The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2112 Training

When Yuanshi Tianzun appeared, he still maintained his extraordinary demeanor.

In addition to the white crane boy who leads the way in front of him, there are four boys behind the original Tianzun, who set off Xiangyun, Bajiao, Fuchen, Yushu and so on.

It was also when Yuanshi Tianzun appeared that basically all the saint-level experts who were going to the battlefield of wizard civilization had arrived.

The only one who didn't come was the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. As the main contact object of the wizard civilization at the beginning, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor had already gone to the battlefield of the wizard civilization to take charge.

Including one-third of the vanguard legions that have arrived on the battlefield there, they are currently under the command of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

"When you go here, you should be careful and don't underestimate your opponent." Yuanshi Tianzun told his disciples.

"Here." Immortal Emperor Shuofang and others replied respectfully.

"Chanjiao, Jiejiao, and Renjiao are all branches of Taoism. In foreign battlefields, they can cooperate as much as possible to resolve past estrangements." Yuanshi Tianzun continued.

"Disciple, I obey." Guangchengzi, Nezha and others replied.

"There has been a gap between the Buddhist sect and our Taoist sect for a long time. On this foreign battlefield, we must be on guard." Yuanshi Tianzun said again.

"Disciple, remember this!" Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian replied with his fists clasped.

Later, Yuanshi Tianzun gave instructions to his disciples on many other matters.

These great powers of explanation and teaching all correspond to each other.

From this point of view, no matter how high the cultivation level of Chanjiao Yuanshi Tianzun was, in front of Guangchengzi, Nezha and others, he was still an elder who could not trust his disciples.

Even if some of these disciples and juniors have reached the level of an eighth-level saint like him, in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, they still seem to be that child.

And these Chanjiao disciples are also willing to obey the instructions of their elders.

This is also a major feature of the decent sect of the Immortal Domain Name.

If it is those sects that are on the small side, they may even practice evil sects and deceive their teachers and destroy their ancestors.

situations happen from time to time.

Everyone will do whatever it takes to explore the avenue.

It is also for this reason that Qi practitioners who have just embarked on the path of cultivation in the fairyland civilization are more willing to join the famous and upright sect.

At the same time, famous sects can also suppress other sects from a moral perspective and seize more cultivation resources.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say much before the Chanjiao army went out to fight.

But this is the most he has spoken to his disciples in the past tens of thousands of years.

After giving the last instruction, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the saints in front of him.

The saints also bowed their heads slightly to show their respect for Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun first took a look at Immortal Emperor Shuofang.

Just now, the gate of Yuxu Palace was opened, and Yuanshi Tianzun, who was well versed in spiritual thoughts, also heard that Immortal Emperor Shuofang showed off to everyone that he had captured and refined a "spiritual stone".

Originally, Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to educate his disciple to be humble and restrained.

But when I think about it, Immortal Emperor Shuofang has only been promoted to the realm of saint for less than 20,000 years. It seems normal for a "young man" like this to have the energy to show off to others.

Back then, when Yuanshi Tianzun led the Chan Cult, a dispute broke out between him and his brother, the Tongtian Cult Leader, to become a god. Wasn't it also because of a dispute of spirits in the beginning?

Everyone has their youth, so Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say much.

On the contrary, Immortal Emperor Shuofang was able to refine and create an innate spiritual treasure. Doesn't it just show that he has the true inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun?

Yuanshi Tianzun was already famous for his skill in refining weapons in the Immortal Realm.

In addition to Immortal Emperor Shuofang, Yuanshi Tianzun took another look and stood in front of everyone, second only to Guangchengzi and

Yang Jian and Nezha from Taiyi Zhenren.

Yang Jian is indeed a representative figure in explaining the trend of ZTE.

Currently, within the sect, his strength is second only to Yuanshi Tianzun, which is the best proof.

Even Yang Jian not only has extremely strong strength, but also the roaring dog at his feet has been promoted to level seven at some point.

With the cooperation of their master and servant, the Chanjiao Legion can get certain protection when they go to the battlefield of foreign civilizations.

Yuanshi Tianzun also heard that tens of thousands of years ago, Erlang Zhenjun and his servants had a fight with the monkey.

Although he was narrowly defeated in the end, the good news is that it also sharpened Yang Jian's fighting spirit.

In the past tens of thousands of years, Yang Jian's strength has improved again, which is probably related to that setback.

Besides Yang Jian, the one who received the most respect from Yuanshi Tianzun in Chanjiao was Nezha, who had also been promoted to the eighth level.

In fact, within Chanjiao, Nezha is more favored by the saint in charge.

Not only because Nezha is very good at pleasing the sage in charge, but also partly because Nezha has a master, Taiyi Zhenren, who can often say good things about Nezha in front of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Including Nezha, he has a good relationship with the sage Nuwa of the demon clan, the Jiejiao people, and even the Buddhist sect.

Nezha is similar to Wukong, the great ape of destruction, in many aspects. They are both masters who can get along with all the saints and Taoist courts in the fairyland.

Unlike Yang Jian, although his personal strength is extremely strong, including the Heavenly Court under his command, he is far behind in areas such as connections and popularity.

Including Yang Jian's master Yuding Zhenren, he has already fallen into the historical war of the fairyland civilization. It is not as good as Nezha to have a master who can act coquettishly.

Taiyi Zhenren's weapon refining ability also comes from the true inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Nezha’s Qiankun Circle, Hun Tianling, and Fenghuo

Wheels, fire-tip spears, etc., were forged by Master Taiyi and repeatedly refined by Nezha himself. They are all good items among world-class secret treasures.

Nezha, who felt the kind gaze of the leader saint directed towards him and pursed his lips, thought of the martial arts survivor woman he had seen in the Walter Wynn Star Territory on the battlefield of wizard civilization.

Just as Nezha was pondering, he was considering whether to tell the matter.

A golden light suddenly came from the horizon.

The sword opens the gate of heaven!

News came from the Bajing Palace outside the prehistoric world. I, the most powerful saint in the prehistoric world, had urgent news to tell Yuanshi Tianzun.

The golden sword energy is the communication talisman that I sent to Yuanshi Tianzun.

For Yuanshi Tianzun, everything that needs to be explained has been explained.

So he waved his Taoist robe and said to the disciples in front of him, "You go!"

All the disciples of Chanjiao bowed respectfully to Yuanshi Tianzun and replied, "Here!"

And Yuanshi Tianzun also looked outside the prehistoric world, then stepped forward with his right leg, and quickly moved towards the Eight Views Palace with the magic of flying in the sky.

Yuanshi Tianzun and the saint Laozi have the same origin. They were both incarnations of Pangu Yuanshen and became saints. Therefore, there will be some special resonance between them.

Yuanshi Tianzun sensed that Laozi's notification to him this time should be related to their junior brother, Master Tongtian, so he hurriedly went outside the prehistoric world.

After watching the sage leader leave, Nezha, who never said those words, sighed softly in his heart.

That's all, just help Locke and the Wizarding World one more time.

Besides, it was Nezha who let go of those martial arts survivors.

Chanjiao may be an enemy to the martial arts survivors, but Nezha is definitely not!

On the contrary, they still owe Nezha a great debt of gratitude.

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