The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2152 Death Knight

This is a level six peak knight.

But in terms of strength, it far surpasses the three quasi-sages, Old Man Xuantian, Evil Evil Buddha, and Wind Demon King.

Because even the most powerful old man Xuantian would not be able to crush the Heavenly Ghost Locust into this state.

Among the sixth-level peak warriors that Thain had come into contact with in the past, only Piccolo, the strongest man on Namek, and Gongsun Wudi could achieve the tyrannical aura and pressure possessed by the sixth-level peak knight in front of him.

There are so many powerful people in the wizarding civilization!

Especially in the war of civilizations, since old masters have fallen, it is natural that new masters will also be born.

War is the best catalyst for the growth of personal strength. 🅆

The sixth-level peak knight in front of him is one of the local strongmen of the Wizarding Civilization, who has great potential to reach the seventh level. At the same time, he comes from the Mamet United Alliance, named Alex.

The top six-level experts in the wizarding world will sign a secret contract - the terms of resource pouring and civilizational preferential treatment for reaching the seventh level.

Thain's master, Cuilis, also signed this contract.

When necessary, the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization will even take the initiative to ask the guardians to cooperate to stimulate the power of the plane and assist those who are at the peak of the sixth level to enter the seventh level.

Even not only the sixth-level peak powerhouses, but also some sixth-level knights and magicians who have outstanding potential but have not yet reached their peak will be valued by the higher-ups of wizard civilization and included in this "reserve potential master training list".

As the leader of the entire wizarding civilization in the wizarding world, the knights and magicians in this plane certainly have a greater share of resources than those peak level six creatures in the alliance plane.

Even the resources obtained by knights of the same level are more than three times the total resources obtained by strong men from other worlds!

It is precisely because of this that the Wizarding World can maintain its dominant position in the Wizarding Alliance, and can crush many alliance planes in the field of high-level combat power.

His Highness Alex, known as the Death Knight, is one of the top people on the "Reserve Potential Master Training List" of the wizard civilization.

His most notable achievement was that during the early and middle stages of the civilized war with the Gallente Federation, he used the power of his own death to corrupt and infect more than twenty living planets on the Gallente Federation's frontline battlefield.

Directly turning those planets into land of death, billions of undead creatures were born as a result, becoming minions of the wizard civilization, and made a great contribution to that local war.

However, in recent years, this death knight has "quieted" a lot.

Many powerful wizards in the Wizarding Alliance who still remembered his name thought that he had suffered heavy losses in the war with the Gallente Federation.

Only then did they keep a low profile, and they haven't seen each other active at the forefront of the civilized battlefield for a long time.

But actually

On the world, this death knight returned to the mother plane of the wizarding world more than a thousand years ago to prepare for the seventh level.

Facts have proved that the realm of domination is not so easy to break through.

It has obviously reached the peak level of the sixth level and is about to touch that position.

But Alex has been unable to break through that membrane in recent hundreds of years.

In annoyance, he left the wizarding world and is currently performing some relatively easy tasks such as patrolling and monitoring.

Alex plans to try for another two hundred years to find out the feeling.

If that still doesn't work, he should return to the front lines of civilized battlefields, and go to the most dangerous battlefields where dominant-level creatures are invincible.

In the realm of life and death, look for opportunities for breakthrough.

At this time, Alex was in a bad mood.

Someone dared to cause trouble in his patrol area!

The Heavenly Ghost Locust, which was tightly held in Alex's hand, did not die at this time.

However, under the pressure of this furious death knight's infinite aura, Tiangui Locust, who felt like he had only one breath left, did not even dare to take another breath.

The blue-black insect wings could not help but tremble slightly, just like the sensitive heart of the ghost locust at this moment.

When arriving at this battlefield, Alex first glanced coldly at the three quasi-sages, Old Man Xuantian, Evil Evil Buddha, and Wind Demon King, and then turned his gaze to the United Fortress where the main gun was being charged. robot.

The size of the Union Fortress robot driven by Thane was so large that even a powerful knight like Alex who had made a name for himself in civilized wars was slightly shocked.

And the "World-Destroying Shock Light" magic sequencer that Thain is about to release is indeed capable of wiping out sixth-level peak creatures.

That's why Alex was a little surprised.

"Is it another 'strange thing' created by those magicians?" Alex curled his lips.

Throwing the Heavenly Ghost Locust in his hand directly towards the nearest space fortress, Alex flew towards the location of Old Man Xuantian and others.

At this time, Alex was not the only level 6 expert in this wizard civilization patrol legion, he was just the strongest among them.

After the Heavenly Ghost Locust finally escaped from Alex's death hand, before it could take a breath, the magic cage generated by the chant of a sixth-level magician had already tightly covered it.

With the strength of the Heavenly Ghost Locust, let alone whether it can break free from this magic prison, even if it can break free, as long as it dares to escape, what will greet it will be

It was the ruthless obliteration of the huge wizard civilization patrol fleet group around them.

"According to Article 283 of the Wizarding Civilization Law, the wizarding civilization has absolute power to maintain the stable order within its own star domain..."

"According to the seventeenth contract clause between the wizard civilization and the fairy civilization, any fairy civilization creature shall not violate the rules of the wizard civilization..."

"According to the twenty-seventh supplementary clause reached between the wizard civilization and the fairy civilization, fairy civilization creatures are not allowed to harm wizard civilization creatures in any form..."

"According to Article 5 of the Wizards Alliance Rules, wizard civilization has the obligation to protect all living beings in the member planes of the alliance from persecution..."

"according to……"


A sixth-level magician who flew forward at the same time as Alex spoke in a deep voice to all the warring creatures in the starry sky in front of him, and pronounced his verdict with the voice of the elements.

This surveillance patrol regiment, which arrived in time, has a total of two sixth-level magicians.

When the sixth-level magician finally finished his rather lengthy sentence, Alex, with his arms folded, sneered and said, "Humph, you have violated quite a few laws."

The wizarding civilization has always been about rules, which is one of the reasons why casual cultivators like Duan Po have a favorable impression of the wizarding civilization.

Don't look at the beginning, the casual cultivators of the fairyland civilization were very dissatisfied with the wizard civilization's insistence on taking away half of their war profits.

But in fact, the ones who really make trouble and express their dissatisfaction are the self-proclaimed top casual cultivators.

The vast majority of other middle and low-level casual cultivators, even evil cultivators and demonic cultivators, are honestly abiding by the rules set by the wizard civilization.

Because under this rule mechanism, these immortal monks can also make money!

At least the way to obtain resources is much better than when they were in the fairyland civilization.

Or else, are you here to hunt for gold on the battlefield of wizard civilization?

And the most convincing thing about wizard civilization is that no matter what you do, you always explain the reasons and basis.

For example, at the moment, even if Alex and other powerful wizard civilization patrols want to do something to these fairyland monks, they will do so at a high level of justice.

When Alex and others arrived, a lot of the fighting in the surrounding stars had subsided.

Mainly because of the appearance of the Heavenly Ghost Locust, it shocked many people in the surrounding starry sky battlefield.

Even quasi-holy monks like Evil Buddha couldn't help but have their eyelids jump when facing Alex, a sixth-level peak powerhouse with the title of "Death Knight".

Sometimes the difference between a sixth-level peak creature and a sixth-level peak creature is quite big.

At least the Evil Buddha is far from reaching the level of being able to touch the realm of a saint.

The same goes for the mountain-moving Taoist who is still carrying a huge mountain on his hands. He can't advance or retreat now.

I can only continue to carry the mountain in a daze, like a fool.

Even evil Buddhas find it difficult to deal with this existence, and Taoist Banshan is certainly no match for him.

The first time he saw Death Knight Alex, Taoist Banshan felt a chill rising from his butthole to his forehead.

Why am I here? who I am? where am I?

Why should I wade through this muddy water?

Taoist Banshan who wanted to understand these things wanted to scold Jiuji Demon Lord angrily and give himself some bad work.

Not to mention Alex, the powerful wizard civilization patrol army around them is enough to deal with the Banshan Taoist group.

Compared with the strong casual cultivators who are accustomed to living a free life, there is still a big difference between them and the civilized war machines.

But having said that, Taoist Banshan really admires Jiuji Demon Lord from the bottom of his heart.

Because when Alex and others appeared, even the Evil Buddha and the Wind Demon King temporarily stopped fighting, but the Jiuji Demon Lord did not calm down, and the Jiuji Demon Lord's anger and pressure continued to be heard. The elements vibrate.

It's not that Jiuji Demon Lord doesn't want to stop, but that Thain, who is in the state of charging the main gun, cannot and does not want to stop the process of launching his own Light of Destruction sequencer at this moment.

The Jiuji Demon Lord is in an extremely threatening environment, so he can still pay attention to the arrival of the patrol and inspection corps of wizard civilization.

Including the eight-winged angel Fumila and Sanxiu Duanpo, they did not stop their siege against Jiuji Demon Lord at this time.

Therefore, their battlefield is the only place in this starry sky where fierce fighting is still taking place.

Death Knight Alex did not rush to care about the situation on Thain's side. Instead, after the sixth-level magician around him pronounced the sentence, he sneered and said, "Arrest all the fairy monks who participated in the battle. Those who disobey will be punished." Killed directly."

"The monks who have been determined to kill the creatures of the Wizarding Civilization and the Wizarding Alliance are also eligible to be killed."

"And you three, come with me." Alex said to the three quasi-sages including Old Man Xuantian, his tone was more like a command.

It is not a small matter that so many monks from the Immortal Realm were taken away for investigation.

In short, it was a big deal.

The Evil Buddha stepped forward with a smile on his face and explained, "I think there may be some misunderstanding in this."

"Oh? I don't think there is any misunderstanding." Alex raised his head and looked at the other party coldly.

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