The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2185 The Strongest Fighting Stance

When Thain took action, all the powerful wizards in the surrounding world also took action together again.

The powerful wizards and civilizations who carry out this plan to purge the traitors from the world of Tiangui Star are basically the best among their own civilization.

Therefore, these fourth- and fifth-level knight magicians can also give Thain a lot of help.

But the one that Thain can really rely on is the eight-winged angel Fumila.

Thain, who originally wanted to use this battle to practice and verify his strength after being promoted to level six, did not bother to test his strength.

As soon as you come up, you are in your strongest posture!

The purpose is to prevent this cunning level six creature from escaping.

As early as the fifth level, the combined posture of Thane and Fumila can deal with the godhead clone of the god Marduk.

Now, the two have reunited in the sixth level, and their strength is naturally far greater than before!

In the blink of an eye, Thain transformed from the true form of the Ashes Demonic Law into a half-flesh, half-metal form that was a mixture of demon and angel.

This is definitely a strange combination that is rare in this star realm.

The fusion of angels and demons, the contrast between holiness and violence.

Thane, who had eight pairs of silver-white metal wings and four pairs of giant demon flesh wings behind him, held a magic wand and rushed towards the sixth-level ball in front of him.

The world-class secret treasure, the Ash Staff, once again burst into dazzling glory in Thane's hands.

A torrent of elements that was as powerful as a single forbidden spell was continuously shot from the head of Thane's magic wand.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube was also embedded in the chest of Thain and Fumila after they merged.

The Rubik's Cube, which exuded the beautiful blue light of the law, gave Thain unimaginable energy in the blink of an eye.

Between the eight metal wings, densely packed energy muzzles were seen spewing endless beams of light at this moment.

Including Thain's shoulder blades, two shoulder cannons stood up at this time.

Rays capable of threatening mid-level six creatures were fired from Thain's shoulders.

The world-class secret treasure, the Formless Mask, also gave Thain a significant strength bonus at this moment.

When Thain's law field opened, one eye after another of elemental law,

Appears within the scope of Thane's domain.

Looking at the eyes of elemental law one after another, Thain seemed to have returned to his period as a magic apprentice.

At that time, he relied on the "Eye of the Sun" magic to control the regional Holy Tower Academy war.

It's just that the power contained in each of the current Eyes of Elemental Law is far more than tens of millions of times that of the past!

As the most central receptor enveloped by the field of Thain's Law, the sixth-level black wall star creature seemed to be being roasted by a large scorching star.

"歘! 欻! 欻!" The astonishingly powerful elemental rays formed a dense network of light, completely blocking the movement space around the spherical creature.

Each of these elemental rays creates a great sense of threat. It is indeed the strongest secret treasure that Thain currently has.

The power that Thane demonstrated at this time was not only long-range magic strikes.

After bursting out with his strongest means in an instant, he flashed and appeared in front of the sixth-level sphere that had been completely submerged by his own magic elements!

Thain, who is in a combined posture, is also holding a magic wand that looks like a "hammer" in his hand.

The power of powerful magical elements continues to condense at the head of the Ash Staff.

The elemental black phoenix, which was originally at Thain's feet as a means of transportation, condensed into a majestic law shadow at some point and appeared next to Thain.

Facing this black ball that had all the metal plate armor on its surface to resist attacks, Thane swung his magic wand and smashed it into the center of the opponent's ball.

"Come back!" Thain yelled angrily.

It actually wanted to pull the spherical creature directly out of the remote space summoning channel that was about to take shape.

"Beep!" The sharp phoenix screamed, as Thain's magic wand fell downwards and appeared on the surrounding battlefield.

At the same time, there was also a shrill howl belonging to the spherical creature.

Three world-class secret treasures are activated at the same time!

With Fumei

Pull it together!

The Secret of Ashes Fire, the Secret of Mechanical, and the Secret of Body Refining are all useful in this battle!

The last time Thain faced the Jiuji Demon Lord, he never showed such a big performance.

At this time, facing this weaker sixth-level spherical creature, I obviously gave it enough face!

If it weren't for the fact that the coalition fortress group hadn't arrived, Thain could have played another big one.

When Thane transformed into a fighting and killing machine, it shocked the powerful wizards and civilizations around him.

In particular, there are relatively few body-refining magicians in the wizarding world.

When Thane fought hand-to-hand with the sixth-level ball in such an unparalleled heroic manner, even the knights on the Sky Orbit Star battlefield couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they saw it.

Moro, the fifth-level creature from the orbiting world, didn't have much power left after summoning this sixth-level ball.

The fighting style of the creatures in the Sky Orbit Star world is very similar to that of the astrologers in the Wizarding World. They rely more on their own summoned units.

Therefore, it is nothing to be afraid of when it loses its power.

The only thing that Thain and others focused on dealing with was this metal ball with really good surface protection.

With so many powerful people in the wizarding world around, it would be difficult for this metal ball to escape.

Now there is a more powerful Thane, and this guy can't leave even if he throws away the fifth-level orbital star creature Moro who summoned him!

The larger spherical body, under the bombardment of Thain's huge power and elements, kept completely breaking away from the summoning channel.

Under the attack of Thain and others, this guy completely slipped into the abyss of unknown destiny.


The unyielding cry appeared on the battlefield of Tiangui Star World.

Until it was completely swallowed up again.

The difficulty factor of capturing a level six creature alive is obviously much higher than repelling or even killing the opponent.

After a fierce battle for more than half a year, a huge spherical cocoon of elemental light appeared in the sky of the orbiting star world.

Several law chains of different colors spread out in all directions from the cocoon of light.

Fang Changchun, the other end of these law chains are connected to the powerful wizards in the world who participated in the siege.

Among them, the two largest law chains naturally come from Thain and Fumila.

After successfully subduing this guy, Thane and Fumila released their combined state.

One on the left and one on the right, working together to restrain this guy from moving.

"Be honest. After meeting the master of wizard civilization, I might spare your life." Thain sneered.

"Dare to assist the traitor and endanger the interests of wizard civilization."

"If you hadn't been of some value, I would have killed you on the spot." Thain said while controlling the elemental light cocoon.

This spherical creature is only an early to mid-level six creature at best. No wonder its knowledge is so shallow.

Its strength is far inferior to the mountain-moving Taoist that Thain dealt with last time, let alone the Jiuji Demon Lord and his like.

After using all his strength and fighting fiercely for more than half a year, he finally subdued this guy.

Working with Fumila to suppress this guy, Thain didn't even care to continue the purge mission.

Looking at the Sky Orbit Star World Battlefield below, Moro, the fifth-level Sky Orbit creature, has also been killed. The guy's combat ability was only at the level of an early-level fifth-level creature. Fumila killed him with one sword.

However, Thain did not touch the guy's body and other loot materials.

Like the follow-up liquidation operations that needed to be carried out in this world, Thain handed them over to several other powerful wizards in the wizarding world present.

"Because the incident happened suddenly, I need to escort this guy immediately and return to the wizarding world."

"The follow-up settlement plan for this world will be left to you." Thain said to the people in front of him.

Several level 4 and 5 experts in the wizarding world expressed their understanding. They also asked if they needed to assist Thain in escorting this living level 6 creature.

"No, I'll go back alone, it's faster."

"Then, goodbye." The powerful wizards in the Sky Orbit Star world battlefield nodded. Thain and Fumila, one on the left and one on the right, pulled and controlled the cocoon of elemental light and flew deep into the starry sky.

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