The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2091 Communication

Faced with Meili's question, Thain did not answer immediately, but thought of another thing first.

Also in the ancient wasteland, Grandmaster Cuilis asked Thain to take some time to give some lessons to the disciples and grandsons of the Jade Burning Fire sect who were below the fourth level.

During that time, even though Thain was already extremely busy, he still perfectly completed the tasks assigned to him by his master.

In the process of teaching the members of the Jade Fire Master Sect, Thain not only taught the mysteries of the fire element, but also dabbled in the mysteries of Jade Fire magic.

How should I put it, those magicians ranging from first to third level who can be accepted into the sect of the Jade Burning Fire Master must be the favored ones of heaven.

The understanding is also very high.

But during Thain's teaching process, there was no one who could make him feel connected to each other, or someone who could greatly touch him.

Those little guys are very smart, but whenever Thain dabbles in some of his "private goods", he doesn't attract the attention of interested people.

Thain lamented afterwards that maybe he had said it himself, but it was still too profound.

Including his uncle Penas, who was observing Thain's lectures, she also mentioned after class that some of the elemental genealogy knowledge Thain was involved in in class was too high-end.

I'm afraid even a demigod-level magician would have a hard time digesting it, let alone a lower-level magician.

Not to mention, because when Thain was in the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue, there was a tower master mentor guarding him.

Therefore, he has never seriously completed the tasks assigned to him by the academy.

Especially the teaching task at Holy Tower Academy. Back then, Thain didn't want to deal with some magic apprentices who didn't understand anything, so he dealt with it as much as he could.

So much so that he really has no teaching experience.

Under this premise, it is really a bit difficult for him to let Thain teach his disciples.

Moreover, when Thain chooses his disciples, he may not necessarily be looking for top talents.

Sometimes, all it takes is the right eye.

It’s just that none of the disciples of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect were favored by Thane...

Facing the question raised by Meili in front of him, Thain repeatedly examined the information in the crystal ball in front of him for a long time.

He not only read SMS's information, but also read the introductions of other potential seeds of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Finally, he replied, "Let's take a look first. This academy war should last for a short time. It's just a time to relax after experiments."

When Mei Li heard this, the smile on her face became brighter and she said with a smile, "Why, the tower master is personally supervising this academy war?"

Thain shook his head and said, "Obviously you are still in charge, so I won't show up."

"But I will watch in private. If there is a suitable little guy, I will consider accepting him as a disciple." Thain replied.

Seeing that Thain was serious about reclaiming his disciples, Meili gradually stopped smiling. She nodded and replied, "Then I will inform you and let this batch of apprentices perform well."

"How about directly increasing the apprentice points reward by 30%?" Meili asked.

"It's up to you, you are the dean, you have the final say." Thain replied.

Thain, who has reached an extremely high level, doesn't care about the small amount of money needed for the academy war.

Perhaps Thane's killing of one more demigod-level creature on the civilized battlefield would be enough to reward him with several academy war missions.

After talking to Meili about other recent developments in the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane couldn't help but ask again, "Have you really made up your mind? Don't you want to build your own Holy Tower?"

Meili smiled and said, "I'm so busy even being the dean of the Holy Tower for you. If I build another Holy Tower, wouldn't I have to exhaust myself to death?"

Thain looked at Meili for a long time and said, "Then I will give you three times the level of education."

Long allowance. "

"Back in the ancient wilderness, you promoted me once, and I won't refuse this time."

"Who would think that they have too many magic coins and material resources? Haha." Meili said with a smile.

This academy war is, to be precise, a war between the six holy towers.

Three of them are holy towers in the Land of Ashes, namely Thain's Ashes Holy Tower, Jessica's Green Flame Holy Tower, and Musol's Black Forest Holy Tower.

Of the other three, two are from the south coast and one is from the Belem Empire.

Among the three holy towers in the Land of Ashes, apart from Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes, which is considered a senior holy tower, Jessica's Green Flame Holy Tower and Musol's Black Forest Holy Tower are all newly built holy towers.

Jessica is a little better. Currently, the number of registered magicians in the Holy Tower totals nearly a thousand, and there can be about 10,000 apprentices participating in the war.

Musol's Black Forest Tower is not good. According to Mel, this is the second academy war of Black Forest Holy Tower.

Under the premise that the number of registered magicians in the entire Holy Tower is only more than a hundred, one can imagine what the quality of Mussol's Black Forest Holy Tower apprentices will be like.

However, as the Civilization War progresses to the present, the quality of magic apprentices in the wizarding world and the breakthrough rate of formal magicians above the first level are also visibly improving.

In the past, it would take a thousand years for a desperate apprentice to appear.

But now, the time has been shortened to an average of five hundred years, and such a bright seed will appear.

Even under some extremely special circumstances, several desperate apprentices emerged one after another in two or three hundred years.

For those several Holy Tower Academy Wars, it was simply a disaster.

As for those desperate apprentices, in the context of civilized war, as long as they do not perish, they can reach the level of third-level great magicians at worst.

A genius and strong person will turn into a dragon when encountering a storm.

It also shows the powerful hematopoietic ability of the wizarding world.

Knowing that Thane is secretly observing this college war, Lina, Selena, and Irene also want to join in the fun.

Even Lenna and Xia Ya, the two fourth-level female knights, were bored. After the body refining experiment, they came to the designated war area outside the Holy Tower of Ashes to watch the battle.

Later, the news somehow leaked out.

The other five tower masters in this Holy Tower Academy War, except Master Isaac, the master of the Sundial Holy Tower from the Belen Empire, did not attend in person due to frontline war missions.

The two masters of the Dawn Holy Tower, Master Safiye, and the Lord of the Sea Blue Holy Tower, Ms. Bellefin, both from the south coast, personally participated.

Master Isaac, the master of the Sunshine Holy Tower, is a powerful sixth-level magician of both light and fire systems. He majors in the light system and minors in the fire system.

It was indeed a pity for Thain not to be able to meet and talk with this sixth-level magician.

Master Safiye on the south coast is also at level six, and the elemental mysteries he masters are also in the light system.

Ms. Bellefin is a fifth-level water magician.

These two South Coast powerhouses both came from the Dawn Secret Society.

By observing the recent Academy War in the Holy Tower of Ashes, we can also see who those who are currently dealing with Thane have become.

The organizers of each Holy Tower Academy War will not be fixed.

Because Thain's growth rate is too fast, including the development of the Holy Tower under his command, too rapid.

Therefore, the other Holy Tower academies assigned to him by the Wizarding Civilization have also become leaders in their respective regions.

Thain's light magic mysteries have fallen a lot in recent years.

Especially after mechanical magic gradually became Thain's secondary profession, Thain really didn't have much energy to devote to exploring the mysteries of the light element.

Therefore, when Thane communicated with Master Safiye at the Tower of Dawn, the gains were not that great.

However, Master Savoye, who has a profound knowledge and has been exploring the truth for more than 100,000 years, keenly realized from the communication process with Thain that Thain, who is already at the peak of the fifth level, should have touched his sixth level. road.

"What a terrifying life."

"Sean, you must be less than 20,000 years old, right?" Savoye sighed and asked.

Thane would have just turned 10,000 years old in more than a hundred years, so he shook his head and replied, "Not yet."

Thain's answer made Safiye and Bellefin look at each other.

Ms. Bellefin is also an experienced fifth-level magician with tens of thousands of years of experience.

She had long wavy light blue hair, and then said, "I heard that you haven't accepted a disciple yet, Thane. If there are any suitable talents in this academy war, you might as well take them under your wing."

"Haha, even if Thane you fall in love with our apprentice of the Seablue Holy Tower, I won't mind."

"I believe Master Savoye is the same," Ms. Bellefin said with a smile.

"Of course, if any of our apprentices at the Holy Tower of Dawn can be accepted by Master Thain, it will be a rare opportunity for them." Safiye nodded.

In fact, the Dawn Conclave formed by Savoye and others is somewhat competitive with the Flame Conclave where Trilis and others belong.

However, this does not affect the friendship between the two fifth- and sixth-level magicians.

The Land of Ashes has grown rapidly in recent years, and the surrounding areas can all see it.

And only Trilis and others joined the Flame Conclave. Thain himself did not participate in it, and he did not receive much care from Saneses, the true spirit-level magician of the Flame Conclave.

Thain has always relied on himself.

If possible, Master Savoye, Ms. Bellefin and others would like to achieve further cooperation with Thain.

Especially why Thane grew so fast and why did the Land of Ashes develop so rapidly?

They are also very curious.

After feeling the goodwill conveyed by the two fifth- and sixth-level magicians, Thane smiled and said, "Thank you two masters for their kindness. Let us watch the next apprentice war."

"Okay." Safiye and Bellefin nodded.

During the conversation between several tower owners, Thain was mainly talking to the two magicians from the south coast.

Jessica and Mussol, who were also involved in this college war, rarely talked to each other.

Including Safiye and Bellefin, they just nodded politely towards them and did not talk about anything in depth.

The Holy Tower Master who has just entered the fourth level has nothing to talk about with the veteran fifth and sixth level experts.

On the other hand, Jessica, who had not seen Sean for some years, got closer to Sean this time.

This made Lina frown a little. The person controlling Lina's body at this time was Mei Kelly.

The college war officially started under the joint witness of the six Holy Tower deans.

The Holy Tower of Ashes indeed has the capital to draw more attention from other Holy Towers.

Because in addition to the fact that the academy dean of the Holy Tower of Ashes is a fourth-level magician,

The strongest among the academy deans of the other five holy towers is just a peak demigod magician.

After the magicians are promoted to level four, few are willing to "work" for other holy towers.

Even if you want to fight, you should go to the famous True Spirit Towers in the wizarding world.

The vast majority have built their own holy towers.

In addition, another eye-catching point of Ashes Holy Tower Academy is that the total number of apprentices participating in the war under Thain is actually tens of thousands more than the number of apprentices under the sixth-level magician Savoye.

When Safiye asked how Thain recruited and trained apprentices.

Thain just briefly talked about the apprentice competition mechanism of their Holy Tower of Ashes, and the long-term cooperation with many public magic schools in the Magic Empire Abalut.

The conversation between several Holy Tower Masters was only secondary, the focus was still on the apprentices participating in this academy war.

Those little guys are the protagonists of this prosperous era.

The conversations between Thain, Savoye and others also gradually became less frequent as the regional Holy Tower Academy war entered a moment of intense confrontation.

For the hundreds of thousands of apprentices below who are participating in the regional Holy Tower Academy war, Thain and others who are outside the isolation barrier above the battlefield are definitely gods overlooking all living beings.

Being in such a macro perspective and being able to observe the overall war situation gave Thain a lot of new insights.

It turns out that not only has the interval between each regional Holy Tower Academy war become shorter, but the duration of each war has also become shorter and shorter.

In the current regional Holy Tower Academy war, it seems that there is no such thing as "sparing development" at the beginning and fully occupying resource points.

Instead, a few apprentices from the Holy Tower collided violently when they came up.

Moreover, this kind of battle between apprentices is also vaguely based on large-scale bombardments in the form of small teams or even legions.

When hundreds or thousands of apprentices cast spells together and release their most proud magic to the same area.

The magic strikes and elemental explosion effects caused are comparable to the power of second- and third-level magicians!

"The regional Holy Tower Academy war is now vaguely aligned with civilized war, and its main purpose is to cultivate potential seeds for civilized war."

"Affected by the frontier civilization war, even the rules of the regional Holy Tower Academy war have changed accordingly?"

"Also, given the current war situation between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, there is no such thing as letting one side occupy resources in advance."

"The power structure of the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation in the surrounding star fields was actually fixed as early as 20,000 to 30,000 years ago." Thain couldn't help but express his feelings when he thought of the civilized war situation.

Thain's sigh was just his own. What everyone around him focused on was the little guys who were in a fierce confrontation.

At the beginning, Thane paid more attention to the little guys who stood out the most in this academy war.

In particular, the performances of "Hand of Ashes" Simak, "Dull Fire" Sophie, "Demon Vine Ghost Flame" Ocham and others who have been nominated by the Holy Tower of Ashes in this academy war are indeed remarkable.

But it may be a personal factor for Thain.

Or maybe these little guys really have nothing to attract Thain.

So much so that Thain never showed any interest in them.

Until, Thain saw a female magic apprentice covered in black ash on the battlefield below, lurking deep in the woodthorn grass.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

"This chapter has four thousand words. It took a long time to write and kept everyone waiting~"

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