The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1974 Penetrating the Planet

In the flagship of the Federation's Dominator-class war fleet, an old Federation marshal, covered with medals, quietly looked at the ever-changing cursors and warning signals in front of him.

The atmosphere in the surrounding flagships was also extremely tense, and many ship captains did not dare to speak.


When the dazzling white energy beam penetrated everything and reached the starry sky battlefield in front of them, everyone couldn't help but scream in surprise and joy. 🅆

The old federal marshal has always been able to keep his composure.

While other federal generals had opened champagne to celebrate, the old general was still calmly staring at the changes in the situation on the light screen in front of him.

The Gallente Federation's ultimate doomsday weapon "Endless Light" has further matured its civilization technology after several debuggings and three actual strikes.

At the beginning, the scope of endless light can cover an entire medium-sized star field.

Hundreds of demi-planes, broken planes, and even planes with complete rules were turned into dust particles in an instant.

However, after testing in actual wars, the Gallente Federation discovered that this method of attack was not perfect.

First, the energy usage is not concentrated, and second, it may cause accidental injuries and other situations.

Therefore, after several rounds of private modulation and recharging the Endless Light, the Gallente Federation narrowed the strike range of the Endless Light.

Make its striking process more precise.

And this kind of attack method can also reduce the energy consumption of Endless Light.

Doomsday weapons of this level cannot be released casually.

Reducing its energy power is also to comply with the laws of astral balance and prevent the "Endless Light" launcher from being scrapped prematurely.

Judging from the current situation, the upgrade work of Endless Light has been done well.

After arriving on the battlefield in this star field, the residual power of the endless light did not cause too much accidental damage to the Gallente Federation Legion in the surrounding star field.

After all, this is the hinterland of the Federation, and the Destruction Ape is stepping on a large mechanical planet.

If it were Gallente United

Bang targeted the Destruction Giant Ape with the attack of destroying the star field.

I don’t know if the Destruction Giant Ape will die, but the number of federal creatures that have perished in the surrounding battlefields must be counted in the trillions.

This is not to mention the heavy blow that the destruction of this heavy industry star field will cause to the Federation in the fields of economy, industry and public opinion.

"æ­˜!" The dazzling white energy beam collided directly with the giant ape of destruction.

Holding a giant metal stick, the giant ape of destruction stood in the center of the battlefield on this mechanical planet. Under the impact of this strike beam that penetrated everything, his body continued to retreat.

The surface of the metal planet that originally seemed to be hard began to collapse in large areas, spreading in all directions.

As for the Great Ape of Destruction itself, under the influence of this unimaginable penetrating beam, it retreated deeper into the core of the planet.

This is a battle between light and darkness, a game of impact between white and black.

What represents whiteness and light is naturally the dazzling federal endless light energy column. It seems to be a torrent shooting from the depths of the starry sky, lighting up the entire world.

The one who represents blackness and darkness is naturally the giant ape of destruction with a breath of destruction and jet-black hair.

Under the influence of the federal strike beam, the figure of the Destruction Giant Ape was difficult to see clearly against the pale white beam.

On the other side of the battlefield, Demonic Great Sage Li Qingshan also noticed this scene. At that moment, he also felt the tremendous pressure that made his scalp numb.

But the good thing is that the Gallente Federation's Endless Light targets stronger monkeys, not this bull monster.

At the same time, the Federation's Conqueror-class Titan fleet group, which had been suppressed in a defensive posture, suddenly rose to prominence, and contrary to its previous normality, began to launch a fierce counterattack against the Demonic Great Sage.

In terms of attributes, the Great Sage is indeed somewhat restrained by the Gallente Federation Legion.

But the Gallente Federation Legion was not completely without countermeasures against him.

A special light red energy shield then appeared around the Gallente Federation fleet group.

When the Great Sage Motian tried to use the law of emotions to control a group of federal fleets for his own use, he found that his emotional power was even more disturbed and blocked.

The Gallente Federation can even block the "disasters of the undead" spread by the black magicians of the wizarding civilization. This special emotional power factor also has certain defense methods.

After all, "devils" are also a key research topic for Gallente Federation scientists.

It's not just the devils from the Kada Star Thieves Group.

Long before the demon world, the hometown of the devil, was destroyed by the Gods of Light, Gallente conducted in-depth research on this special world and the notorious devil clan in the star realm.

There are also many scientific research results in restraining the emotional energy of devils in the Gallente Federation.

He had been hiding it before because he was caught off guard by Li Qingshan and others, and he was also suspected of hiding his clumsiness.

The Monkey King was directly driven into the ground by the Gallente Federation's endless light.

The Demonic Great Sage was once again suppressed by the Federation's Conqueror-class Titan fleet.

The counter-offensive belonging to the Gallente Federation seems to be coming at this moment.

These fairyland demon clans, which had already captured a large amount of war profits, were soon hit by the saturation coverage of the Federation.

The federal legions originally stationed within the solid defensive front also rushed out one after another.

Especially the federal ships and robot legions, which are almost endless and cover the sky.

Many great demons in the Immortal Realm who are not very bright are very curious as to why so many federal legions can break out of the seemingly flat federal metal front, and where the previous federal fleets and robot armies are hidden.

Is it possible that the other party also has a cave-like spiritual treasure?

"Kill!" A golden-haired lion king holding a broadsword and a heavy weapon in his hand pointed at the overwhelming federal combat cluster in front of him and roared.

This golden-haired lion king is the demon king under the command of the great sage Li Qingshan of the Demon Heaven. He has the strength of Daluo Jinxian level, which is the sixth level recognized by the star world.

A special sonic attack came from the mouth of this lion king. A large group of federal ships were disturbed by the power of the sonic law, causing chaos and even crashing.

This golden-haired lion king seems to be doing well in the fairyland civilization, and the ring-headed sword in his hand actually has the level of a world-class secret treasure.

A huge planet-level war fortress, surrounded by a dense group of federal ships, pressed towards the top of the Immortal Domain army.

After briefly using the power of the lion's roar sound waves to frighten the surrounding fleets, the Golden Lion King fiercely swung his sword deep into the federal fleets.

A series of ship explosions appeared in the local sky above this large-scale battlefield.

On the other side, in the center of the battlefield of this large mechanical planet, the giant ape of destruction was beaten deep into the core of the earth, after letting out a roar.

The blazing white energy beam actually passed directly through the federal mechanical planet.

After the energy beam penetrated the large mechanical planet, the remaining energy surged into the depths of the interstellar space until it disappeared.

Everyone is curious about what happened to the giant ape of destruction.

In the center of the plane, the huge pitch black abyss is the mark left by the endless light on this mechanical planet.

Directly passing through the entire planet, it has to be called an exaggeration.

Because of the depth of this mechanical planet, even an eighth-level true spirit magician from the Wizarding Civilization may not be able to penetrate it using a single forbidden spell.

And after being shot through the core of the earth, it did not collapse. It can only be said that this is an artificial mechanical planet of the Gallente Federation.

If it were a normal plane with complete rules, it would have already entered a mode of oscillation and collapse due to the fusion of rules within the plane.

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