The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1992 Insect Eggs

Under the leadership of Xiaochongzi, Thane visited more than 80% of the Zerg base.

It was incredible to think about Thain himself that he could still be so leisurely and elegant during the plane war.

After walking to the last Zerg production room, looking at the mountains of white insect eggs in front of him, the little insect stepped forward and clicked on one of the live eggs the size of a palm, and then gave it to Thain.

The way the Zerg communicate with each other is very special. They can use their minds or blood to sense and complete combat deployments in an instant.

When having limited communication with Thane, this little bug used mental power fluctuations.

The result was a palm-sized live egg in front of him, and Thain knew it was a "rapid insect egg."

He couldn't help but look up at the deepest part of the chamber wall. Thain also saw many giant eggs ten meters in diameter.

The diameter of a dragon egg is no more than this.

Thane knew that those giant eggs were the eggs of thunder beasts.

Thain is actually quite greedy. In addition to the velociraptor eggs in his hand, he also wants to study other types of eggs, even all Zerg eggs.

This is caused by the unique desire to collect and research among magicians.

However, seeing that the little insect in front of him made no other moves, Thain suppressed his desire and just took the swift insect egg in front of him.

Magicians pay attention to the principle of equivalent transactions.

The Zerg treated Thain so well and finally gave him a gift, so Thain naturally had to give something in return.

Several body refining potions and recovery potions were taken out of the space equipment by Thain.

Looking at the few potions handed over by Thain, this intelligent little insect also curiously clicked on them with his tentacles, and finally took them.

This close exploration of the Zerg base ends here.

After waving at the little bug and leaving, Thane knew that as long as the God World War was not over, he would still have time to deal with these bugs.

When Thane returns to planetary level

After entering the inside of the giant metal robot, the war in the Bros plane has come to an end.

The two dominant masters of the Wanhua Tianzun world broke through and retreated to the divine world. Those level 4 and above practitioners did not have much intention to fight. The opponent's bottom legion collapsed earlier than expected.

This is the direct feedback from the mid- and low-level battlefields brought about by the crushing of high-level combat power.

If the dominant-level creatures in the battle between the two sides are evenly matched, and subsequent legions are constantly added to join, the war on the Bros plane will not be surprising even if it lasts for a hundred or two hundred years.

The final result was that the war in this low-level plane only lasted five years.

"Master Thain, this is our legion's war harvest and overall expenditure report in recent years."

"And the αi-type titanium chromium metal you mentioned last time was delivered by the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce half a month ago and is waiting for your inspection." In the main control room inside the fortress robot, the fourth-level creature Dusk Saliva God appeared. Said respectfully in front of Thane.

This alien god that Thain had recovered around the World of Ten Thousand Springs showed great respect after being finally abducted by Thain and brought to the battlefield of the Goddess World.

He is probably not only intimidated by Thain's personal strength, but also has a great sense of awe for the entire wizard civilization behind Thain.

This is a smart, exotic god.

Thain glanced at the report list handed over by the God of Dusk Saliva. Most of the metal materials recorded on it were used in the "explosion" of the Rubik's Cube.

In addition, Thain also has some experiments of his own, which require the use of many new materials.

Originally, Thain was worried that the sudden appearance of the Wanhua Tianzun World Legion would put a lot of pressure on logistics and resource supplies.

Unexpectedly, the final result was not affected at all. I don’t know how to praise it.

With the help of Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, the Zerg Legion arrived in time.

After reviewing the list in his hand, Thane looked at the God of Dusk, who bowed his head in submission, and said, "Although you are not good at fighting, you are good at business and logistics management. I remember that you were originally engaged in interstellar trade?"

"Yes, distinguished Master Thain." The God of Dusk Saliva replied respectfully.

"Work hard. In the next war, you won't need to go to the front line in person. Your main task is to be responsible for the overall dispatch and resource coordination of our legions."

"I can give you the authority to trade the war materials captured by our legion with the Tianming Empire, the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, or the Zerg."

"If you can maximize the benefits for us, I can give you a commission reward in proportion to the size of your contribution." Thain smiled.

Thain's words immediately flattered the God of Dusk Saliva.

I still remember that when they first met, Thain was alone with Fumila and Tourmaline, and almost killed him.

In the end, this guy paid the life-saving money to save his life.

But he still couldn't escape the consequences of being coerced and restricted by Thain.

The God of Dusk Saliva is very aware of current affairs, and his mind is more flexible. When dealing with others and doing business, his talents are better than those of the fifth-level Black Mist God.

The God of Black Mist is a good fighter, and Thane will not transfer him to other places for the time being.

Therefore, the God of Dusk Saliva must support some aspects of work.

Immediately making a passionate speech to Thane expressing his loyalty and gratitude, the God of Dusk Saliva finally asked hesitantly, "Make a deal with those Zerg...will those Zerg have any contact with us?"

The God of Dusk Saliva, who is timid and has little fighting power, obviously does not have much favorable impressions of the ferocious Zerg tribe that arrived on the battlefield in this plane.

Mainly because those Zerg tribes also have their own system.

Showing signs of contact with alien creatures.

Thain glanced at the God of Dusk Saliva and said, "Yes, you will know after you try it."

The boss had already spoken, and the God of Mu Saliva had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

When the God of Dusk Saliva said goodbye and left, Thain said again, "When you return to the wizarding civilization in the future, I will introduce you to a goddess of wealth. You will follow her and handle some things for me."

This is to truly accept the God of Dusk Salivation as his direct lineage, rather than saying that it will only be used during the War of the Divine Star Territory.

The mood that was originally a little apprehensive suddenly became high-spirited.

The God of Dusk, who vaguely felt that his future would be bright, nodded heavily. He was immediately ready to complete the most difficult task that Thain had given him - to contact the Zerg and complete some trade negotiations.

No longer paying attention to the God of Dusk Saliva who left, Thain controlled the Rubik's Cube and restored the giant fortress metal robot to the form of a planet-level fortress, then turned and walked towards his laboratory.

Only half a year had passed since the end of the Bros plane war. Thain received the combat order from Gongsun Wudi and led his legion to rush towards the Felice plane.

As a medium-sized world in the Phyllis plane, the scale of the war here is larger, and in the early stages there are still dominant-level creatures playing nearby.

But also after the Zerg joined the battlefield, the war momentum and the overall pattern of this plane have undergone earth-shaking changes.

In fact, the war in the Felice plane is almost over.

The only remaining Wanhua Tianzun World Legion in this world and those creatures above level four are currently just fighting against trapped beasts.

Gongsun Wudi called Thain over this time. Thain felt that he was trying to give himself face by forcing himself into his arms.

This kind of war without much danger or difficulty is simply about reaping ready benefits.

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