The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1997 Nian Disciple

The main battlefield of wizard civilization.

Pedar galaxy.

This place is actually out of the scope of the main battlefield and belongs to the logistics and transit area that has been controlled by the wizard civilization.

This galaxy used to be the focus of the Gallente Federation for mineral development and vegetation resource integration, but now a series of magic towers have replaced the Federation's original dense heavy factories that were constantly operating.

Dilapidated ruins fill many corners of this galaxy.

In fact, many of these ruins and factories are still functioning.

The quality of the machinery and technological creations produced by the Federation is quite high.

War and killing are not the only meaning. After conquering the Gallente Federation, the wizard civilization will always develop their resources, and even directly use the advanced technological means they have mastered.

However, these ruins and heavy factories are definitely not ready to be used at this stage.

Only after the Gallente Federation is completely conquered and all their power is used for one's own purposes, can these technological creations that have been dusted for many years have a chance to be restarted.

Heart of Green Base.

This is a front-end base established by the wizard civilization in the Pedar galaxy, where dozens of plant magicians of level four or above from the wizard civilization have been gathered and summoned.

Not far from the Fedar galaxy, there is a war zone where the wizard civilization is fighting with the Gallente Federation.

There, the main legions of the wizard civilization are the Titan World Legion, the Wizard Civilization Knights and Magicians Legion, and the transferred cannon fodder legion of the Wizard Alliance.

Every moment, a large number of casualties occurred in that star field.

Not only the low-level creatures fell, but also a powerful person above level four.

I heard that a master of the undead from the Wizards Alliance was defeated on this battlefield and was forced to retreat to the world of the undead to recuperate.

The Titan God King is the master of the alliance who recently responded to the order and led his elite Titan army to this battlefield.

Looking at the entire civilized war situation, since the Immortal Dragon Clan joined the battlefield, the wizard civilization’s advance on the Gallente Federation has become faster and faster, and it has become more and more urgent!

I wonder if the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization are worried that the reinforcements from the Immortal Realm will overwhelm them and take away too much of the war wealth that originally belonged to the wizarding civilization.

In other words, the top leaders of the wizarding world just thought that reinforcements had arrived, so they tried their best to take down the Gallente Federation as soon as possible.

The frequent and high-speed war mode caused a sudden increase in casualties on both sides.

Even if there are a large number of alliance legions and even alien gods from the alliance serving as cannon fodder, the number of casualties among the knights and magician legions of the wizard civilization is still high.

This heart of green base was specially built by the Wizarding Civilization and gathered dozens of plant-based magicians of level four or above to set up a research and development base for rest and healing medicines.

The purpose is to help alleviate the pressure on the powerful warriors on the frontline battlefield, and to continuously produce a large number of various types of pharmaceuticals to support various frontline legions.

Just on the Fantasy Sea Star battlefield, which is relatively close to the Pedar galaxy, there are more than two hundred powerful wizards at level 4 and above fighting with the federal army.

Not to mention the battlefield in the wormhole area of ​​the Motra space that is further away. As the main battlefield where the Titan God King Odin rushed to take charge, the number of powerful wizards at level 4 and above of the wizard civilization invested in that main battlefield, Already over a thousand!

The total number of legions involved is measured in trillions!

The Heart of Green Base currently has nearly a hundred wizard civilization level four or above who have been withdrawn from various battlefields to rest here. Seventy percent of them are knights and magicians from the wizarding world, twenty percent are Titan gods, and only one tenth The number on the left and right are those alien gods from the alliance who have great potential and connections.

If you don’t have enough connections, you are not qualified to come to the Heart of Green Base to recuperate.

For those alien gods from the alliance who have suffered heavy losses and are still on the front line of the civilized battlefield. Fighting and dying for wizard civilization is their most glorious destination.

The fourth-level magician Lu Lianman is currently in the Heart of Green base.

She was just transferred here some time ago, and for this reason she had to be temporarily separated from her fellow sect members.

The war of civilization is like this. Creatures above level 4 are just a screw in the huge wizard civilization war machine.

With Cuilisi's strength and status, she could barely manage to keep Lu Lianman by her side to take care of her.

But after asking Lu Lianman for his opinion, this late-level fourth-level magician was still willing to obey the dispatch and came to the front line of the main battlefield of civilization where the war seemed to be more intense without hesitation.

Lu Lianman's strength has been continuously improving in recent years.

Magicians can improve their life realm and strength level through experimental research and truth exploration. This is something that many astral creatures and even members of the Wizards Alliance are very surprised and exaggerated.

Even those strong men from friendly alliances who are already brothers with the magicians in the wizarding world will sometimes ask in surprise, "How did you improve your strength?"

Those alliance creatures and the so-called foreign gods do not understand the group of spellcasters.

This is one of the reasons why the magician profession has become more and more cold-blooded in wizard civilization, while the knight profession is more popular and can more easily deal with creatures from the alliance plane.

In the laboratory, Lu Lianman was mixing a potion in front of her.

She has been making concentrated potions recently. As long as she makes the one in front of her and pours it into the large alchemy jar in the laboratory, she will soon be able to disperse hundreds of restorative potions suitable for demigod-level creatures.

The boring experiment left Lu Lianman stirring the test tube in front of her monotonously.

Her late level four strength was achieved step by step.

Although she rarely personally participated in wars, Lu Lianman's strength improved at a rate no slower than that of her senior sister Pei Nasi.

The Wizarding Civilization has invested a huge amount of resources in this civilized war. Many rare resources that Lu Lianman had no access to before, or high-end resources that are difficult to purchase in large quantities, are now being poured into her as if they are free. Come.

Although these finished medicines do not belong to her in the end, they need to be quickly distributed to various battlefields on the front lines.

But just the precious potion making process was enough for Lu Lianman to benefit a lot.

After surviving this civilized war, it will not be easy to "squander" the resources of the Wizards Alliance again in the future.

Therefore, for some creatures in the warring civilizations on both sides, this is the worst era, and at the same time, it is also the best era.

The losers perish in loneliness, while the winners reach a higher peak.

Lu Lianman, who has reached the late stage of level four, is currently trying to reach the peak of level four.

Putting the concentrated version of the potion in her hand on the experimental shelf, Lu Lianman did not continue to make the next potion, but looked at the starry sky outside the magic tower and couldn't help but sigh.

"I wonder how Thain is doing now. Has he received the new potion I sent him?"

"Master said that Thain is currently on the battlefield of the God-born world. There is more than half of the Gallente Federation separated from my place."

"It's a pity that when I sent the magic letter last time, I couldn't send more items." Lu Lianman's face was full of regret.

After a long time, Lu Lianman thought of something, chuckled again and said, "This guy has saved the day so many times, and this time should be no exception."

"I have to reach the peak level four as soon as possible. It's not a problem to be overwhelmed by my own disciples all the time!" Lu Lianman said again with enough energy.

In the past few years at the Heart of Green Base, there have always been people introducing new disciples to Lu Lianman, mainly because the Civilization War has been going on and more and more good seedlings have come out.

In order to meet the needs of the frontline battlefield, many of the plant magicians in this base are fourth-level magicians, working together with a group of assistants or disciples.

Only Lu Lianman was alone here from beginning to end.

Lu Lianman wasn't used to having a helping hand by her side, and she didn't want to have other disciples for the time being.

According to Lu Lianman's inner thoughts, it seems that it is enough for her to have Thain as her great disciple.

Where do you have the extra energy to teach others?

Of course, when explaining to outsiders, Lu Lianman would often say that her recent experiments were reaching a critical stage and she really couldn't be distracted from doing anything else.

Many wizard civilization experts also saw that Lu Lianman was about to reach the peak level four, so they didn't say anything more.

After taking a final look at the starry sky outside the magic tower, Lu Lianman lowered her head and continued her experiment.

A bright shooting star happened to pass by the window of Lulianman Magic Tower.

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