The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2088 The Eye of Dominance

Ulysses and the Inverse Feather Lion King were not immediately promoted to level four.

As strong as the fifth-level peak magician Thain, he can only give them another chance.

If Thane could really create level four creatures in batches, he wouldn't need to be troubled by the fact that the soul fires of Selina, Irene, and Xiao Qi were about to go out.

But what I have to say is Ulysses, who embarked on the path of knighthood, and the Lion King Niyu, who has many blood descendants.

Indeed, in some areas, they have an advantage over Selina and others.

Moreover, the promotion success rate of knights in the wizarding world is much higher than that of magicians of the same level.

You can see this by looking at the ratio of knights to magicians in the wizarding world.

"The next breakthrough process of Ulysses and the Lion King of the Inverse Feather may take more than ten years to several decades."

"It is common for some knights and magicians to spend one or two hundred years in the process of reaching the fourth level."

"The Grant family picked a good place back then. There is a good plane node below this manor. No wonder the fire element energy around it is so active."

"Do you want to continue waiting? Or should you go back to the Holy Tower of Ashes first?" Thain turned to Lina and asked beside him.

Lina, who was wearing a black magic robe, was also standing in mid-air at this moment, looking at the rockery group below.

The strong wind blowing around her made Lina's magic robe rustle.

"What do you think?" Lina asked Thain.

In the past two years of experimental transformation of Ulysses and the Reverse Feather Lion King, Lina has helped Thain a lot.

Of course, to be precise, it was Mei Kelly who helped.

This old witch, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, indeed has a lot of experience in the field of bloodline experiments and life transformation.

I don’t know how many innocent humans, weak knights, and magicians in the Black Realm became her experimental subjects back then.

Thain looked down for a moment, then sighed and said, "Let's go back first. It won't be too late to come back when there is news here."

"That's fine." Lina nodded.

Perhaps Thain did not want to endure the torturous process of waiting.

If it fails in the end, Thain can only sigh.

He has done all he can.

Next, the main thing is to see whether Ulysses and Simpson, the reverse feather lion king, can survive that difficult level.

"Let's go." Taking one last look at the Grant family estate below, Thane took the lead and flew towards the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Lena followed closely behind Thane.

Owl Xiaoqi didn’t leave.

It built a shack in the rockery and said that it would wait for the Niyu Lion King to advance and appear.

Including if there is any news here, Xiao Qi can contact Thain in the shortest time.

After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thain regained his composure and once again devoted himself to various experiments.

The various fire element mysteries experiments and body refining experiments that were previously discussed with Master Cuilis in the ancient wasteland can only be fully launched after returning to the wizarding world.

A large number of high-level experimental materials have recently been purchased by Thane from the Wizards Alliance, Capechi and Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce at all costs.

He even has a stable communication channel with the demon clan. The last time he left the world of gods, the sixth-level demon king Setem left him a black horn.

You can contact these gangsters from the Kada Star Thieves Group when needed.

"Did you know that the undead bone dragon Sanchez has also been promoted to level four?"

"I summoned it twice before when assisting your master and others in fighting on the Apocalypse World battlefield."

"This guy now has a large number of bone dragon troops under his command.

Where is the group? "In her spare time during the experiment, Lina would also share some interesting things she knew with Thane.

"The Bone Dragon Legion? It's indeed good." Thain nodded.

The power of dragon-type creatures is obvious to all in the many planes and worlds of the star world.

Even if a dead dragon creature is transformed into an undead, it is definitely the leader among the undead species. 🅆

Sanchez is not a vassal of Thain and others. This guy's current accurate identity is a bone dragon lord in the undead world.

It belongs to the undead world of a large alliance plane and obeys the leadership of the powerful master-level undead king.

The main target of the undead world is the Mamet Alliance in the Wizards Alliance.

"When I have the opportunity in the future, I can cooperate with that bone dragon a few more times."

"And Eugene, the half-orc god of the orc world, is also an old friend of ours." Thain said.

Lina nodded. Lina, who had done a lot of research on the secrets of the Law of Death, was still very curious about the world of the undead.

(S Lina currently masters the secrets of elemental laws, mainly fire, dark, and death.)

There are countless ancient undead sleeping in that large alliance plane.

Some of them are so old that even when the civilized war broke out, they have not yet awakened.

(The reason why s did not wake up is not because they did not obey the orders of the Wizards Alliance and the Lord of the Undead, but because some undead have been sleeping for too long, and the fire of their own souls has gradually withered, and the undead will also die.)

In addition to the top resources he ordered from various places, they have been delivered to the Holy Tower of Ashes one after another in recent years.

Taking advantage of the recent break from returning to the wizarding world, Thain summarized and organized the various collections and experimental materials he had collected in the past.

There are many experimental materials. When Thain is not in the wizarding world, the little fox girl and others will help him check and maintain them regularly.

It was also in the process of inspecting and recording these collections and experimental materials that Se

Well, there are actually new discoveries.

"This is..." In the bottom collection room of the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane looked at the eyeball in front of him hesitantly.

This is Thain's deepest collection room, and sometimes Thain won't even come here.

In addition to the fact that the little fox girl would come here from time to time to do some cleaning work, there was also the fact that Bixi was willing to come here in the past.

Finding a place to take a nap directly in Thain's collection room was something Bixi often did in the past.

Following Thain's summons, the little fox girl Ai Jieli quickly arrived at the collection room at the bottom of the Holy Tower.

When Thain asked about this eyeball, the little fox girl thought about it for a long time before replying, "Yes, this is where Tourmaline was placed."

"She also said at that time that she wanted to give you a 'surprise'." The little fox lady said firmly.

There are indeed surprises, you can even say surprise!

Based on Thain's research results on the blood crystal of Lord Tianyang's Lord and the godhead attached to the main god Marduk, the eyeball in front of him is also a legacy of Lord!

"Is this the eye of the Overlord? Or is it the secondary eye of the Overlord?" Thain frowned slightly and looked at the things in front of him.

Although he has not yet thoroughly studied it, Thane has a vague feeling that this eyeball is different from the master material he obtained before.

To be precise, this eyeball contains areas that Thain has always been interested in before, but has never been involved in!

An Eye of Domination has already brought Thain great surprise and surprise.

But good things happened one after another during this period.

Almost at the same time, the owl Xiaoqi sent a message back to the Holy Tower of Ashes.

——Ulysses and the Niyu Lion King were both promoted to level four!

It has only been seven years since the two retreated into a state of shock.

“The coding speed is slow today, it’s two o’clock for the next chapter~”

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