The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2102 Contract

The red law light group is a technological light called the source of fire. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

It is a good friend with the light of wisdom, the most precious civilization in the wizarding world.

When Thain returned to the wizarding world with a semi-finished Rubik's Cube and handed it over to the top of the wizarding civilization.

It was the source of fire that helped from the beginning. Together with the light of wisdom, it completely upgraded the Rubik's Cube, which was still in a semi-finished state, into a world-class secret treasure.

It is also for this reason that when the fire source sees the Rubik's Cube that has jumped to a higher level, it will make this change.

As for why the Source of Fire and the Light of Wisdom helped Thain improve the level of the Rubik's Cube in the beginning?

Probably because, in the Rubik's Cube, they have the potential to grow in the future and give birth to a certain amount of wisdom.

Especially the Fire Source, as a light of technological law, the Fire Source has a great innate affinity for world-class secret treasures such as the Rubik's Cube originally produced by the Gallente Federation.

The light of wisdom and the source of fire, this light of law born from self-consciousness, are also very lonely on weekdays.

The two of them can become good friends because they are very similar in nature and can be considered the same kind.

Another major feature of Thane's Cube is that it gives metal and mechanical creations self-intelligence.

This extremely outstanding special ability is also the reason why the source of fire and the light of wisdom take a high look at it.

The light of wisdom is not currently in the wizarding world.

Following Douglas, the most knowledgeable eighth-level true spirit mage in the wizarding world, he severely damaged several Gallente Federation lines on the front lines of the civilized battlefield. This civilized treasure of the wizarding world is currently under the control of Ms. Bev and remains in Waterwine Star Territory.

Tinder has been boring lately.

At the True Spirit Tower on the border of the Ebalut Empire, it got tired of watching the love story between two old men and an old lady, and recently came to the Sky City to relax.

The sixth-level magician Wharton in the laboratory in front of him is not taking it easy.

In addition to being the top master of space fortress design in the wizarding world, he also has another identity. He was once the assistant of Douglas, the eighth-level true spirit magician.

Not only Wharton, but also those who live in seclusion in the Sky City

Top alchemists, pharmacists, array masters, etc. all have the experience of serving as experimental assistants for the true spirit magicians in the wizarding world.

Master Wharton is not Douglas's disciple, but he has served as Douglas's experimental assistant and has always respected the most knowledgeable eighth-level true spirit magician in the wizarding world with the etiquette of a disciple.

It is no exaggeration to say that Master Wharton, who has lived for more than 200,000 years and is older than Triris, grew up listening to the legend of Douglas...

The sound of the fire source in front of him brought Wharton back to his senses in front of the experimental table.

He glanced at the source of the fire, and then looked outside the laboratory base.

Master Wharton is "younger" than Thane imagined.

Master Portnew, who Capech designed to transform the space fortress for Thane, is an old mage with pale and somewhat sparse hair.

From the appearance, the Master Wharton in front of him is just a middle-aged man.

Of course, this may also be related to the sixth level of life possessed by Master Wharton.

The higher the life level of a person, the longer his lifespan should be.

In a group of magicians, sometimes the level of life is also the most intuitive feature to judge the intelligence of another person.

It's just a bit vulgar, and many spellcasters think this way of judging is too one-sided.

Thain, who had previously been blocked from the experimental base by Master Wharton's assistant, was soon personally visited by the other party himself, which made Thain a little flattered.

In terms of status and importance in the wizarding world, it seems that Master Wharton, who is only at the mid-sixth level, is higher than Master Trilis, the master of Thane.

It is true that Trilis possesses the sixth level of peak strength, but Master Wharton's great academic achievements in the field of space fortress production in the wizarding world have made him a being respected by most alchemists.

This is also what was said before, the "hierarchy of life theory" has

Some one-sided.

Master Wharton is not a polite person. Most magicians like them who are engaged in scientific research will be very direct in doing things.

He directly asked about Thain's purpose of coming, and Thain also roughly told the other party that he was working on a fortress renovation plan with Capecchi in the City of Steel.

As Thain narrated, Master Wharton’s eyes became more and more radiant.

It was obviously Thain's experimental setting that attracted Master Wharton.

Moreover, Master Wharton could always point out some key points in Thain's narration, so that the two of them talked for a long time.

During this period, Master Wharton's assistant, the fourth-level magician named Xina, refilled tea for the two of them more than once. 🅆

This is a kind of magic tea that can refresh you. The ingredients are so precious that they are almost as precious as the potion made by Lu Lianman.

This top-notch space fortress maker in the wizarding world is obviously not short of money.

Compared to the bitter and sweet magic tea, Thain usually prefers to drink some sweet magic juice.

But people change. After tasting a few sips of Master Wharton's magic tea, Thain gradually felt pretty good.

So Master Xina refilled the tea more frequently.

"I think your idea is very good and has great possibility of being realized."

"No wonder Master Portnew introduced you here to build a core central fortress that controls the entire fortress cluster..."

"We can overcome those technical difficulties one by one. Now, can I see your Rubik's Cube?" Master Wharton asked.

"Of course," Thain replied.

Under the curious gazes of Master Wharton and Mage Xina beside him, Thane took out his beautiful blue rhombus crystal.

Master Wharton has seen countless world-class secret treasures, and there are even more than ten space fortresses that have reached the value of world-class secret treasures through his own hands.

So when he saw the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand, the look in his eyes

Although he was also surprised, he was not too moved.

On the other hand, the fourth-level magician Xina obviously inherited many of Master Wharton's mantles and has considerable knowledge in the fields of alchemy and space fortress design.

When she saw the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand, she felt the special law fluctuations emitted by the Rubik's Cube, and her mouth opened in an "O" shape.

"It is indeed a good world-class secret treasure, and it has reached a medium-high level." Master Wharton nodded.

"I see that although there are some magic runes imprinted on it, it shouldn't be a magic weapon from the wizarding world in the first place, right?" Master Wharton asked.

"Yes, it was originally a treasure I captured on the front line of the civilized battlefield." Thain replied after pondering for a while.

Master Wharton nodded, and after seeing the quality of the Rubik's Cube, he said, "This order can be accepted, but it will not be delivered until three hundred years at the earliest."

"The budget required is tentatively set at 100 million magic coins."

"If there are any more additions later, I will ask you again. You are from the Holy Tower of Ashes, right?" Master Wharton said while casually drawing out a magic contract.

Thain did not expect Master Wharton to agree so readily. After being stunned, he looked down at the magic contract drawn by Master Wharton, and then replied, "Yes, I am from the Holy Tower of Ashes, and my name is Thane Grant." .”

Master Wharton did not answer. He continued to focus on the magic contract that was still being made in front of him.

One clause after another was added to the magic contract by Master Wharton.

Compared with the complete set of standardized procedures in Cape Chi and Steel City, the magic contract made by Master Wharton himself is much "simpler".

And another difference between Master Wharton and those two places is that loans are not supported here, and Thane must pay in cash.

Finally, on the magical contract that was finally completed, Thane signed his real name with his own elemental mark.

Master Wharton also made a request to Thain, "I need your Rubik's Cube. Please store it with me for a while. Shouldn't it be a problem?"

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