The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2137 Insights

The process of entering the ghost market for Thain and others went smoothly.

At the entrance of the ghost market, the people responsible for checking the people entering and exiting were actually three immortal monks with fifth-level life levels.

A green-robed monk, a bald monk, and a sheep demon with half of its horn broken off.

These three monks also indirectly showed the background and power structure of this ghost market.

Thain took another look at the bald monk.

Because this guy is different from the fairyland Buddhist cultivators that Thain has been exposed to in the past.

Not only does this bald monk not have the peaceful aura that a Buddhist monk should have, but he has a string of skull beads hanging around his neck, showing his ferociousness.

Including when detecting the passage of Thain and others, the dog was holding the hind legs of some kind of creature in its hands and chewing them until its mouth was full of oil.

Thain easily judged with the Formless Mask that the hind legs held in the hands of this fair-weather monk came from at least a fourth-level creature.

It is indeed a "ghost market" that does not comply with the laws of wizard civilization and the fairyland. It is full of evil spirits and heretics.

But since this place is within the wizarding civilization, Thain and others don't need to worry too much.

"It looks like you guys are strangers. It's best not to cause trouble after you get in!"

"Hey, our fairyland and your wizard civilization are in the honeymoon period of cooperation."

"We are just asking for food, and we don't want to cause any conflicts with you." The leader, the late-level fifth-level green-robed monk, said as he shook a large piece of high-grade soul crystal handed over by Sean.

This soul crystal is worth the admission fee of 10,000 magic coins.

There were quite a lot of people on this trip including Thain and others. Apart from him, there were only three fourth-level magicians. There were hundreds of other low-level magicians who came to the ghost market to "see the world". .

These low-level magicians are all on duty in the Thane Federation Fortress.

This ghost market not only has a high-end auction area for powerful people above level four such as Thain, but it also has an ordinary area for middle- and low-level monks.

Including the fees for low-level magicians to enter the ghost market, they only range from a few dozen to a hundred magic coins.

The organizers of the ghost market are very meticulous in this regard. No wonder they made the venue so big that even many powerful people in the wizarding world have heard about it.

However, the first shot is a success. Thain believes that this illegal phenomenon, which is semi-clear, will one day be outlawed.

Because of the huge rewards contained in the ghost market, high-level figures in the wizarding civilization and the fairyland may one day take a fancy to it.

Moreover, the loopholes in the economic cooperation between the two top civilizations will definitely be gradually filled.

In comparison, Thain secretly established the smuggling trade chain in the Ashes of the Wizarding World. Because it was concealed enough and had high-level creatures looming behind it, its future development would be longer.

Of course, Thain didn't come to this ghost market to cause trouble. The three immortal monks in front of him didn't even see the details of Thain.

They only thought that Thain was a fifth-level early stage magician, and the masking function of the Phaseless Mask was really powerful.

After nodding slightly, he had no intention of communicating too much with these "gatekeepers".

Thain, Master Pola and others immediately entered the space vortex in front of them.

Behind the whirlpool is the Cave Heaven Paradise where the ghost market is located.

After Thain and his party entered, the meat-and-potatoes monk who had been chewing on his hind legs and didn't care to talk suddenly stopped his movements.

Then he asked the green-robed monk with the highest cultivation level around him, "Did you see any clues about the masked magician just now?"

"What, there's something wrong with him? He's just a fifth-level early stage magician..." the green-robed monk said with a frown.

The meat-and-wine monk was silent for a moment without saying anything more. He continued to nibble on the hind leg in his hand and mumbled, "Maybe it was Sajia's illusion."

On the other hand, another fifth-level sheep demon did not mention Thain, but instead mentioned the monk holding a hatchet who entered the ghost market earlier.

"Do you think that the down-and-out Xuanxian who just entered could be the guy wanted by the Jiuji Demon Lord?"

"The more I look at them, the more they look like me!" the broken-horned sheep demon yelled.

At the same time, it also took out a portrait containing spiritual power from its arms and wanted to compare it.

The green-robed monk stretched out his hand to stop the sheep demon's movements and said in a deep voice, "No matter who the mysterious immortal is, as long as he enters the ghost market, he will be protected by us in principle."

"Fighting is prohibited in the ghost city. This is a rule personally set by Old Man Xuantian, Evil Buddha, and Demon King Zhuanfeng."

"I know you want to claim the reward from the Jiuji Demon Lord, but in the end, if you break the rules of the ghost market, we won't be able to save you." The green-robed monk snorted coldly.

The broken-horned sheep demon snorted and reluctantly took back the spiritual portrait in his hand.

He just continued to mutter, "Even if I don't inform Jiuji Demon Lord, other monks in the ghost market who discovered the situation will run to report it."

"You don't want to earn the bounty of two hundred pieces of fairy jade?" the sheep demon asked.

The meat-and-wine monk spat out broken bones and said, "Bah! You have the life to earn this money, but you may not have the life to spend it."

"Just keep guarding this blessed land of cave heaven. If you really want to earn immortal jade, why don't you go to the front lines of the civilized battlefield?" The meat-and-wine monk glanced at the sheep demon and said.

The sheep demon touched his broken horn at this time and said nothing.

Outside is an endless pitch-black starry sky, but once you enter it, you'll find a paradise filled with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers and the aura of the immortal family.

The methods used by the Fairyland Civilization to open up subspace are not inferior to those of the Wizarding Civilization.

Even the details of some subspaces are more poetic and picturesque than those of the powerful wizard civilization.

Looking at the colorful paradise in front of him, Thain suddenly felt a sense of wonder, whether his usually regular and tidy laboratory was a little too monotonous.

There is a lot of space in the Ghost City, and even for a level 4 or above magician like Thain, it would take a lot of time to completely explore it.

At the beginning, Thain was traveling with Master Pola and others.

But as we walked, we gradually became separated because our needs and interests were different.

"Then we agree to meet outside the ghost market." Thain said to Master Pola and others.

The Combined Space Fortress Group was parked not far outside the Ghost City. When Master Pola and others returned to the Wizarding World, they had to take Thain for a ride. At the same time, this was also their testing work for the final stage of the Combined Space Fortress.

After Master Pola and others agreed, Thain started walking around the ghost market alone.

He did not go to the deepest part of the ghost market at the beginning, the high-end areas suitable for those with level four and above, but now he wandered around in the middle and low-end areas.

The life and practice of ordinary monks in the Immortal Realm below level four are also something that Thain is very interested in.

In the process of observing these low-level monks in the Immortal Realm, Thain is also gradually understanding the top civilization of the Immortal Realm.

The high platform rises from the foundation stone.

The atmosphere and environment revealed by the middle and lower levels of these fairy lands are actually better than those of the so-called higher

The monks on the first floor are more realistic.

And while visiting the ghost market, Thain discovered that he was not the only one hiding his identity in the low-end and mid-range markets.

There was a monk with the strength of a fourth-level immortal, wearing a black robe similar to a blacksmith's uniform, and he was choosing in front of a stall set up by a Nascent Soul monk.

Most of the things this third-level Nascent Soul monk sells are trophies he captured on the front lines of civilized battlefields, and many of them are the wreckage of Gallente Federation warships that have been compressed in space.

There was even half a relatively complete battleship wreckage among them. I really don’t know how he got it back.

However, this method of space compression is really eye-catching.

As for the immortal who hid his identity, his main target was not the half of the more eye-catching wreckage of the federal warship, but after picking for a long time, he finally picked out a pile of "junk" that even the stall owner didn't know was. What a black spherical metal device.

"I want this!" Tianxian said.

"200 spirit jade, no bargaining." The Nascent Soul stage monk crossed his arms and acted coldly.

The main currencies used by monks below level 4 in the Immortal Realm are spiritual jade and yuan coins.

200 Lingyu is equivalent to 20,000 magic coins, which is not expensive.

After happily delivering the 200 spirit jade, the immortal took the metal device and left the place happily.

Thain also recognized that metal device. It should be the core power furnace of a fourth-level frigate of the Gallente Federation. I don't know how it was obtained by that third-level monk with great luck.

For such a power furnace, the recycling price given by the wizard civilization will not be less than 200,000 magic coins.

The mechanics in the City of Steel were very interested in such objects, and the Nascent Soul Stage monk who didn't know how to do it had obviously made a loss on the sale.

But this also shows the variability and randomness on the civilized battlefield. Anyone can make a fortune!

The Nascent Soul stage monk probably didn't expend much effort on his own in the process of obtaining the power furnace.

It was just found out from the endless metal ruins on a battlefield on a certain planet.

The cognitive gap between the two top civilized creatures may indeed lead both parties to "buy a casket for a pearl".

But it doesn't matter, as long as both parties think they have earned it.

Skipping the stalls of fourth-level immortals and Nascent Soul monks, Thain walked deeper into the ghost market.

In an extremely remote corner of the ghost market, Thain saw a down-and-out Taoist leaning on the ground, as if he was lame on one leg, and he was telling people's fortunes.

This down-and-out Taoist also has a fourth-level life level, but he only pretends to be a second-level golden elixir stage monk.

For this reason, there were almost no monks coming and going in front of him.

Occasionally, a creature that comes to this remote place will just look at it and then leave.

Thain was extremely curious about this person. The important point was that he was very interested in the divination method of the fairy civilization. He didn't know how it was different from the astrology of the wizard civilization.

After arriving in front of the fallen Taoist, Thain said directly, "Give me a fortune."

"500 spiritual jade." said the down-and-out Taoist.

No wonder this guy has no business. The price he offered has far exceeded the market price that the second-level Golden Core monk he pretended to have.

I am afraid that in the wizarding world, there is no second-level magician who is willing to spend 50,000 magic coins to let a charlatan give him a divination.

More importantly, most second-level creatures probably don't have that much money. This is the consumption range of third-level creatures.

Thain didn't care about this, and directly threw a soul crystal in front of the opponent's tattered Bagua array.

The down-and-out Taoist was not in a hurry to answer it. He raised his head and glanced at Thain, then took out a dirty tortoise shell from his arms and several flags that looked like ghost drawings, which he planted in several directions.

Thain knows a little bit about astrology, which he learned in the Huyan fleet.

Therefore, when he saw the movements of this desolate Taoist and the vague abnormal energy and law fluctuations in the surrounding space, the interest shown on Thain's face was obviously greater.

"What do you want to measure?" asked the down-and-out Taoist.


"Or you can help me calculate when my first child will be born." Thain replied.

The down-and-out Taoist didn't answer this time, and then began to tinker with himself.

He first held the tortoise shell and shook it for a long time, and then spoke plausibly. The ghost-drawing flags around him also began to move on their own in the process.

It was also at this moment that Thain noticed that there was a copper coin contained in the tortoise shell.

The sound of "ding, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong!" echoed around the surroundings as the destitute Taoist swayed.

But strangely, the other low-level monks in the surrounding city seemed not to notice what was happening here.

At this time, Thain himself also vaguely felt a strange feeling that the power of destiny was being spied on.

It is difficult for ordinary people to feel this. Because Thain has the world-class secret treasure Phaseless Mask as a blessing, he will feel it more deeply.

How should I put it, this feeling made Thain very unhappy.

The situation in which one's own destiny is seen by others is like the most private side of oneself, which is open to others.

At this moment, the world-class secret treasure Formless Mask was fully activated by Thain.

This was a subconscious action on his part.

And at this time, Thain didn't want to predict when his son would be born.

Finally, a mouthful of old blood spurted out from the mouth of this downtrodden Taoist.

The bright red blood directly soaked his Taoist robe, making this guy look even more embarrassed.

The few white hairs on the top of my head fell out again.

Without waiting for Thain to say anything, the fallen Taoist threw the soul crystal back to Thain and said, "I'm sorry, I can't calculate your fortune!"

After saying that, the down-and-out Taoist actually stood up from the stall, picked up his blood-stained tortoise shell, array diagram and other things, and ran away.

Looking at this down-and-out Taoist, he disappeared from the market in the blink of an eye.

Thain stayed where he was in astonishment, not knowing what to say.

He was originally thinking about whether he should compensate the other party for something.

After all, it was really difficult for the other party to measure a fifth-level creature like Thain with a fourth-level body.

Moreover, in the end, Thain used a phaseless mask to cover up his energy, which was equivalent to "playing" the opponent again.

However, the performance of this down-and-out Taoist obviously does not require compensation from Thain.

After watching the other party disappear and leave, Thain sighed, "It turns out this guy's legs are not lame."

At the same time, the down-and-out Taoist ran away and gradually disappeared on the path.

Thain actually saw the monk holding a hatchet that he had been paying attention to.

Unexpectedly, the other party was also wandering around in such a mid- to low-end market area, hiding his aura.

So Thain took the initiative and walked over.

"The next chapter is around one o'clock~"

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