The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2106 Master and Disciple Meet

Everyone has a period of youthful ignorance.

Katherine had it back then, too, and it was when she was studying at the Imperial Public Magic Academy.

But the reality gap prevented Kathleen from taking that step at that time.

She didn't even express her thoughts, but put all her energy into learning magic.

Later, Kathleen came out of the regional Holy Tower Academy War with excellent results, and after being promoted to the first level, she also returned to the school where she attended in the Beren Empire for several years.

However, things have changed.

Even the boy whom Kathleen fell in love with when she was a teenager turned into a paunchy, aristocratic middle-aged man in his forties. Kathleen, who had already been promoted to the first level, was stunned and at a loss.

Now, several decades have passed, and the little nobleman who has not yet reached the level of senior apprentice should have been buried...

Since then, Kathleen has never had any other ideas, and now she is focused on exploring the truth.

The magic book that Kathleen has not yet fully understood has become an obsession in Kathleen's heart without even realizing it.

The goal she set for herself was to try to crack it completely in the next one hundred and thirty years.

And this period of time also happens to be the length of the registered magician contract signed by Kathleen and the Holy Tower of Ashes.

To be honest, Katherine is becoming more and more suspicious now. The rumor that someone took a fancy to her and wanted to take her as a disciple was just a rumor.

There is a theoretical basis for Kathleen to come to the Holy Tower of Ashes to report decades after the war at the Regional Holy Tower Academy.

Although she had a one-hundred-year contract with the Sunshine Tower, a one-hundred-and-thirty-year contract with the Belen Military Department, and a ten-year contract with the Imperial Public Magic Academy.

But because of her excellent performance in the top 100 personal points, various welfare policies were halved.

Come down, it’s been so many years!

From beginning to end, Kathleen never used any back door!

After being promoted to the first level, she actually went to the resource demiplane under the rule of the Beren Empire - the world of Abeke, and worked as a resident magician for twenty years.

That was also the first other world Kathleen had ever been to.

As for why you should come to the Holy Tower of Ashes instead of staying in the Holy Tower of Sunshine and the Belen Empire.

Of course, it is because the development potential of Ashes Holy Tower is higher.

Since there is "noble help" here, why can't Kathleen come?

She didn't come before, just because of her obsession and gratitude to the Sun Tower, the Belen Empire and the second-level old lady Lani, and to fulfill her contract promise.

In the end, since it was completed, the old lady Lani also strongly recommended Kathleen to go to the Holy Tower of Ashes to explore the truth, so she came over.

And the smart Kathleen had a vague feeling that the magic book in her hand, as well as the "preferential treatment" she had received in the Sun Tower and the Beren Empire in recent years, seemed to be related to the "big man" who initially took a fancy to her.

Only after arriving at the Holy Tower of Ashes, no preferential treatment seemed to be gone, and everything was done in a business-like manner.

I heard from Mrs. Lanni back then that Master Mei Li, the dean of the Academy of the Holy Tower of Ashes, was interested in her.

But from that one and only meeting, Kathleen felt that she was not Master Meili.

At that time, Master Meili, as the dean of the Holy Tower Academy, recorded the Holy Tower mark representing Katherine into the crystal ball, and gave Katherine the matching Holy Tower residence and identity badge.

This is Meili's responsibility as the dean of the Holy Tower.

Even if the rumors that someone was interested in her were just "rumors" at the time, Kathleen doesn't care too much now.

To be honest, the Ashes Holy Tower, which is in the period of vigorous development, is indeed more suitable for the development of new magicians like Catherine than the established Sunlight Holy Tower.

And the benefits for registered magicians at Ashes Holy Tower are indeed better than those at Sunlight Holy Tower.

No wonder the Ashes Holy Tower has become so prosperous less than ten thousand years after its establishment.

Fifteen years ago, Katherine even went to the Flame Insect World controlled by the Ashes Holy Tower and stayed there for two years.

That strange alien plane also brought many surprises to Kathleen, and even enriched her specimen collection room. 🅆

As for Catherine now, she has calmed down.

Even if what happened back then was just her illusion and "misunderstanding", it doesn't matter.

After ending her 200-year contract with the Holy Tower of Ashes, Kathleen plans to visit other parts of the wizarding world, and even travel to many different worlds under the Wizards Alliance to broaden her horizons.

The Wizarding Civilization is currently at war, and as a member of the Holy Tower of Ashes, Katherine may be transferred to the front line to participate in the war at any time.

The demiplane she had previously performed for the Beren Military Department was actually a strategic resource point not far from the Wizarding World.

To a certain extent, Kathleen can be considered to have intervened in the civilized war.

The extremely large and magnificent battle of top civilizations is not so friendly to a first-level magician like Kathleen.

Only those who are strong at level four or above are qualified to claim that they barely have the ability to protect themselves in such top-level civilized wars.

Katherine had also heard the seniors who had participated in frontline wars talk about the bloodshed and cruelty in civilized wars and plane wars.

On the premise that this kind of personal strength has not been guaranteed, how could Kathleen change her mind and invest in boring emotions.

When Katherine was in her teens, she gave up her ignorant emotions and devoted herself to studying hard.

It can be seen that this is an extremely rational and calm existence, and for the sake of the goal, he can constantly inspire himself to get closer to the goal.

What's even more commendable is that she still has her own bottom line and position.

The crystal rose placed in front of Catherine's Holy Tower residence comes from a first-level magician named Barado. He was also a participating magician in the Holy Tower Academy War seventy years ago, and this person stated that he was a magician back then. Falling for Kathleen.

Even this guy was directly eliminated by Kathleen in the academy war.

It's a pity that Catherine has no feelings for Barado, and she comes from a well-known magic family, and there is a third-level magician in the family. Barado, the reason why she wants to start a family with Catherine is probably also It's more than just liking her.

Those magic families, like knight families, often combine with powerful magicians of the same level in order to continue their outstanding descendants.

The offspring conceived by two first-level magicians has at least a 60% chance of being promoted to the first level.

This is one of the reasons why many knights and magician families in the wizarding world continue to thrive.

Frowning slightly, she picked up the crystal rose in front of her, then opened the door and entered her residence.

But what Kathleen didn't expect was that someone had already entered her room early.

At this time, a mysterious man wearing a mask appeared in front of Kathleen.

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