The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2188: Spreading the Message

After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes in the Wizarding World, Thane found that under the direction of Dean Meili, the operation of all aspects of the Holy Tower had been basically completed. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

Having a Holy Tower butler can save Thane a lot of trouble.

Including the previous operations of legions and war supplies in the Yijing demiplane, Meili was also doing it, and Thain just went over to inspect it a little.

With Mellie taking care of everything, there was nothing for Thane to do.

After calling Meili in front of him, he praised her for her hard work.

Mellie reported to Thane, "The fourth-level knight Ganulu and the fourth-level magician Borrick who have decided to join us in the Land of Ashes have both expressed their intention to participate in the Corellon Star Territory War together."

"You can meet them before leaving for the expedition."

"Magic Borrick has not yet established the Holy Tower, so he is participating in the war alone this time."

"But that Ganulu knight said he was going to lead a regiment."

"Before establishing the Knights Hall, this Ganulu Knight was still the leader of a mercenary group in the Kingdom of Jahana." Meili introduced.

In addition to the title of "Desert Kingdom", the Kingdom of Jahana is also known as a "Mercenary Kingdom".

With a mercenary group as the foundation, after Ganulu established the Knights Hall, the initial development will definitely be much smoother than that of other new fourth-level knights in other wizarding worlds.

"Well, then our combat legions going to the Corellon Star Territory this time will be more numerous." Thane said with a smile.

In this medium-sized star field war, a total of eight knight halls and three holy towers in the Land of Ashes participated.

Including Musol's Black Forest Tower, after completing the scheduled Wizards Alliance mission, they will quickly go to the Corellon Star Territory to join Thain and others.

In addition to these matters, Meili also suggested to Thane that it would be best to go to the Black Domain on the eve of the expedition.

"What's wrong?" Thain asked.

"The Black Territory has not been peaceful in the past two years."

"Lena's black tower is slightly better, but I heard that Zorro's and Phil's black towers are both unstable."

“Including Meikaly’s Cangke Black Tower, there is always no shortage of challengers.”

"On this expedition, since we have to cooperate with the black towers in the black domain, it is best to ensure the stability of the rear."

"Including the specific strength of the Black Territory Legion, you also need to personally verify it." Meili said.

In response to Meili's words, Thane nodded and replied, "Okay."

I haven't seen Lina for some years, and Thain still misses her.

While this expedition is about to take place, it might as well take a look at each other.

And that brat Narcisiu, who has been fooling around for all these years.

The feelings from the bloodline realm let Thain know that this kid was still in the wizarding world for the time being.

Maybe it's at his mother's place.

During this expedition to Corellon Xingyu, I could take this kid with me and train him on the way.

In the underground world of the Holy Tower of Ashes, there is a single-person teleportation channel directly leading to the black domain of the Western Islands.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the Holy Tower, Thain went directly to the Black Domain.

In fact, some people should have made speculations about the possible "collusion" between Thain and the Black Realm as early as the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference.

After all, at that time, he spoke for the black magicians in the black realm.

When they met with Dominator Knight Klopp before, he also affectionately called Rose "Little Spider", which showed that the higher-ups in the wizarding world did not resent Thain's contact with the powerful men in the black realm.

This also depends on whether Thain is in contact with those strong people - if it is a strong person in the black domain with a backstage and a background, the identity of the other party is no longer pure black, but gray.

And if it is those young black magicians who have just been promoted to the fourth level and have a lot of blood debt on their hands.

It is best to stay as far away from such existences as possible.

All of them are disaster stars and bad luck stars.

Nothing good will happen if you get involved, and the Guardian Organization is also the most repulsive to these newly promoted fourth-level black magicians.

It is mainly this group of people who usually cause trouble to the Guardian organization.

When Thain came to the land of the Black Realm again, he pondered for a moment, but did not hide his aura as a sixth-level magician.

In the Black Realm, strength is paramount.

A sixth-level magician passed by his territory. Those unruly black magicians, even if their heads were squeezed by the door, could not blindly fight against him.

The coordinates of the Black Territory connected to the Ashes of Thane are located on the southern periphery of many islands in the Black Territory.

After all, dry ash production cannot be too blatant.

It is also impossible for Thane to directly establish contact with the Canggu Black Tower and others.

No, that would harm Mei Kelly and the others.

Thain was already familiar with the coordinates of the black tower of Meikali and others before he arrived.

It happened that he was in the outer zone, and the closest thing to him was Zorro and Phil's black tower.

Therefore, Thain decided to go to the black tower of these two fellow seniors first.

The situation in the Black Territory is indeed very different from the normal holy tower environment such as the Land of Ashes.

During the flight alone, Thane experienced hundreds of battles with creatures above level one.

Fights between low-level creatures below level one are even more frequent.

Thain discovered that in this chaotic place, the lower the level of creatures, the more severe the competition for resources and living space.

On the contrary, those creatures at a higher level have to be more restrained in their fights because they have certain vested interests and are relatively strong.

In the Black Domain, only black magicians of level one or above can barely protect themselves.

As for magic apprentices below the first level, they are all classified as "living experiment materials".

"It was indeed much more chaotic than when I first came to the Black Territory in the early years."

"At that time, there were also battles between black magicians of level one and above, but they were not so frequent."

Thain, who had just passed by the battlefield of two semi-god-level black magicians, spoke with emotion.

The huge elemental black phoenix carried Thain and flew towards the center of the Black Territory Continent.

When this astonishingly powerful elemental phoenix passed by from low altitude, the two semi-god-level black magicians who were originally in a fierce battle, like quails, ended the battlefield in an instant and landed in a corner of the ground. They lowered their heads and watched respectfully. Well leave.

I was afraid of disturbing this powerful and terrifying existence.

And when Thane completely turned into a black dot, disappearing at the end of the sky.

The two little guys who felt the astonishing elemental shock of the sixth-level magician lost the desire to continue fighting. They glared at each other and then turned away.

The reason why I didn't fight was because I was worried that the terrifying existence that I just left would come back again.

In the Black Domain, when encountering a creature that is far more powerful than yourself, it is the wisest thing to avoid it in time.

Moro Black Tower is the black tower built by Thane's senior brother Zorro, and it is also the first destination that Thane arrived at.

\u003eThe reason for choosing this name is probably because they chose the first letters of their mentor Moshedo and the last letters of Zorro himself.

Looking at the newly built black tower, Thain couldn't help but sigh in his heart again.

"As expected, it is senior brother Zorro who inherits the will of mentor Moses, not me."

"A Three Saint Tower, it would be great if the mentor could see this scene when he is still alive."

When Thane appeared, Zorro's black tower was obviously being attacked by outsiders.

There were two auras belonging to the fourth-level black magicians, and they fled away as fast as Thain approached.

Thain's Formless Mask can also capture the elemental trajectories and body shapes of these two guys.

Those black magicians below level three at the bottom had no time to escape.

When the elemental black phoenix under Thane's feet let out a harsh "chirp", all the black magicians who felt the majesty of Thane stopped fighting and squatted down.

In front of a tyrannical magician like Thain, even the low-level black magicians have no hope of even escaping.

They knew quite well, knowing that Thain was unlikely to go on a killing spree, so giving up resistance was the wisest thing to do.

Glancing at the direction in which the two fourth-level black magicians were escaping, Thane raised his fingers at the demigod-level black magician below.

When the balding black-robed magician appeared in front of him tremblingly, Thain said

"Let the two level four black magicians who attacked the Moro Black Tower take the initiative to see me later."

"They should have seen my strength."

"Hmph, if they dare not come, I will go find them myself later!" Thain sneered.

The demigod-level black magician did not dare to refuse the order from Thane.

He had a feeling that his black tower master might not be able to match the elemental pressure of the black phoenix under Thane's feet.

After nodding while his body was trembling, the bald magician was about to send a message for Thain.

Thain then added, "Oh, by the way, you can ask them to call the backers behind them."

"I can accompany you!"

The person who can serve as the backer of a fourth-level black magician must be a stronger existence in the black domain.

Ignoring the magician who was delivering the message, Thane glanced down, then flew towards the somewhat dilapidated Moro Black Tower.

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