pure things", he can

Get twice the result with half the effort.

But similarly, this will also make her development process three times slower than that of ordinary immortals!

In addition, Duan Ning's slow development is probably related to some problems she may have encountered during her reincarnation.

Otherwise, even if it were three times slower, the height would not remain the same for so many years.

This is the main problem that Thain needs to solve in his next experiment.

The answer that Laozi and Xuandu told Duan Ning at the beginning was - don't worry, when it's time to grow up, you will grow up naturally.

This is also in line with Laozi’s philosophy of Tao following nature and governing by doing nothing.

It is undoubtedly a happy event for the brother and sister to meet again.

However, the war in the Proxi Star Territory became more and more intense, and Thain did not bother to talk too much with the Immortal Territory brothers and sisters, and soon devoted himself to war command.

Thain and others were involved in a fierce battle, so Duan Po would not stand idly by.

If he joins the battlefield, his sister Duan Ning will naturally join the war in this star field.

What Duan Po didn't know was that Duan Ning, whom he hadn't seen for hundreds or even thousands of years, had a surprise that wasn't just as simple as being promoted to an immortal, but there was more to it!

Looking at his brother who was unwilling to accept the "Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes" handed to him, he was still only wearing a brown coir raincoat robe.

Duan Ning said, "Brother, I will protect you from now on."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Duan Po touched Duan Ning's forehead.

"This acquired spiritual treasure will still be worn on your body. It will make me feel more at ease."

"I have a knife that's enough." Duan Po smiled heartily.

"I know you have another chance in the Immortal Realm, otherwise you wouldn't have such a spiritual treasure."

"However, if it is a treasure given by the elders of the sect, it is best not to give it to others, even if I am your brother." Duan Po said to

Duan Ning obeyed.

Although he is a casual cultivator, Duan Po has been wandering in the fairyland for so many years, and he still knows something about those famous sects.

However... Duan Ning, with her cultivation as an immortal, actually possesses an acquired spiritual treasure. Is it possible that this girl has joined the Taoist Court of Saints?

Since meeting Duan Ning, Duan Po hasn't asked carefully what she has experienced in these years.

The joy of reunion makes it easy to overlook some other details.

At this moment, Ning looked at his brother with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

She was not sure whether what Master, Uncle Master and others said was true.

Could it be that their identities in this life are fake?

Is the life you think you are actually a continuation of your previous life?

So, is she Duan Ning? Or Sanxiao?

This confusion of self-perception caused Duan Ning to suffer a lot after obtaining the "truth".

So much so that she didn't dare tell her brother this information.

Because what I, Yuanshi Tianzun and others are looking for is obviously Duan Po.

It's painful enough for me to be in this kind of cognitive confusion.

If my brother also knew these things, I don’t know what would happen.

After gradually realizing the strength and authority of Laozi and others in the Immortal Realm, Duan Ning actually believed 90% of it.

It's just that she still can't let go of her identity as Duan Po's sister, so she's unwilling to accept it.

Of course, there is also the factor that Duan Ning did not inherit the memory of Sanxiao from her previous life, so she feels that this life is her true self.

Although the sage Laozi did not tell Duan Ning explicitly, her senior brother Xuandu mentioned it implicitly that when Duan Ning reaches the quasi-sage realm, he will unravel the illusion of cause and effect between the past life and this life.

Seeing Duan Po holding a hatchet, he was about to join the frontline battlefield.

Duan Ning couldn't help but ask, "Brother, what will you do if one day you find out that I am not your sister?"


r\u003eDuan Ning's question made Duan Po stunned.

He touched Duan Ning's forehead again and said, "What stupid things are you talking about?"

"I watched you grow up when you were a child. I still remember when I was young, I carried you to the mountains to chop wood."

"If you are not my sister, who could you be?" Duan Po chuckled.

Duan Ning couldn't help but lower her head at the relief and warmth from her brother.

No matter what we did in the past life, living this life well is the only way to be true.

Duan Ning, who had been silent and confused before, gradually regained his composure.

She once again stepped forward and held her brother's hand, and then said the same words as before, "Brother, I will protect you from now on!"

Under Duan Po's stunned gaze, Duan Ning stood up and flew to the front line of the battlefield in the Puroxian Star Territory.

At this time, there are quite a few Gallente Federation fleets supporting this medium-sized star field, including the main battlefield that has gradually moved from the major planets to the stars in the universe.

I saw Duan Ning, who was fluttering in fairy clothes, looking charming after arriving at the frontline battlefield.

The original figure of a young girl suddenly transformed into three mature queen-type fairies.

What is even more striking is that each of these three fairies has obvious world-class secret treasure law fluctuations!

"I am Yunxiao!"

One of the female cultivators was wearing a white fairy skirt. She was holding a constantly rotating golden bucket in her hand. It was the Hunyuan Golden Bucket!

"I am Qiong Xiao!"

Another female cultivator wearing a yellow fairy skirt holds a fairy rope in her hand, which is a dragon-binding rope!

"I am Bixiao!"

The last female cultivator, who looks smaller in green skirt, holds a pair of golden scissors in her hand and is cutting for the golden dragon!

Three world-class secret treasures and three extremely oppressive laws are turbulent.

Even Thain, who was at the front of the battlefield, couldn't help but turn his head and look behind.

"What's going on?" Thain couldn't help but asked in surprise.

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