The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2178 Soul Light Spot

"how so?!"

Seeing Selina's invisible soul in front of her, turning into soul fragments all over the sky when it touched the surface of the Rubik's Cube, Thain couldn't help but said in shock and anger.

Pain, regret, confusion, confusion, sadness and other negative emotions almost filled Thain's brain in an instant.

However, now is not the time to regret, he must do everything he can to redeem himself.

The broken soul, under Thain's careful control, moved closer to the surface of the Rubik's Cube. πŸ…†

This time, the Rubik's Cube began to slowly absorb these soul factors.

However, the picture of Selina's soul being re-constructed as expected by Thane did not appear.

Instead, another wave of will came from the Rubik's Cube.

It is the voice of the original will of the Rubik's Cube.

In this kind of will dialogue, only Thain, as the master of the Rubik's Cube, can understand what the Rubik's Cube wants to express in an instant.

β€”β€”It turns out that the Rubik's Cube does not have the ability to directly transform the souls of intelligent life forms into mechanical wills.

This not only means that the level of Rubik's Cube is not enough, but also the possibility that Thain's personal strength is not up to standard.

Also, "resurrection" methods are not completely absent in the star realm.

Whether it is the "Underworld of Reincarnation" of the Immortal Civilization or the "Angel Reincarnation Pool" of the Bright God Clan recorded in history, they are all top props with certain "resurrection" properties.

But this type of props, without exception, has reached the level of civilized treasures!

Although Thain's Rubik's Cube is a world-class secret treasure with extremely outstanding growth potential, in terms of quality, it has not yet reached the level of a high-level world-class secret treasure.

Not to mention the treasure of civilization!

Since birth, old age, illness and death are a major manifestation of the law of balance in the astral realm, if you want to reverse life and death and resurrect the dead, you will undoubtedly have to use means to break the balance of the astral realm.

Breaking the balance of the star realm... This is the patent of ninth-level creatures!

As a magician who has just been promoted to the sixth level, Thain is obviously still far from this level.

However, the will coming from the Rubik's Cube was not specifically designed to attack Thain.

Rather, it clarified to Thain that although he had no way to keep

Selena's complete soul, but can keep a trace of Selena's soul light, stored in its deepest core code.

This glimmer of soul was certainly not enough to resurrect Selina immediately, but it planted a hope in the future.

As long as Thane continues to grow stronger, as long as its Rubik's Cube continues to evolve and transform, sooner or later in the future, Thain will have the opportunity to resurrect Selina!

Perhaps, in the years to come, Thain will not only explore the truth in the star world.

There will also be another ultimate goal, which is to resurrect those close to us who have passed away.

Selina's soul transfer experiment lasted for several months.

It's not just as simple as soul transfer, but Thain also made a lot of data and experimental notes during this period.

This experiment can be said to have failed, but not completely.

Would you say it was successful?

Looking at Selina's lifeless body, Thain fell into a long silence again.

Irene's condition is slightly better than Selena's, but not much better.

Even if there is a life potion hanging, it has only happened in the past few years.

Thain told Irene the results of the soul transfer experiment he had just completed on Selina.

He decided to let Erin make her own decision.

Irene had only a partial understanding of those too esoteric soul sciences and knowledge concepts that even involved the laws of balance in the astral realm.

Once upon a time, Irene was a teacher at Saint Tower College in Thane.

Now, Thain is more than enough to be Erin's mentor.

"No matter what the result is, we tried our best, didn't we?"

"Let it go. The last few years of life are very torturous. We have no regrets until we can see you promoted to level six with our own eyes."

"Let me go find Selena now, otherwise she will be lonely." Erin said calmly to Thane.

Xu said.

A magician who had caused the death of billions of creatures in many planes with a wave of his hand could not control the heaviness and sadness in his heart at this moment.

Even though he is used to seeing death, when the people close to him are about to leave him one after another, the emotions shown by Thane are still no different from those of low-level creatures below level four.

Or maybe... Thane is still too young.

When he lives for tens of thousands of years, or even more than a hundred thousand years, he might have a stronger attitude towards facing these situations of life, death, and death.

Taking a deep breath, Thane said, "Even if there is only a little soul light left, as long as there is hope in the future, I will not give up resurrecting you!"

"Waiting for the day when we meet again in the future!" Thain said solemnly, holding Erin's hand.

On the experimental table, a weak but gratified smile appeared on Eileen's face. She softly said "Yeah" and replied, "Okay, we'll wait for you."

Irene's soul transfer experiment lasted shorter than Selena's.

But the result is still the same.

Thain was unable to transfer Irene's complete soul into the Rubik's Cube, and in the end only kept the light spot of Irene's soul in the deepest part of the Rubik's Cube.

The Sky City in the wizarding world is a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge for spellcasters. There is no telling what secrets it may contain that involve breaking the balance of the astral realm and "resurrecting" the dead.

Thain's previous level was not high enough and he did not have access to that level of knowledge.

But as Thain was promoted to level six, he joined the "Reserve Potential Master Training Program" and also obtained the qualification certification of "Alchemy Master".

Maybe you can find some cutting-edge secrets in the Sky City?

Keeping this in mind, Thain planned to go back to Sky City to find out.

At the same time, Sky City is also another beacon that Thain can rely on after he reaches level six, and can point out the direction of his future growth.

For truth seekers, only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we walk higher. See



For a period of time after the soul transfer experiment on Selina and Erin ended, Thane became quite silent.

In the Holy Tower of Ashes, even if Meili, Xia Ya and others didn't take the initiative to ask what the result was, they could probably guess a little bit.

After Thain was promoted to level six, the girls originally planned to celebrate.

Even if it's not as lively as the banquet for Long Live Thane's birthday, it won't be too different.

But because of the departure of Selena and Irene, the entire family in the Holy Tower of Ashes became a little depressed.

Perhaps Meili and others were not only thinking of the two Selena girls who lost their lives, but they were also thinking of themselves.

Can they always be by his side as he continues to grow stronger and explore the truth?

In other words, in the face of the high-intensity war pressure and casualty rate of today's civilized war, who can guarantee that he can escape unscathed?

The Gallente Federation is indeed at an overall disadvantage now, and the wizarding civilization is suppressing the Gallente Federation across the board.

But this cannot be ignored. The casualty rate of knights and magicians on the front line of the battlefield of wizard civilization has always been in a high state.

It's just that the wizard civilization's more abundant war potential and the extremely large foreign aid army have diluted the casualties on this frontline and caused a sharp reduction in personnel.

It can even be said that with the war with the Gallente Federation, the transition from the mid-to-late stage to the late stage officially began.

The Gallente Federation Legion also acted increasingly hysterical and crazy.

Launching surprise attacks on the wizarding civilized army in the form of suicide fleets is common on the front lines of today's civilized battlefields.

Some of the more crazy and erratic Gallente Federation fleets can even bypass the frontline blockade and sneak into the hinterland of the wizarding civilization to carry out suicidal sabotage.

This method of war will not rewrite the final outcome of the battle between the two top civilizations.

But the cruelty involved, and the damage that the Gallente Federation's desperate attempt may cause to wizard civilization, are still thought-provoking.

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