The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1999 There are reinforcements

Since Thane and Fumila arrived on the battlefield, these three hostile powerful men couldn't even think of leaving.

In fact, Yuli didn't need to bring anyone over. Just one of them was enough to forcefully hold the other party back.

After Yuli and other tribesmen arrived, their more role was as auxiliary thugs.

Just imagine a group of fourth- and fifth-level creatures rushing toward you. Even a sixth-level god would feel his scalp numb when he saw it.

Thain's target was the weakest fifth-level peak divine native present. This was another ice god.

To be honest, in this icy and snowy environment, these gods receive the most blessings.

Unlike Thane and the demon king, they were actually greatly affected due to their conflicting attributes.

The scorching flame magic pillar shot out from the head of Thane's magic staff and rushed straight towards the indigenous god. On the other side, the heavy sword of hell that seriously injured the demon at level 6 also struck another level 6 indigenous god.

One gray and one black, two flames of demonic law rising into the sky intertwined.

During the collision, the sixth-level demon king still had the energy to say hello to Thane, "My name is Melgen Setem, thank you for your help, master!"

This demon was still somewhat discerning, and did not recognize Thain as one of his own kind, but knew that the other party was actually a magician.

Telling Thain his demon surname also marked that he really accepted Thain's favor this time.

When Thain was living in Faerûn before, he learned the real name of the Purgatory Succubus Queen, which was actually because of her recognition.

At this time, Thain replied succinctly with the voice of spiritual power: "The Holy Tower of Ashes, Thain."

The raging demonic flames filled the sky, and even the surrounding snow-capped mountains were melted a lot.

After activating the special skill of "Blood Waterfall", the level 6 demon king who had been severely injured now looked like a desperate man.

If Thain hadn't seen the opponent's details before, I'm afraid he would have thought that this guy was in good condition and in a state of vitality.

The huge heavy sword, in the hands of the demon king named Saitem, was like a wave, impacting the divine gods in front of him wave after wave.

Large-scale avalanches appeared in the surrounding battlefield space.

Because this guy was releasing scorching waves of flames all the time, even underneath the battlefield, a newly born hot lake of ice and snow gradually appeared.

Thain's performance was not inferior to that of Temu.

Being able to have a level six robot as a thug is enough to make anyone stop looking down on him.

And when Thane activated his formless mask law phantom, a huge pale mask appeared in the battlefield sky, dense energy rays and sonic magic penetrated everything, and caused a blow that was not inferior to that of the demon king Setem When the effect came into effect, even the mid-level sixth-level demon king couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Thain.

"The reinforcements from our demon clan will be here soon. Hold these guys, I will tear off their flesh and blood bit by bit, and then devour them!" The demon king waved his heavy sword and said to Thane.

To the Demon King's surprise, Thane immediately replied: "Our reinforcements will arrive soon."

The Demon King was stunned for a moment, and then his explosion became stronger than before.

This is the advantage of having all your own people on the battlefield. As long as you have some support, you can fight without restraint.

Unlike those hostile gods, who can they rely on?

The fierce battle brought great changes to the surrounding terrain.

In fact, with the power of those three hostile gods, they can fight on par with Thane and others.

But if the momentum and spirit are gone, it will be difficult to regain that energy.

Not long after, Thain fiercely activated his demonic body, and after getting closer, he used his tyrannical body-building power to hit his opponent unexpectedly, causing the fifth-level peak indigenous god to fall toward the sky.

The first wave of reinforcements finally arrived.

Yuri can always be trusted!

The bright red Lieyan took the lead and flew at the top of the clouds.

Following her were the God of Black Mist, Ximen Feixiao and other thugs.

The appearance of nearly ten thugs above level 4 once again put great pressure on the three hostile creatures.

The mentality of the guy who was fighting the demon king Setem was greatly affected by this. Without paying attention, he was hit on the shoulder blade by Setem's heavy sword.

"Death!" The voice of the demon king Setmu lingered among the surrounding vast snow-capped mountains.

Holding down the heavy sword in his hand, Saitem directly followed his opponent towards a towering snow-capped mountain below!

A sixth-level traveler in the world of Wanhua Tianzun, he is currently the calmest hostile strong man.

He was fighting Fumila, but he had not given up the idea of ​​​​survival until now.

Seeing the two divine beings suffering serious consequences one after another, this guy suddenly broke three ghost-drawing talisman sticks he took out from his arms.

All sixth-level creatures that can walk in the astral world have two brushes.

In terms of cards and strength, the sixth-level practitioners in the world of Wanhua Tianzun are more than a little more than the two unlucky guys in the world of gods.

However, judging from the pained look on his face, it was obvious that the three wooden sticks were expensive to make.

A thick white mist suddenly rose on the body surface of this sixth-level traveler.

The energy beams that Fumila shot at the opponent one after another actually passed directly through the white mist and did not seem to cause any damage to its body.

Just when Fumila changed her attack ideas, a lightsaber appeared in her hand, and she spread her eight wings on her back, and was about to charge forward.

A pitch-black shadow appeared over the battlefield. It turned out that Yuri and others had driven Thane's planetary fortress over.

After many mechanical modifications and upgrades, Thane's understanding of this planetary fortress is almost better than his own Ashes Fortress.

Thain, who was at another fighting location, thought, and the azure light of law appeared in Thain's left hand.

The dazzling Rubik's Cube exudes a beautiful brilliance in Thain's hands.

I saw the planetary fortress in the sky. First, a salvo of main and secondary guns fired, and a covering strike was carried out on the area where the three hostile creatures were.

Immediately afterwards, the huge planetary fortress started to twist and transform again.

Since the last time, Thane once again completed the phased experiment on the planetary war fortress, this giant fortress does not require Thain himself to be in it to complete close-range control and combat.

The planetary fortress, which was spewing endless firepower just now, completed its transformation in a very short period of time, and finally a giant fortress metal robot stood majestically in the world.

The sixth-level demon king Setmu, who was in a violent fighting state, gradually slowed down his fighting movements and looked up at this behemoth that was countless times larger than his body.

The actual combat power possessed by the giant fortress robot may not be as strong as the strength of Setem in its heyday.

But its size and sense of oppression are simply too much.

The surrounding snow-capped mountains and sky were completely obscured, but after this fortress robot swung its fist, the target it struck was not the two disadvantaged indigenous gods, but went straight to the sixth-level traveler of the Wanhua Tianzun World.

Thain has been paying attention to the surrounding battlefield situation, and he also discovered that Fumila's opponents were trying to escape.

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