The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2124 Test

The unprecedented giant metal robot gradually stood in the starry sky under the control of Thane's light of law.

Thain had always thought that as a creature at the peak of level five and about to reach level six, his field of vision was already very broad.

But at this moment, his mind was integrated with this giant metal robot, and Thain realized that his previous vision was still a bit "narrow".

The unparalleled strength blessed by the seven space fortresses, as well as the overall terrifying size, made Thane look at the giant meteorites and demiplanes in the starry sky at this time, and they all seemed so "small".

The sudden increase in tyrannical power made Thain want to find a sixth-level creature to test his combat power.

Creatures below level six are really not powerful enough for Thane's metal iron fist.

As expected during the experimental design period, four of the seven space fortresses respectively took over the limbs of the giant metal robot, and two served as the trunk.

The last central core fortress built by Sky City did not directly replace the head, but was located at the center of the behemoth's body.

There are seven more space fortresses, each of which has a certain amount of power and metal law elements, and together they build a dark silver metal head.

In fact, according to Thain's original design plan... it doesn't matter whether it has a head or not.

But considering the human form, it is the model that best fits the power and balance of the astral realm.

Otherwise, why as many as 60% of the astral species discovered by wizard civilization have evolved towards human form.

It is also because of this that the final appearance of this giant metal robot took on its final appearance.

In fact, in the field of robot manufacturing and research and development, the Gallente Federation, which is also a top civilization, is the real expert.

The alchemists of the wizard civilization did not provide much help to Thain in the second stage of the transformation experiment of the Union Fortress.

Like Thain, they grew up through exploration.

In the future, if the wizarding civilization annexes the Gallente Federation, the fields of mechanics and technological manufacturing will undergo transformation and spurts of development. Thane's Union Fortress experiment and the power of his Rubik's Cube should also become stronger. .

If the Gallente Federation's astonishingly powerful doomsday weapons, which are powerful enough to deal a blow to Dominator-level creatures, were integrated into Thane's Union Fortress...

"The road to truth is a long one, and the road ahead is still long." Thain said thoughtfully.

The higher you stand and the farther you look, the more you can discover

My own insignificance.

Thain, who had just felt unprecedentedly swollen due to his infinite improvement in strength, was followed by a sense of emptiness and self-denial.

He has come into contact with Dominator-level creatures, and has experienced the terrifying pressure and actual combat capabilities of such existences at close range.

Even though he had gathered the power of seven space fortresses, Thane felt that he still could not stop the power of Marduk, the original god of gods, who brought the Ark to the ground.

Not to mention, the Queen of Blades and the Deadborn Feimton are stronger than Marduk.

But soon, Thane came back to his senses from this surge of personal emotion and power.

"Next, let's test them one by one."

"The stability of the overall fortress robot..." Thain glanced at the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and the value that appeared on it was 7788.

Fortunately, it’s still more than three-quarters of the way!

It's just that the numerical value displayed by the Rubik's Cube is still beating.

The jump amplitude is within 2.

This indicates that Thain's Union Fortress robot at this time still has a lot of instability.

Thain, Rubik's Cube, and all the magicians in the fortress are trying their best to control this situation.

Silver flames continued to burn on the surface of Thane's giant metal robot.

Like a metal demon, under the control of Thane, the giant fortress robot of the Union collided with its huge metal left palm and right fist.

The roaring metallic sound sounded like some terrifying beast roaring in the starry sky.

The second phase of testing of the Union Fortress robot was very successful.

Even in the most unstable state, Thain's control over the entire fortress while holding the Rubik's Cube was above 70%.

This data exceeds the 66 value originally planned by Thain and others.

Before the experiment, the worst value to worry about was 50 and below. If that's the case, Thain's Union Fortress does not have mature combat capabilities and may even need to be reshaped.

In the end, the second phase of the experimental test, controlled by Thain himself, lasted for nearly half a year.

By this time, it was almost done. There was no need for Thain to do it himself. The magicians in the fortress could also help Thain complete the test.

The duration of this test is tentatively set at ten years.

In other words, in ten years, Thane will be able to drive his own Union Fortress and rush to the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

The experiment went more smoothly than Thain expected, but unfortunately, there was no suitable target for Thain to test the power of his fortress cluster.

When the test experiment of personal driving was coming to an end, Thane, who was a little regretful, noticed that there were many empty and scattered demi-planes and broken planes outside the wizarding world.

Almost all of these demiplanes and broken planes have owners.

Not only that, even most of the void meteorite belts outside the wizarding world have dedicated wizarding world experts who have determined their ownership.

Thain couldn't help pointing to one of the desolate demiplanes that had obviously not been taken care of for many years and asked, "Which world does this world belong to? I want to test the weapon system of the Federation Fortress."

Faced with Thain's inquiry, the level 4 and above alchemists from Sky City and Steel City who were paying attention looked at each other. However, Capech's magicians quickly reacted and after a quick investigation, they replied, " That Yijing demiplane belongs to the Ebalut Empire."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, after all the metal deposits in that demiplane were completely mined, the Yijing demiplane was basically idle."

"Only occasionally transport airships from the Ebalut Empire will briefly stop in that demiplane." A fourth-level magician said.

"How about I pay five million magic coins to buy this Yijing demiplane from the Ebalut Empire?" Thane asked.

The overall value of a demiplane is generally around a few million magic coins, and this has to be a resource-rich demiplane that has not yet been developed.

A half-plane like this that has been fully exploited could be sold for hundreds of thousands of magic coins.

However, this demiplane is located closer to the wizarding world, so its "worth" will be higher.

Thain offered five million magic coins in one go, which was already at an extreme premium.

I am afraid that no powerful person in the wizarding world will buy a world that means little to him like Thain.

"If it's five million magic coins...we, Capecchi, are willing to help Thane...

The division lobbied the Ebalut Empire for this deal. "

"Don't worry, we only take a small commission from the final total transaction price."

"And it's very likely that it won't cost less than five million magic coins. You can definitely get it with three or four million." A Capecian magician said.

In the wizarding world, Capecchi is directly adjacent to the Ebalut Empire, and the relationship between the two top forces is also very good. With Capecchi going to lobby, it is basically a sure thing.

It's not that Thane has too much money and no place to burn it, he really wants to test his weapon system and overall strength.

"It's still five million. The extra one or two million will be the rent paid by Abarut and I." After saying this, Thane flew straight towards the Yijing demiplane.

As a demiplane that once mainly produced various mineral deposits, the first impression given by the Yijing world is that of desolation.

The sky is gray.

The ground beneath your feet is full of pits and depressions, and not a single living thing exists here.

Thain, who had flown here, first felt the pull of gravity when approaching the world of Yi Jing.

The huge power source of the seven space fortresses always has endless lightless spurting and driving force behind the giant robot of the Thane complex.

To be honest, the cost of raising seven space fortresses is really not small.

Thane, who just spent a lot of money, spending five million magic coins to buy a desolate demiplane, now regrets it.

However, this feeling of regret was only fleeting.

Thain, who ordered the fortress cluster to start the testing of all firepower devices, was quickly attracted by the next performance of the Union Fortress.

"At the beginning of the design by Master Wharton and others, each fortress had a corresponding set of energy replenishment systems."

"My Ashes Fortress was able to maintain a balance of self-production and consumption of energy."

"The current total energy expenditure of the combined fortress is indeed not only seven times that of the separate fortress, but there should not be much problem in maintaining the overall operation."

"Not to mention, my Rubik's Cube also contains a ray of the original law power of the endless energy device of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization."

"This is the main source of energy I get after stimulating all the energy of the Rubik's Cube." Thain pondered.

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