The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2212: Level 6 Peak Creature Corpse Specimens

When Thane flexes his muscles in the Kandar meteorite belt.

An elite force from the Corellon Star Territory, led by the sixth-level creature Canalido, broke out outside the Star Territory.

This force is a civilization seed that King Corellon has high hopes for.

Their future lies in the Gallente Federation star field.

Bond, the sixth-level federal agent, will help them pass through the layers of blockades of the wizarding civilization army and reach a warm and peaceful harbor.

By then, with two living planets as a place to recuperate, they will rebuild the glory of the Corellon family.

At least that's what several Level 4 and above Corellon creatures, led by Canalido, think.

In order to ensure that Canalidor and others can successfully break out of the encirclement, the King of Corellon and a large number of strong men who voluntarily stayed in the Corellon Star Territory will use their lives to protect them.

One last look at the direction of the Kandar meteorite belt.

The vague and depressing turmoil of the battle between level 6 creatures coming from there told Canalido and others how heavy the burden on their shoulders would be.

"Sir Speaker, it's time for us to leave." A fourth-level Corellon warrior came to Canalido and said.

This Corellon clan, which is about to flee, has also developed a complete parliament and governance mechanism.

The only remaining sixth-level strongman, Canalido, is now the true leader of the group.

He nodded heavily, just when Canalido was about to announce that he would lead his people to the new world to rebuild their homeland.

An urgent report from a fifth-level Corellon warrior interrupted Canalido's thoughts.

"No, Mr. Speaker, there is a large tide of death energy appearing on our way forward!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

One after another, the sound of sirens appeared on the path of the Corellon survivors.

When Canalido immediately flew out of the ship and looked outside.

I saw a billowing gray-black death tide sweeping in from the depths of the starry sky.

These death tides also contain a large number of creatures with high energy levels.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!" Noisy cries one after another in this tide of death.

And finally, a huge black creature with a wingspan of more than several kilometers

The six-level death crow sprang out from this death tide.

This sixth-level creature, which was far more powerful than Canalido, rushed out of the death tide and ignored Canalido and other fleeing survivors. Instead, it first looked in the direction of the Kandar meteorite belt.

The vague turbulence of the battle between level 6 creatures could be heard there, making it unable to help but be afraid of it.

"Guaguagua, we shouldn't be late, right?"

"Is Master Thain and others fighting in that starry sky battlefield? It's such an exaggerated power fluctuation. It's hard to imagine that Master Thain has just been promoted to level six." The King of Ghost Crows sighed as he looked at the starry sky.

After sighing, the Ghost Crow King turned his gaze again and looked at Canalido and other survivors of Corellon Planet.

Although this fugitive clan has tried their best to hide their traces and aura, the Ghost Crow clan has always used the sense of soul to capture their enemies.

Unless they are soulless organisms, it is difficult for ordinary flesh and blood creatures to escape the pursuit of the Ghost Crow Clan.

"Young ones, come on!"

"Show these stupid foreign creatures the power of our Ghost Crow clan!" the Ghost Crow King shouted at Corellon's escaped survivors.

Immediately afterwards, it took the lead in spreading its wings and pounced towards the opponent.

Behind the King of Ghost Crows, countless ghost crow legions swept towards the Corellon survivors, carrying a thick tide of death.

This combat legion brought by the King of Ghost Crows can be called a "powerful army in a hundred battles".

Because the Ghost Crow clan has the ability to grow by devouring souls, and the King of Ghost Crows is extremely smooth.

In recent years, the opponent's ethnic group has become stronger and stronger as they fight on the civilized battlefield.

The number of ghost crows trapped in the thick tide of death is tens of millions!

Among them, excluding the King of Ghost Crows, there are no less than twenty individuals who have reached the fourth level of life or above!

The King of Ghost Crows indeed mobilized all the elite troops he could mobilize this time.

One party has just arrived here

A powerful new force on the medium-sized star field battlefield in the film, while on the other side is a remnant army trying to escape.

This sudden encounter, even if it has just begun, seems to have already reflected the ending.

Not to mention, the strength, quantity, and condition of the Ghost Crow King and others far exceed that of this fleeing family!

As a fierce melee unfolded in the outer areas of the Corellon Star Territory.

Bond, the sixth-level federal agent, glanced at Canalido and the others who were already in the vortex of a bitter battle, then sighed softly and turned away.

With his strength, even if Canalido is in poor condition, he can only equal the King of Ghost Crows.

As the battle continued to drag on, the Corellon survivors could not escape.

Bond might as well stop exposing himself.

And Bond had another idea in making this decision, which was to confirm that the Corellon Star Territory had never had contact with the Gallente Federation before.

In this way, the Wizarding Civilization's conquest of the Corellon Star Territory is an unjust act from any angle and violates their pre-war agreement.

Although this level of public attack is nothing to today's wizard civilization.

But it can still play a certain role, and it is currently the only value that the Corellon Star Territory has.

After so many years of civilized war, Bond has also changed a lot.

Just looking at the Corellon clan in desperate situation before him, Bond couldn't help but feel a little worried about the future of his mother's civilization.

Perhaps the Corellon clan of today is the Gallente Federation of tomorrow.

And when the Gallente Federation is in dire straits, which world civilization can come to the rescue?

The battle in the Kandar meteorite belt lasted for twenty-one years.

The King of Corellon, who has the peak strength of level six, is still very tough.

Even in the fourteenth year, the Ghost Crow King, who had ended the peripheral battle, arrived here and participated in the siege of Corellon King.

But in the end, the other party still managed to hold on for another seven years!

The tenacity of King Corellon and his fighting legions also indicates that the native creatures in this medium-sized star field have good combat capabilities.

In the future, after Thane and Rose completely occupy this star field, they may consider developing and cultivating the cannon fodder army of slave creatures produced in this star field.

Of course, the main factors that really enabled the King of Corellon to persist for so long despite the siege were his personal peak level six strength and the blessing of the world-class secret treasure "Heart of Corellon".

In Thane's view, Corellon's Heart is a world-class secret treasure that embodies the corellon family's extremely powerful bloodline power.

It is a symbolic prop that represents Corellon Star Territory's focus on the development of the field of cultivation after it embarked on a semi-cultivation and semi-technology system.

As for another iconic prop, it is naturally the planet shield that has fallen into Thane's hands.

Thane didn't know what Rose wanted for this world-class secret treasure, which was obviously in line with the Corellon family's training and bloodline power.

But seeing that the other party carefully put away the red secret treasure crystal after the battle, without paying too much attention to the body of King Corellon, it can be seen that this secret treasure held a high position in Rose's heart.

This thing should be one of Rose's main targets during this expedition to the Corellon Star Territory.

"As we agreed in advance, except for Corellon's Heart, each person will have half of the other trophies."

"You can take half of his body materials." Rose said with her crystal high heels, stepping on the gray arm of King Corellon that had merged with the surrounding meteorites into a land of law.

Scattered around this huge crater were the remains of many airships that clearly came from the Corellon clan.

Of course, Thain's combined fortress group also suffered some wear and tear during this battle.

The peak level six biological specimen that was once high and difficult to reach for Thane now appeared in front of him.

Thain, who has experienced many storms and waves, is in a relatively calm mood at the moment.

He glanced at the body of King Corellon below and nodded slowly.


"There is one more chapter, it will be updated around 8:30~"

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