The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2216: The End of the Corellon Star Territory War

"Why are you so resistant to Master Thane's experiments?"

"I heard that you ran away directly from her laboratory last time?"

In Corellon Star Territory, Chaigus Plane, Kram, after finishing the battle, flew to Missori and asked curiously.

Faced with the question from her best friend, Misoli rolled her eyes and at the same time, a touch of red appeared on her cheeks.

Unlike Kram, who has a straightforward style, Missori is actually very feminine. She is also praised by the Kryptonians as "the most beautiful woman on Krypton."

It is quite strange that she has beautiful shoulder-length hair and can become friends with Klam, who only has short hair.

"That level of experiment... is still too intense for me, I can't stand it." Misoli thought for a while and replied in a low voice.

When Kram heard this, he couldn't help but ask, "Did Master Thane take out your kryptonite?"

Misori pondered, nodded, and said, "I thought I was about to die at the time. The power that exploded in that moment was indeed powerful, but for me, I am more afraid of the future."

"And that experiment also caused a mess in Master Thane's laboratory due to the explosion of kryptonite."

"Master Thain, on the other hand, did not blame me afterwards. Instead, he fell into a state of contemplation and enlightenment." Missoli said.

"Master Thain has always been this kind of person. Once you get familiar with him, you will know." Cram said casually.

She is indeed more familiar with Thain, and every part of her body has been touched by Thain.

And in terms of strength, Kram was far superior to Misori, who was even more talented than him.

While Kram was already preparing to advance to level five, Misori had just reached the late stage of level four.

The two were about the same strength back then, and even at that time, Misori was stronger than her.

The reason for this situation is naturally because of Thain's tireless experiments on Kram's body refining and various experimental increases in passive evolution fields.

After coming into contact with the Zerg, Thane also considered stimulating the deep energy of the inert crystal to promote the growth of Cram and others.

But the experiment wasn't perfect enough.

Cram is very likely to be the first person to eat crabs in the future.

In addition to the process of removing the kryptonite from the body, Misori felt like she was about to die, which made her feel scared.

Another factor that makes Missori more resistant to Thain's experiment is that in the laboratory,

She must show everything to Master Thane without reservation.

This makes Missori, who is relatively thin-skinned and adheres to the Kryptonian tradition, a little hard to accept.

Including the previous in vitro experiments on kryptonite, Missori also wore her own battle dress.

Although Thain mentioned at the time that this might interfere with some of his experiments.

But Missori still stuck to her principles.

Thinking of some of the things that happened in the laboratory at that time, Missoli was distracted for a while and couldn't help but look at Kram in front of her.

It had been a long time since Misoli had looked at Klamm so carefully and in large quantities. She found that Klamm was actually quite "feminine".

Her breasts, especially, had grown so big over the years.

I still remember that when they were both in the realm of demigods, Kram, who was like a "tomboy", had flat chest at that time, and discussed this issue with Misoli.

But after so many years, Crum actually came from behind!

Kram, who still had short hair at this time, had breasts that were much larger than Missoli's.

This also resulted in her battle uniform being a specially made model.

"This combat doesn't seem like it was made for you by a clan scientist, right?" Misoli couldn't help but ask, looking at Kram's chest.

Because the color and appearance of their combat uniforms were similar, Misori had never noticed such details before.

Cram lowered her head and glanced, and she replied casually, "Well, Master Thain helped me make it last time."

"You can also ask him to help you refine a battle suit next time. Master Thain is still very easy to talk to." Cram looked away and said.

Misori did not rush to take over what Kram said, but looked at him up and down for a long time before asking, "I found... you seemed to be wearing something different every time you went to see Master Thain. You were wearing something different before." Did you also ask me about makeup and grooming?"

"And every time you stay in Master Thain's laboratory, it seems that you stay longer?" Missori asked, touching her white chin.

When Cram heard this, he left Missori without looking back.

It wasn't until a while later that her voice gradually faded away, "You have so many questions."

The Corellon War lasted for another 76 years after Thane and others killed the King of Corellon before all the resistance in this medium-sized star field was completely eliminated.

If you add in the more than one hundred years of war that Rose and others had fought in this star field, the war in this medium-sized star field took a total of more than two hundred years, close to three hundred years.

In less than three hundred years, this resource-rich medium-sized star field was captured.

This is extremely fast in previous medium-sized plane wars.

Before inviting Thane, Rose and Eric had tentatively decided that the war would last for five hundred years, and there was a possibility that the war would continue to be prolonged.

Ending the war so quickly is proof of the strength of Thane and the legions around him.

At the same time, it was also the credit of Thane's surprise attack on the planet Corellon, which greatly disintegrated the mentality of the resistance forces in this medium-sized star field.

For this reason, judging from the wartime profits alone, Thane and his group of forces grabbed at least 70% of the war wealth in the Corellon Star Territory. 🅆

Of course, Rose and others are not at a loss either.

Because Rose obtained the rights for subsequent development, many of these plane worlds were directly surrendered to Thane and others, so the planes are in relatively good preservation condition.

A group of local strong men led by Momo Soli expressed their surrender, and Rose would naturally be able to extract more value from them in the future.

And it was only after the Corellon Star Territory was completely occupied that the official response to the Corellon Star Territory, which the Wizarding Civilization had been evading for a long time, was finally released.

The envoys sent by King Corellon to the wizarding civilization back then are still in the wizarding civilization and have not returned.

Now times have changed, and even King Corellon has fallen. In the context of the formation of the new parliament, it is so ridiculous for them to pursue so-called "fairness".

The wizard civilization responded to the civilizations of the surrounding star fields. They went to the Corellon Star Territory because they had reason to suspect that the Corellon Star Territory had surrendered to the Gallente Federation in the past ten thousand years under the banner of adhering to neutrality. .

And it has been secretly collaborating with the Gallente Federation, seriously damaging the interests of wizard civilization.

The wizarding civilization sent Thain, Rose and others just to find "evidence".

Now some evidence has been found and is being sent back to the wizarding civilization.

There are also some evidences that were destroyed in the process of King Corellon and others' desperate attempt to jump over the wall.


It is a pity that King Corellon, one of the culprits, was not captured alive.

Otherwise, bringing him back to the Wizards Union for trial in a fair and just manner would better demonstrate the fairness and justice of wizard civilization.

Of course, during the expedition to the Corellon Star Territory, Thane and others did behave in some ways that were not in compliance with the alliance rules.

Therefore, under the decision of the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization, Thane, Rose and others needed to pay a fine of about five million magic coins.

In addition, there are other symbolic punishments, which I will not list one by one.

Although the statement of the Wizarding Civilization was not perfect, it also explained the legality of the war between Thane and Rose and others from a rule level.

The method of "punishing" Thain and others shows the seriousness of the league's rules.

In this regard, the Wei Zhuo World Group, which had just joined the Wizards Alliance, took the lead in expressing support and supporting the decision of the wizard civilization.

As a newly promoted sixth-level powerhouse, Thane also officially entered the sight of all high-level powerhouses in the Wizarding World and Wizards Alliance after this battle.

In the past, most of those who paid attention to Thain were probably a small group of high-level wizards led by Klopp Knight.

But now everyone knows him.

Sixth-level creatures are by no means unknown in the wizarding world, and they are enough to enter the vision of those dominant-level powerful ones.

At the same time, this battle also allowed Thain to show his relationship with the Black Territory.

Such a straightforward war cooperation with the black magicians of the Black Realm.

Thane is an extremely rare case in the wizarding world.

However, those who are interested will understand his approach after looking into Thain's speech at the last Wizards Alliance Conference.

A rather special persona and a first impression.

This will allow Thane to gain a better foothold in the Wizards' Alliance and screen out some strong people who are not on the right path with him in advance.

If anyone accuses Thain's Ashland after this, there is some secret cooperation with the Black Realm.

Thain can also solve such problems more calmly.

"What's our next war plan?"

After the Corellon War ended, Merry approached Thane and asked.

"There will be more at seven o'clock in the evening~"

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